For those few of you that remain subscribed, here’s a little treat for you. Boric and I recorded this last week, but thanks to Persona 4, I’m just now releasing it for public consumption– apologies for the delay. But fortunately, it’s still in time for Christmas! …and for the birth of Boric’s daughter as well.
In this year’s Christmas special, we give our Games of the Year for 2008, along with some of our disappointments of the year; and we also briefly discuss some of our favorite holiday films and TV specials. We encountered a few audio issues, as you may notice: The beginning of the recording was slightly cut off, and on occasion, one of the audio tracks goes out of phase. On the whole, though, it’s a tolerable recording.
Thanks for staying subscribed, folks. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you, but I hope you enjoy this episode. Take care!