
Kimito Totani (Daiki Kaitoh) – Super Hero War wrap party

Super Hero War has finished filming the cast and crew had a wrap party to celebrate. (more…)

13 years ago

Riho Takada (Hina Izumi) – Super Hero War wrap party

Today we had the wrap party for Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Super Hero War. There were so many people…

13 years ago

Junya Ikeda (Gai Ikari) Blog – Gokaiger Wrap

The TV side of Pirate Sentai Gokaiger is over and we've got another blog from one of the main cast…

13 years ago

Kazuki Shimizu (Don Dogoier) – Finished Gokaiger Filming

We've posted Lukas' and Joes' response on finishing filming Gokaiger, today we have Don. (more…)

13 years ago

Yuki Yamada (Joe Gibken) – Feelings of Gokaiger Wrapped

Yesterday we posted on Mao Ichimichi's (Luka Millfy) feelings on Gokaigers end, today we have Gokai Blue! (more…)

13 years ago

Mao Ichimichi (Luka Millfy) Talks On Gokaiger Being Wrapped

Mao Ichimichi, aka Gokai Yellow, shares her thoughts about the end of filming Gokaiger on her blog. (more…)

13 years ago

Masahiro Inoue (Kamen Rider Decade) Superhero Taisen

  So, recently I was going through my old photos and thinking, “It sure was fun when I was working…

13 years ago

Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade) – Lunch with friend

I haven't seen this individual in a while. Ryouta Murai!! [Yusuke Onodera from Kamen Rider Decade] We went to Tsurutontan…

13 years ago

Kohei Murakami (Masato Kusaka/Kaixa) Kaixa Day 2011

"X" KA-I-XA!  KA-I-XA!  KA-I-XA! KA-I-XA!  KA-I-XA!  KA-I-XA! KA-I-XA!  KA-I-XA!  KA-I-XA! Ta-da ta-da! Maaaaaaaaaaasato Kusaka! September 13 is Kaixa Day!  [913…

13 years ago

Ryosuke Miura (Ankh/Shingo Izumi) – OOO Wrap (August 3)

It's a bit late, but I have an announcment to make. The other day, in the night when I came…

14 years ago

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