HJU Radio #42 – The End of Fourze and the Rise of Wizard

This is the end… this is the beginning. The guys weigh in on the end of Kamen Rider Fourze and the start of the new saga, Kamen Rider Wizard.
The Geeking Score Card:
Hawkeye Comic
IgaDevil’s Return to Japan
Kamen Rider Fourze the Movie
Transformers Mastermind Creations
Scooby Doo Mysteries Inc
Vangelus’s Short Film: BALANCE
Teefury & RIPT Apparel
Adventure Time
True Blood
Tristan of the Hero Power Blog
WTF @ TFW’s Vangelus who has a MOST rockin’ YouTube Channel and his own Personal Blog
Special thanks to the Famous IGADEVIL! for this episode’s graphic and the kickass graphic you’ll see on your mp3 player while you play this episode.
Special thanks to FuuNoKami Oka aka Jonathan Howe (also at Fuu’s Toku Videos on blip.tv)who stepped up to make this episode possible in record time. Without him, there would be no show.
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