Looks like some details have surfaced about the upcoming KR Series. First off we have creator credits. The most notable being the return of Yasuko Kobayashi, the woman behind TimeRanger and Kamen Rider Ryuki, so either bow your head in anguish or raise your fists up and rejoice!
Here’s the breakdown, courtesy of The B’Stard:
“Creator: Shotaro Ishinomori
Chief writer: Yasuko Kobayashi (chief writer of Ryuki; also Gingaman & Timeranger)
Producers: Atsushi Kaji (TV Asahi producer, worked on Kabuto, Hibiki; Shin’ichirou Shirakura (producer of Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Kabuto and was replacement producer on Hibiki); Naomi Takebe
Action director: Takeshi Miyazaki (action director of Ryuki through Kabuto)
SFX director: Hiroshi Butsuda (SFX director of pretty much every Toei toku since ’90)
Chief director: Ryuta Tasaki (chief director of Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, and Sh15uya. Also directed episodes of Ohranger, Carranger, Megaranger, Gingaman, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, and Kamen Rider Kabuto. Directed Rider movies Project G4, Episode Final, and Paradise Lost).
Creature designs: Yasushi Nirasawa (designer of Blade’s Undeads and Kabuto’s Worms)”
Next up we got some description translations of the first couple episodes, courtesy of Filadelfo:
“An unlucky photographer. With his own invention, the celloscope (or zero scope, I’m not sure) he is the first to discover the gate to the Kaima (Commanding Demon) World.
The world’s unluckiest cameraman. No matter what, everything he does turns out bad. He lives with a policy of “One-day-one-good action” and can’t leave someone in trouble if he can do something, the typical nice guy.
After a strange concidence he gets possesed by a monster and his luck gets even worse…
His favourite food are peaches.
Episode 1 (Janurary 28)
Rushing reporter Noue Yoshitaro. Looking for the truth behind a lie he snuck into the subway station after the last train left and what he found there was two strange beings fighting and a train he had never seen, the Super Train Den Liner. Yoshitaro got into the middle of the fight and ran into the Den Liner to escape; there, a voice informed him about what was going on. Then Yoshitaro received a boarding ticket for the Den Liner.
Episode 2 (February 4)
Yoshitaro, who had been merged with one of the beings got off the Grand Liner and ran. Convincing himself that everything was a dream, Yoshitaro finds that his only family, his grandparents have vanished and his sempai, Kaori Isagi has been kidnapped by a monster. Having no means to go after the monster and running out of ideas, Yoshitaro decides and passes his ticket to summon the Den Liner.
Episode 3 (February 11)
After saving Kaori, everything is solved and the normal everyday is back, or so would think Yoshitaro when he again finds himself between two Imagines. Just as the last time, the two Imagines start to fight. The Imagine holding a big axe seems to have some information and has a very hard fight against the bear-shaped Imagine. Yoshitaro transforms into Den-O and assists the axe-holding Imagine in fight.”
This sounds pretty cool, but I’m gonna miss Kabuto sooooo much… 🙁
December 27, 2006 @ 3:13 am
Wasn’t the main character’s name Ryoutaro?