Now, I know many of you out there are going to be young adults( between the ages of 18 and 30 who have probably long forgotten that years ago in a decade called The 90s every kid in the neighborhood didn’t want a Pokemon or anything else you might see kids craving these days. They wanted a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.
A little show about five teenagers who could have come straight from Bayside(only people from the previously mentioned age group will remember what show the term “Bayside” originates) that in times when the world needed them would risk their lives against the forces of Rita Repulsa.
About a year goes by and some of these ‘Power Rangers’ take their leave to other callings as newbies are called in. The newest villain Lord Zedd finds the one good thing inside him is the true love for his former underling Rita Repulsa, who by the end of the final season is his dearly devoted (and pain in the neck) wife.
And that’s about it…isn’t it?
Theres got to be more…
Ah, but there is more, oh so much more.
This is the one television series I’ve followed pratically without end since it started.
It has outlasted the X-Files, Xena, Hercules,Stargate, Babylon 5, Earth Final Conflict… wait, wait, you mean you think I just watch this show for the color coordinated suits? You think I and others like me would watch this show if it had no science fiction or dramatic appeal? Please, give us Ranger fans more respect than that. The power suits have a great uniformed draw to them of course, but so do the various robots in Transformers. That is to say that there are thousands of robotic themed TV shows but only one with the heart, erm, Spark that gets my TV time the most.
It’s that Spark, or heart that drives the die hard Ranger fan to this show. But when all you see is a cheap 20 minute piece of trash production you’re not looking with your heart. This show is put together by the some of the most dedicated people in Hollywood and New Zealand. Some of them have even worked on Hercules, Xena and Lord Of The Rings. The actors have gotten their hands dirty helping out where they could, the cast and crew are a family unit. And most of all they bend over backwards to pull off little miricles for the fans each year.
As you can tell I look at a lot of science fiction, I’ve read a fair number of science fiction novels, watched plenty of movies even listened to radio dramas from the 40s.
And I say that this show is highly deserving in being established as one of the top science fiction programs ever produced. Of course it doesn’t always have the depth of Doctor Who or Star Trek, but believe me it certainly is not from a lack of trying. 1998’s Power Rangers in Space is a fantactic ride where the heroes set across the stars to find their leader Zordon who was snatched from his home only to have to sacrifice his life to save the universe in the end. 2005’s Power Rangers SPD was about a group of rookie cops, allusions of racial tension and finding out your purpose as a young adult while trying to deal with being a cop in the near future..
Time Force is just awesome.
Now I know PR fans are everywhere but most think they will be embarresed by the show biut I tell you this, man, this is one of the shows I want my kids to grow up watching. This series that features a battle good vs evil, no cussing, martial arts(done expertly well) honor, loyalty, self sacrifice, love, dealing with hate, racism, grief, regret and positive and negative choices. I could go on forever.
Everyboy grows up, and everyboy grew up with at least one season close to heart. All the reviews for the latest game Super Legends are surprisingly not directly negative towards the idea of a Power Ranger game. In fact most of the gamers I’ve talked to spoke about how they wanted something better than normal Ranger game. In other words if there was a bad( bad being good) Power Ranger game they’d snatch it up.
See what this show really does at it’s core is talk to the hearts of people who in the end want to do the what’s right. Who wish they were stronger in times of distress, whipping out a morpher at the first sign of approaching danger. There is just something downright awesome about seing the good guys whip the badguys into shape. And this show does it everyday with a whopping 600+ episodes.
This is my show and it could be your show is you stopped a looked a few episodes, or even asked a Ranger fan why do we like it so much. You’ll be lglad you did
You can trust this Ninja on this because it’s true.
September 29, 2008 @ 12:17 pm
Check the links, they all points to h**p://, and I presume it’s not what you wanted to do.
September 29, 2008 @ 5:04 pm
damn straight your right!!! i have been a ranger fan since the first episode come out in 1993 and i will never ever give up watching the shows for the rest of my life.
December 9, 2008 @ 6:22 pm
no offense but to tell you the truth…MMPR fighting scenes are originaly from koryu sentai zyuranger
koryu sentai zyuranger is aired on japan during 1992 while mighty morphin’ power rangers aired on america during 1993
MMPR was just a ripped off from zyuranger
power rangers is just a remake of all Super Sentai franchise
power ranger is on its 17th year while super sentai is on its 37th year
if i were you…i’ll try to watch super sentai than watching power rangers..cause nothing beats the original…
here is a can check all basic info regarding super sentai and power rangers according to their data bases….
December 9, 2008 @ 6:26 pm
no offense but to tell you the truth…MMPR fighting scenes are originaly from koryu sentai zyuranger
koryu sentai zyuranger is aired on japan during 1992 while mighty morphin’ power rangers aired on america during 1993
MMPR was just a ripped off from zyuranger
power rangers is just a remake of all Super Sentai franchise
power ranger is on its 17th year while super sentai is on its 32nd year
if i were you…i’ll try to watch super sentai than watching power rangers..cause nothing beats the original…
here is a can check all basic info regarding super sentai and power rangers according to their data bases….
sorry for double post i just want to change 37th year of super sentai to 32nd
Carrie Riley
January 7, 2012 @ 8:10 pm
Cool! I Love it