Looks like a shit ton of news has been blowing up over at HJU and as always, I’m the last to know. Here’s to hoping some of you out there also didn’t know and would like to be in the know.
Like, it looks like the GekiRangers are lined up to score some new cotumes, the Final Kenma cometh, and to top it off the Violet Ranger’s identity has been revealed!
Ah, Geki…. my bright spot in the toku-universe where personally… Kamen Rider has fallen to shadow and flame. But I know there are a good number of you that still dig on it, so that’s cool. For you, it looks like a new Rider is comin’ down the pipe. Good luck with that. 😉
What else, what else…. oh! I think throughout the week we might be having some Bomberman LIVE get togethers. So get yerself 10 bucks and download it so we can get to blowin’ each other up.
Keep on rockin, Justicers. ^__^