As the Ultraman Geed television series soars closer to its final episode, its young star Tatsuomi Hamada has already found his next big gig in the new Mob Psycho 100. This live-action adaptation of the eponymous manga and anime sees title character Mob forced to unleash his considerable psychic powers, to what may be disastrous effects on the fragile world around him. A glimpse into that world, which already appears to be crumbling under the weight of some pretty immense psionic energy, can be found in this newly-released poster.

As previously reported, Tatsuomi is joined by his series director from Ultraman Geed, Sakamoto Koichi, whose list of credits in the world of live-action special effects is as long as Geed’s finisher beam, including such illustrious titles as Power Rangers, Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and more.

Tatsuomi is joined by Yoda Yuki as Tsubomi (left) and Namioka Kazuki as Raigen (right).

Mob Psycho 100 hits Netflix with a psychic blast on January 23, 2018.


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