On this week’s show: The first in a series of segments on preparing for the Penny Arcade Expo, a review of Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One for Xbox Live Arcade, the Backlog Box has me tackling Samurai Legend Musashi, the latest news and gaming deals, and more! Use your preferred podcatcher to download this week’s episode, or you can download it directly.
Cross-Country Supertrip
West Coast Train Trip
Player One Podcast
My Wii Friend Code:
7474 3470 4943 9226
Games Discussed:
Penny Arcade Adventures
Musashi: Samurai Legend
Gaming News
PAX Travel Plans
Musashi Samura Legend – Opening FMV
November 5, 2016 @ 3:49 am
Hi Marybelle,I agree. Stuff happens. Good for you for handling it and moving on. That's really all anyone can do. Thanks for stopping by!Hi Vanessa,Glad you liked the excerpt! Sounds like fun being able to travel and meet new family members. I'll bet that's bringing all kinds of new rehotianslips into your life! Thanks for commenting!
February 9, 2017 @ 1:02 pm
André Borges disse:Legal,Um bom evento com a qualificação dessa equipe anfitriã tem tudo para deixar o público bastante empolgado com as novidades.Vale a pena dar uma conferida!!!