Like I said, we’re people who KNOW people… and some of THOSE people know OTHER people. And in and among those people I’m know as Billy Shank the Danger Boy.
Anyway, I had the honor and pleasure of meeting and hanging with the legendary, Trickman Terry, formerly of Electronic Gaming Monthly back in more nostaligic days and he invited myself to an event down in Chicago called, Sushi-X Returns! While I couldn’t make it, our Justice Legions are many and CardCaptor Will answered the call. Check out his report of the event, complete with pictures. Big thanks for the hook up, Will!
by Card Captor Will
Hi everyone!!
Thanks to J-Caizer for telling me about the event, and it’s even nicer to see Trickman already posting up
but I have a report that I will cross-post here.
(x-post from the blog at
Miracle!! Suprise Sushi-X Appearence in Chicago
by “Cardcaptor” Will English
So, Keith Hayward from had a MySpace bulletin about this party with Sushi-X and Trickman Terry on Wednesday.
I told him that I would be interested in going. To quote Keith “If you go, can you take pictures and show HJU what we missed?”
Thusly I took the reigns of being an unofficial HJU reporter and went down there. I figure at the very least I get to see another really cool night spot in Chicago. And it definitely delivered.
When I arrived, it was slightly akward, mainly knowing that I don’t want to be like a silly fanboy. I know what I’m talking about and I am an old-school gamer. So the Ice started breaking when I was formally introduced to the pair. I told Terry that I was sent by Keith and he was absolutely estatic. Later on, they convinced the staff to hookup the Famicom (yes, Famicom) and the Super Famicom to one of the widescreen televisions. We were treated to playing Super Mario Bros. 3, Contra, and later Contra III: The Alien Wars and Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting. I was also educated that the Famicom Contra had things that were cut out from the American version. I also had to remember, there is no such thing as Air Blocking in Street Fighter II. I also got to discuss things with Sushi-X himself, after seeing his conversations with both of my friends baerish and stephen_poon. I got a chance to discuss Anime, and old school games, and how he REALLY feels about G$TV. I really wish I was able to record it (the place was too loud). There was also a guy there promoting as well, Martin Alessi. I can’t believe that while I was there I suggested they should be convention guests.
All in all, it was a great evening and I’m glad that I went. I also made sure that I got some pictures and things for Keith, including a autograph and a picture.