The 32nd Sentai series has finally shown itself. Enjin Sentai Go-Onger takes on a brand new route by combining two of the franchise’s most popular themes, animals and vehicles. Go-Onger is a five member team composed of red, blue, yellow, black and green warriors. Unlike past extra rangers, black and green will be a part of the team from fairly early on and serve as support members for the team.
Unlike past series, members of the core team will share different henshin items. Red, Blue and Yellow will share the Henshin Go-Phone while Green and Black have the Shift Changer. Another primary theme seen throughout the show will be items called Engine Souls that grant various powers.
EngineOu, the primary mecha of the series will be formed out of three vehicles sharing animal-like qualities. Green and Black will also have their own mecha that serve as arm replacements. The sidearm weapon of the primary team will be the MantanGun, a weapon meant to resemble a gas pump. And returning to Sentai, the combined team weapon, this time known as the Highway Buster, made of the weapons belonging to the primary rangers. Green and Black also have their own combination weapon, the Junction Rifle.
Chikaki J. Konoka, the man behind Ultraman Gaia, Big O, Digimon Tamers and Hellsing is rumored to be the chief writer this year.