Hideo Sakaki, better known as Commander Takeshi Kuroki in Mission Sentai Go-Busters helped apprehend a real life criminal – a Peeping Tom! News video report below.
The actor helped stop a man from taking sneaky pictures of a high school girl after sighting a the suspicious looking man standing behind the girl at a book store in the Setagaya district of Tokyo. Sakaki who caught the suspect: “He was taking a photo from underneath her skirt“.
The photography was identified as Tetsuya Kawakami (60 years old) who admitted his crime after being taken in for questioning.
source: TV-Asahi via Shir and that fansub group I run
Jonathan Buchanan
August 28, 2012 @ 5:12 pm
I love it when superhero roles rub off on the actors. I’m sure he would’ve anyway, it’s just more entertaining since he’s from Sentai :).