The incredible pie throwing panel by Bulk and Skull seems to’ve had an unexpected outcome. Yeah, the pie throwing obviously was a bit messy, but apparently it racked up 9,000 dollars in damages and made so the next Morphicon cannot be held in the city of Pasadena. Sooo… Scott and the Heroes of the Morphicon could use a little help from the fandom.
Fans are already rolling out to pitch in. The have a fundraiser going and every single little bit counts. The Morphicon gave us a lot. Unforgettable memories, old friends meeting again, and new friends to be met. Click here and toss in what ya can. We here at Henshin Justice Unlimited hope for the best and that everything turns out well.
Hm… I wonder now where the next PMC will be held… and if it’ll return to where it started. THE WILSHIRE GRAND.
Chris H
October 20, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
Ah, to be “famous”. Where you can get loyal fans to happily pay for damages you’ve caused. Ridiculous. The next one can’t be in Pasadena because of what they did? As if that’s not bad enough, they aren’t even paying to fix their screw up? People pay a lot of money to go there, and they are expected to give even more? Whereas Bulk and Skull will have been paid to be there, like most convention guests. Disgusting.
TV's Kyle
October 20, 2012 @ 11:43 pm
Famous does not equal rich.
Chris H
October 21, 2012 @ 7:18 am
Did I say famous equals rich? Let’s see… No. No I didn’t. Thanks though, nice try.
“Famous” does equal PAID TO BE THERE. “Decent human being” does equal paying to clean up your own messes, not relying on your fans to do it.
Does being a fan equal paying to cover damages of someone famous? No. Take some responsibility for your actions.
TV's Kyle
October 21, 2012 @ 5:36 pm
1- Calm down. I said nothing to you to warrant such an extreme reaction. It takes a lot of the credibility out of your arguments. Might make some think you have entitlement issues.
2- We don’t know how much they may have already paid. You’ll notice that the fund raiser isn’t for the full amount. I’ll bet, though, that a pie fight was approved by the con organizer. I doubt that a pie fight was a surprise. You can’t hire someone and then get mad when they do what you hired them for.
June 18, 2013 @ 9:55 pm
The pie fight WAS a surprise. No one on staff knew about it or approved it, and the volunteer moderator didn’t quite know how to stop Bulk and Skull having a pie fight once the surprise pies came out. He wound up doing damage control at best. The guys were super nice to him though and took him out for drinks with some cast members after he got reamed out by the venue staff for the mess. Incidentally the mess wasn’t actually made by Bulk and Skull. They were teaching audience members how to safely perform a pie fight, and there were people who did not follow instructions. The person who first splattered the wall also came pretty close to hurting Pauley with the velocity of his pie-attack. So… there’s that. Check out the youtube video, I’ve got it cued up to the fan that splattered the wall:
October 21, 2012 @ 8:45 pm
*sigh* Well, good luck with that for them.