Following the premiere of Unofficial Sentai AkibaRanger Bandai Tamashi Web has uploaded new thumbnail images of the up coming S.H.Figuarts releases of AkibaRed, Yellow, Blue, and DekaRed!
These new photos have shown that each AkibaRanger will come with a specific Tamashi Stage 3 stand customized for each character. AkibaRed was shown using the DekaRanger D-Wrapper which he used in episode 2 of the series! DekaRed is shown to include this accessory, but it is currently not confirmed whether or not he will.
Along with the S.H.Figuarts reveals, new photographs have been revealed of characters from Akibaranger in Petit/SD Form! These cute little figures will be release in August, and will retail for 499 yen.
In addition to the Akibaranger reveals, new images of the up-coming Kamen Rider related Figuarts have surfaced through scans of Figureoh Magazine! These new scans includes close up images of the upcoming July Figuarts release of: Scorpio Zodiarts(3500 yen), Module Set 3(2800 yen), Stronger(3000 yen), and Den-O Sword Form(3500 yen)!
Finally, we have our first in hand look of the Hobby Japan magazine exclusive Figuart Takajaba Combo from Kamen Rider OOO curtsey of a user from!
The AkibaRangers retails for 3,360 yen a piece, while DekaRed will cost 3,675 yen. AkibaRed and DekaRed will be released together in June, to coincide with DekaRed’s cameo appearance in episode 2. Blue will be released in July, while Yellow will see an August release. Be sure to check out our site sponsors to order your very own!
Source Bandai Tamashi Web Site.