Known in the early stages as Kamen Rider Vlad, the confirmed name is now Kamen Rider Kiba. The series will start on January 27th, one week after Den-O’s 49th and final episode. The series will continue the multiple form change theme, but with a new theme. Each of the forms will be based on a classic horror icon. The basic form is based on Dracula, then we have Wolfman, Gillman and Frankenstein forms. The creatures that embody these powers will live in a living mansion when not in battle.Cast
Kouji Seto is the current rumored actor for the title role of Kiba. The actor is one of the youngest members of the Japanese multitalented troupe, D-Boys, the same group that gave us the actors for Kamen Rider Zeronos, Gekired and Rio. Keisuke Kato is rumored to be the actor for the second unnamed Kamen Rider. Aoi Asakura and Nana Akiyama (Akira from Hibiki) are rumored to play the parts of the two female leads.