By and large we agree that Power Rangers Samurai is… it’s just not good at all. I met the cast and people being the show at the Morphicon and now it’s harder to dog on the show becaaaauuse, they are all fantastic people! Even the lead writer… he IS giving it his all so I hope they find their proper voice and stride in season to come. That being said, The Samurai Mega Blade is hands down the best roleplay sword I own and you guys know how much I freaking love a good roleplay weapon. Annnd, my FX Lightsaber doesn’t count. That’s more of a replica. This kid here makes it look SO damn good! So, feeling of Power Ranger Samurai aside… this roleplay sword cannot be recommended highly enough and it sits on display in my dining room. Check out XeronXepher’s review after the jump.
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September 2, 2012 @ 1:31 am
Suck my dick Keith.