Today we focus on Hidenori Tokuyama who was Sou Yaguruma (Zabee/Kick Hopper) in Kamen Rider Kabuto.
TRANSLATION NOTES de aru: Todoi (届ã„), according to my le dictionary means ” to reach “, so I took liberties to make sense of the phrase in English. He also says Nakakushii, which means to miss something. I took liberties in what he said when talking about remembering the ending to Dragon Quest. Ahhhhhhhhhhh … Hidenori… he writes as bad as Uchiyama. I dunno if he’s typoing or what but this entry was a bitch to translate. All this damned Japanese short hand.
Yesterday night…
I went through great troubles to get the DVD (;´▽`A“
But then I went to sleep (ノ_-;)ハア…
I got up this morning and saw ” Dragon Quest ” ~~~ ヽ(T-T )ノ♪ (TN: I think what he means is that he fell asleep with the DVD on and woke up to it still playing… i think ._.)
I really can’t remember(;´▽`A
Well, I remember characters from the beginning, all of them still fresh (in my mind)~~!!!!
Like the ending’s ” (I) believe in the dream “, I remember that part, though some is pretty foggy ♪
” Ahh~~ Such as♪♪ ! ”
or whoever that was (laughs)
So I was thinking…
That’s seven years ago (゚-゚;)
That’s a lot missed(* ̄▽)ノノ
Anyway, Gaude Night!!
The live notification!(* ̄▽)ノノ
ヽ( ̄Д ̄ヽ)(/ ̄Д ̄)/イヤァ
I’m really sorry for the wait, but I got it(-“”-;)ムム・・・!!
Date: March 25th
Place: Shibuya DUO
Time Open: 2pm
Time Start: 2:45pm
Advance Sale: 3000 Yen ( 500 yen extra for drinks)
At Door: 3500 Yen ( 500 yen extra for drinks)
Tokuyama Hidenori and Outou
Indian Lands/club Band (Apperance to be Determined)
Negishi Toshie and the Blues Road
Dual Dream
rock block
Kokubun Isamu
Sekine Yuusuke
( Please note that we are not acknowledging anything by mail)
Guade Records
Telephone: 03-3476-7766
I perform at 8♪
All the way till 2!!!
Its not unreasonable, okayヾ(゜д゜)ノ゛
Lets try our best and meet!!(* ̄▽)ノノ
If you don’t come …(ノДT)アゥゥ・・
I’ll become Lt. Armstrong for 24 hours with sparkles and poke you till your lumpy and I’m satisfied …. (laughs)