With Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger’s premiere now on the horizon, we now have new photos of Akiba Yellow, Akiba Blue, and Akiba Red! Also we have a new photo of Dekaranger’s Deka Red, also known as the Red SPD Ranger!
Included accessories with the Akibarangers are their weapon the Moemoezukyuun, and two types of scarfs. AkibaRed And Deka Red’s intended release is June, Blue’s release is July, and Yellow’s is August! Last week we found out that Deka Red is going to appear in the series, so the release of his figure will coincide with his cameo.
Each of these figures will retail for 3,200 yen, keep an eye out on our site sponsors HobbyLinkJapan, HobbySearch, and CSToys international for pre-orders!
source: Tamashi Web
December 1, 2015 @ 5:15 am
Jak jsem psal na stre1nce v kapitole Pravopis, tak se i tento repect na parmaze1nskou rfdži hemžil hrubkami. Samotnfd ne1vod byl nadepse1n Rfdže s parmeze1nske9ho sedru. A druhfd sfdr byl taky sedr. Ale v sfdrove9 kape1ned chutnalo i tak.