(visit The GKA Times to find me whenever I’m not posting here)
Yu–Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and Duel Master are all well known for the collectible card games just as much and if not more than their respective Anime series.  For the longest time card games have been mostly exclusive to Anime and a few science fiction properties.  Similar to how a successful toyline can help support a new television series, card games have  been known to bring a lot of franchises to the forefront of the public eye.
And wouldn’t you know it? It’s taken almost 20 years but the Power Rangers are entering battlefield with the all new game headed your way from Bandai.
 Based on the RangerstrikeTCG game from Bandai Japan, Bandai Of America has brought the game here to the states.
While the details on the game are lost on this Ninja at this point, the fact remains this is a major step in the right direction for Power Rangers as they head toward their 20 year milestone.
Here’s a list of the checklist so far I spotted on RB
01____JF Flit 02____JF Purple Wolf Zord 03____JF Wolf Ranger 04____JF Rhino Ranger 06____JF Camille 07____JF Jungle Pride Megazord 08____JF Red Tiger Zord 09____JF Yellow Cheetah Zord 10____JF Blue Jaguar Zord 11____JF Power-Up Red Ranger 12____JF Power-Up Yellow Ranger 13____JF Power-Up Blue Ranger 14____SPD Red Ranger S.W.A.T. Mode 15____JFDaiShi 16____JF Tiger Ranger 17____JF Jaguar Ranger 18____JF Cheetah Ranger 19____JF Tiger Ranger 20____MMPR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 21____MMPRMegadragonzord (Megazord) 22____MMPR Tyrannosaurus Dinozord 23____MMPR Mastodon Dinozord 24____MMPR Triceratops Dinozord 25____MMPR Saber-Toothed Tiger Dinozord 26____MMPR Pterodactyl Dinozord 27____MMPR Black Ranger 28____MMPR Yellow Ranger 29____MMPR Red Ranger 30____MMPR Blue Ranger 31____MMPR Pink Ranger 32____SPD Power Rangers S.P.D. 34____SPD Delta Runner 1 35____SPD Delta Runner 2 36____SPD Delta Runner 3 37____SPD Delta Runner 4 38____SPD Delta Runner 5 39____SPD Delta Dommand Crawler 40____SPD Red Ranger | 41____SPD Blue Ranger 42____SPD Green Ranger 43____SPD Yellow Ranger 44____SPD Pink Ranger 45____MMPR Green 46____MMPRPipebrain 47____MMPR Red Ranger (Dragon Shield) 49____SPD Red Ranger Battlized Mode 50____MMPRDragonzord 52____SPD Delta Command Megazord 53____MMPR Red Dragon Warrior Mode 54____MMPR Red Dragonzord 55____MMPRMegatigerzord (Tigerzord Warrior Mode) 56____MMPR White Tigerzord Tiger Mode 58____MMPRMagnetbrain 60____WF Isis Megazord 61____WF Wild Force Megazord 62____WF Red Lion Zord 63____WF Yellow Eagle Zord 64____WF Blue Shark Zord 65____WF Black Bison Zord 66____WF White Tiger Zord 67____WF Elephant Zord 68____WF Giraffe Zord 69____WF Green Gorilla Zord 70____WF Red Ranger 71____WF Yellow Ranger 72____WF Blue Ranger 73____WF Black Ranger 74____WF White Ranger 75____WFUltimusMegazord 76____WF Wild Force Megazord 77____WF Zen-Aku 78____RPM Engine King 79____RPM Red Ranger 80____SPD Blue Ranger S.W.A.T. Mode |
Expect the game to be apart of the RPM toyline.
October 28, 2008 @ 4:33 pm
Power Rangers RPM? So whats up with that.
October 28, 2008 @ 4:42 pm
Power Rangers RPM? What up with that?
November 9, 2008 @ 8:52 pm
that’s the one that’s gonna start next year, model after this year’s sentai; engine sentai go-onger
November 18, 2008 @ 1:52 pm
I can’t find any! I’ve checked at walmart, kmart, toysrus, and others, even online. WHERE ARE THEY???????!!!!!
November 29, 2008 @ 4:01 am
They are sold at target
Hot News » Power Rangers Rpm
March 22, 2009 @ 10:37 pm
[…] 01 02] | laredpublica.cl…Green Ranger is the Wallpaper of the Month – Bandai America…Henshin Justice Unlimited » Power Rangers: The Collectable Card Game! It’s Time To Morph…Power Rangers RPM : et si on résumait les dernières rumeurs ? « […]
February 8, 2013 @ 4:35 pm
Hmmmm, Yeah gonna have to get these.