
CHROMA SQUAD the Sentai Game Kickstarter! “SURPASS THEM ALL!!!”

[Forum Discussion] Justice fans, we have something special for you today, and I’m not gonna waste any time bullshitting about…

12 years ago

Kamen Rider Gaim Henshin Gif & Press Conference Video – “LOCK ON!”

Here's the Kamen Rider Gaim press conference video. At the 23 second mark we get to see him henshin for…

12 years ago

Kamen Rider Gaim, The Fruit Rider!

As the press conference has been held, Japanese media is flooding with Kamen Rider Gaim news. His name is officially…

12 years ago

Tokusatsu Fandom Presence Grows at Anime Expo

The tokusatsu fandom may be small by comparison to the anime fandom, but it is as immensely passionate about their…

12 years ago

Kamen Rider Gaimu Revealed!

The Kamen Rider after Wizard, has finally been revealed as Gaimu! (more…)

12 years ago

HJU’s Facebook Fan Page is Over 9000!!!!!!!

Henshin Justice Unlimited has has over 9000 facebook fans! And we couldn’t have done it without you! A special MV…

12 years ago

Anime Expo 2013: The Wrap Up

Anime Expo kicked off its 22nd year at the Los Angeles Convention Center with its largest attendance to date: 61,…

12 years ago

Non-Spoiler Pacific Rim Review: “It’s the Power Rangers for Adults… and I’m Still Waiting to Hear Negative”

This guy gets why Power Rangers is cool and knows his geekness. Check out his review. I trust his word,…

12 years ago

GATCHAMAN CROWDS Leaked Opening and G-Suits Revealed

Just found this on my cyber desk this morning. I know that our first impressions or this was less that…

12 years ago

AX 2013 Con Report: Day Two

My adventures through the 2013 Anime Expo in Los Angeles continues in Day Two. Check out more after the jump.…

12 years ago

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