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Happy Thanksgiving, HJUniverse! Got this episode up just in the nick of time. Jon/Fuu got the audio done, IgaDevil supplied the art and the Henshin Justice Unlimited resources supply you with the means to download our fat beats. Clocking in at about 4 and a half hours, I think this should have you guys taken care of until maybe Christmas of if we can squeeze out a 101 maybe before then. Anyway, thanks for downloading, enjoy and eat hearty!
Here’s the geekery score card:
Young Justice
The New Thundercats
New Green Lantern Animated Series
G.I. Joe City Strike Ashiko
Marvel Universe Figures
Kamen Rider Foourze
Kamen Rider Figurize
SH Figuarts
Astro Switches
Video Games (Batman: Arkam City and Others)
Avenging Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man Discussion
Science Dog
SIC Kiwamii Tamashii
The RagTag Group is as Follows:
WTF @ TFW’sVangelus who has a now has an OFFICIAL website!
Special thanks to the Famous IGADEVIL! for this episode’s graphic and the kickass graphic you’ll see on your mp3 player while you play this episode.
Craig “The Scream Man” Moore of the Fwooshcast!
Special thanks to FuuNoKami Oka aka Jonathan Howe (also at Fuu’s Toku Videos on blip.tv)who stepped up to make this episode possible in record time. Without him, there would be no show.
November 29, 2011 @ 4:14 am
Good stuff HJU! Got a question for you guys. I write for a website (greenteagraffiti.com, if you wanna check us out), and we’re trying to experiment with podcasting. I was wondering what software you guys use to record? I’ve been trying to find a good way to record via Skype, but am clueless at the moment. Any advice is useful. Thank you!
November 29, 2011 @ 8:22 am
I think we used MP3 Skye Recorder or something, but the audio didn’t turn out too well for that.
We use Skype to talk, but Audacity to record our individual and then they all get combined in post production by Jon Fuu.