And it looks like the Tokusatsu streak of weenies has been broken with the new Rider… DECADE! Here we have his first henshin and the hero in action for the first time. As far as I can tell it looks like he can call upon the suits of the Hesei era Riders, which is nice cuz Decade’s is about the most butt ugly tokusatsu suit I have ever beheld. Anyway, enjoy and enjoy seeing the toy in action. Looks good, but I’ll stick with my IXA Buckle for now. 🙂
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January 25, 2009 @ 3:27 am
Just watched the RAW and it has me going on fangasm overdrive. Dooood theres Ichigo, Nigo, Black cards? If theyre not gonna use those in the series then itll be for the movie.
January 28, 2009 @ 3:10 am
Decade is probably going to be my most-watch series to date. Ironically, I was very vocal about how I hated the suit, but the whole first ep, ending with Kuuga in action is just so many levels of AWESOME that I am sold on this. Im also wondering what Watarus role is in this, given how he confronts Decade for the first time…
And this is just me guessing–but the way the photo studio changes worlds by bringing down a roll-down picture, in some ways reminds me of Doctor Whos TARDIS (albeit not as technological).
Anyway, I watched it, I love it, I want more. ^_^