Special Police DekaOps -Epsiode 39, Set Up

Special Police DekaOps


After all this time Chatrox was still trying to figure out this mysterious gap in the readings he recorded from the armor. Unfortunately he never really had the time to properly examine it ever since the latest Earth First fiasco. When Jansen got himself arrested during that surprise raid he honestly expected things to fall apart. Instead the humans seemed to turn toward him for leadership. It sickened him to no end. Still it was a good thing he decided he had “another engagement” that night or he might have been arrested as well. Or the very least had to been forced to reveal what he really was. And he might have had to, if he was correct about who was in that police raid based on who the alien they kidnapped was. What time he did have was limited, although he was able to free up some time by giving some of his duties to those under him. But most of that was taken up by his real job. He had to bend over backwards in some cases to keep his clients happy. He had to give two, so far, a discount to appease them. This was something he had to correct and fast before others decided they wanted one as well. What little spare time he did have was spent trying to figure out the reading.

And each try always lead him to an open field outside the city. He checked everything around the field and found nothing out of place. Not the grounds, not the trees nothing. He even checked the building nearby and saw nothing out of the ordinary to his trained eye. Walking around the field he looked at the grass below, there had to be something here. The signal disappeared for a good twenty minutes before showing back up again.

“Have you found what you’re looking for yet sir?”, his driver asked. This was the only human he could barely stand to be around, just for the fact his patience seemed endless.

“Not yet,” he answered.

“We’ll find it eventually,” he called back. Then again his near endless optimism often quickly got on his nerves.

“Perhaps,” he replied feeling disgusted with himself. This had to be a drop off point, that had to be the answer. SPD and Stevens were too smart to take anything back to their base directly in case somebody tried what he did. This was wasting his time. Walking back to the human he said, “Or perhaps not.”

“Too bad,” he said. Walking back to the road he added, “I made some inquires about that building nearby.”

“Why would you do that?”

“I thought it might make a decent place to set up a proper headquarters. People would take us a little more seriously if we didn’t meet up in secret.” It would also give them another proper target to aim at, but he didn’t say that out loud. “Funny thing though Mr. Rockwell, I can’t find who owns it.”

Chatrox stopped and looked at him, “Really?”

“In fact I can’t find any record of this property anywhere. It’s like it doesn’t exist.” Chatrox looked back at the field then to where the building was. He knew how SPD worked, but he also knew how governments worked as well. And this one was no different. Maybe Stevens wasn’t as intelligent as he gave him credit for.

Before he could say anything they heard a jet overhead and it was getting closer. Running back to the field they stayed in the tree line and saw the ground they were just on open up. Then a sickenly familiar black and white jet appeared out of the air and quickly descended into the hole. When it was inside the opening it quickly closed. Chatrox stared the entire time. “That was an SPD symbol on the jet,” the driver said.

“Yes,” Chatrox agreed with a sinister grin, “yes it was.”

“They have a secret base, they’re not supposed to have those. We got them. We can blackmail them to get the skags off planet. We might actually win.”

“Not we,” Chatrox removed an alien gun from his coat and turned around, aiming it at the human.

“Mr… Mr… Rockwell…”, he stammered as he stared at the gun.

“I, on the other hand, have the end in plain sight.” His eyes went reptilian and his grin grew larger as he watched the human’s reaction. A pull of the trigger and the human was atomized to dust. “I always knew it was a good thing that idiot couldn’t pay for the second gun.” Sneering a bit before looking back at the field he turned invisible and calmly walked away.

Minutes later Dan, Rev and Target ran into the field, SP-Shooters drawn. “I am not reading any other humanoid life signs in the immediate area Captain,” Rev said as he waved a scanner around. “It is like they said, the life sign was here one second and gone the next.”

“Teleporter?”, Dan asked.

“Michelle said there was an energy reading right before it disappeared,” Target told him. “She’s running the data now but it didn’t look like any teleporter signature she’d seen.”

“Damn it,” he grunted. Grabbing his License he nearly shouted, “I want whoever was supposed to be watching the outside sensors in my office now!”

He was a little surprised to hear the Major answer back, “Ace got to him first and is reading him the riot act. But if you want to chew his ass out you’re going to have to get in line.”

“We’ve been here over a year, this shouldn’t have happen now.”

“I know Dan, but we grew complacent and took things for granted. I’m going to keep an ear out to our contacts in the media and we both know Michelle is going to be watching the newsfeeds like a hawk.”

“I know,” he barely said out loud. “Major I recommend we don’t use the hanger for the immediate future unless absolutely necessary.”

“I agree,” he said after a few moments, “at least until we know for sure. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to see if there anything left of that tech.”

Still disgusted Dan put his License away as Rev called out, “Captain!” Dan looked over and saw him kneeling over something.

“What did you find Rev?”, he asked as him and Target ran over.

“Ash,” he answered, “but the ground is not burnt.” Dan saw what he was talking about. “This seems familiar to me for some reason.” Something about it was nagging Dan too, he just couldn’t place it.

“Take a sample for testing,” he told him. “Target…”

“Check the weapon database for something than can turn a person to ash,” she said knowing where he was going.

“Start with our old case files,” he told her. “Particularly the early ones. If Rev and me are right we dealt with something like this before.”

“But we only had one life sign reading,” Rev reminded him. “If it was a suicide attempt the area would be more heavily damaged.”

“I know,” Dan told him “We just have to figure out who fired the weapon.”


In the weeks that followed they only learned a couple of things. The ash Rev discovered contained human DNA, and they did deal with a weapon that caused that effect when fired. A quick check with command revealed it was still safely locked away. Which meant there was another one out there. The only problem was it hadn’t shown up again since then. The lone bright spot in the whole thing was there was no mention of the “secret base” anywhere in the news. A small comfort but it still made them uneasy. But they tried not to think about it that much.

In order to keep his sanity Michelle was able to talk Dan into going topside every so often. Fortunately it was taking less and less effort to do so. Although it did take the occasional threat. “Are you ever going to call in Hawaii?”, he asked as they walked down the street. “Or are you going to hold that over my head forever?”

“Why should I give up something that works so well?”

“Even if I didn’t want said favor to begin with?”

“Stop your bitching,” she told him. “Be happy, you’re with an extremely beautiful woman on a gorgeous day.”

“I know, you’re right,” he said. “I just can’t shake this feeling the other shoe is about to drop.”

“Unfortunately that particular shoe isn’t under our control. If it drops it drops. We’ll worry about it then.”

“That’s never been my style,” he informed her.

“I know, if the rest of you weren’t so cute that would have turned me right off of you,” she grinned.

Smiling back he said, “Lucky for me then.”

“You never did tell me where we were going.”

“I figure we head to that café you like.”

“We’re almost becoming regulars.”

“The moment they start knowing our order before we say anything we start looking for a new place.” Dan didn’t realize there was somebody right in front of him until he ran into him, “Oh I’m sorry.” Getting a good look at the guy he wished he kept going.

“My fault entirely,” the man said. “Forgive me, Chad Rockwell,” he held out a hand that Dan ignored.

“I’m familiar with who you are,” was all he said.

“Yes I guess the media has that effect,” he said unfazed. “Judging from your reactions I guess you’re not a believer. To each their own as they say.” He walked off as Dan watched him. He definitely knew that guy from somewhere, now where in the hell was it?”

“Do you want me to start looking again when we get back?”, Michelle asked him.

He had to think it over for a moment, “No, I’m done with that guy. It’s probably my imagination any way. You seen one sleazy guy you’ve seen them all right?”

“That’s one way to look at it.” Taking his arm she said, “Come on, I already know what I want to order.”

What Dan didn’t see was Rockwell dip into an alley and watched them as they continued on. He saw Stevens take one more look behind him before returning his attention to the woman he was with. He grinned with satisfaction as he quite literally disappeared into the alley. Stevens wasn’t going to know what hit him.


“I need the field team to the Command Room now!” the Major’s voice bellowed over the intercom. All of them stopped what they were doing and rushed there. The Major didn’t wait for them to get in line as he said, “We have a major problem. A literal army of bots is attacking downtown.”

“When did this start?”, Dan asked.

“I’m not sure but we just intercepted the emergency call a minute ago.”

“I can get the Shepard prepped and ready to go in no time,” Ace said.

“I don’t think we have the time,” Dan told her. “Have the garage get one of the jeeps ready. Michelle, make sure the police concentrate on clearing the area of civilians.”

“I’m already in contact with them,” she said. Looking up at him she asked, “The other show dropped?”

“We’ll deal with it,” he told her. “We don’t have time people, move!” They didn’t even change into their civilian gear as they ran for the elevator


The drive there was tense as they broke every speed limit on the way to get there. Unfortunately what they were looking for wasn’t that hard to find. Smoke could be seen before they hit the city limits. Behind the wheel Ace wished their jeep could go faster. And she wasn’t the only one with that thought. Back at OpsBase Michelle was doing everything she could to make sure the local police didn’t see them while making sure the evacuation of the civilians wasn’t hampered. They found a wave in no time as a few Igadroids was leading the charge. Standing up in the jeep Boomer muttered, “Oh geez.”

“Let’s do it people,” Dan told him as he jumped out of the jeep. They ran toward the bots. Not caring who saw at the moment they had their OpsLicense out. “Emergency! DekaOps!” A digital flash and they were in their Dekasuits. The bots didn’t stop their wave of destruction as they continued toward them.

Target jumped over the front line, twisting so she could get off several shots with her D-Shooter. As soon as she landed she spun around and kicked an Anaroid in the head. Turning back around she fired at an Anaroid trying to come up behind her. There were more right behind it. “This is going to suck.”

Boomer and Rev stormed through slicing away with their D-Rods. They kept moving to make sure the bots couldn’t get a grip or a target lock on them. A couple of Batsuroids were able to get between them and separate them. Boomer tried to stop them but one of the Igadroids grabbed him from behind and threw him to the ground. It had its cross blade raised over its head ready to strike. Rev jumped over the bots separating them and planted both feet into its back before it could do so. Boomer took that opening to grab his D-Shooter and fire at the bots coming at Rev. “Thanks buddy,” he said as he scrambled to his feet.

“Do not thank me yet Robert,” Rev said as he looked at the group surrounding them.

Ace didn’t waste any time getting out her D-Shot and blasting away. She was knocking them down left and right but more seemed to be coming. Before she knew it Target had her back and joined her in firing her D-Shot. After several shots Target ended up asking, “There is an end to these guys right?”

“We’re going to find out one way or another,” Ace told her. But honestly she wasn’t really seeing an end of these things either.

“Ugh,” Dan grunted as he went down to a knee. Four of the Igadroids decided to focus on him for some reason. Grabbing his D-Knife he plunged it through the foot of one of them and into the asphalt. It pinned it there just long enough so he could get to his feet. Blocking everything thrown at him Dan grunted as he realized they were backing him up. Making some space he grabbed his holdout D-Shooter and got out three shots before it was knocked out of his hand. Kicking the closest one away he pulled his D-Colt and fired point blank right into its head.

A Batsuroid grabbed him from behind and pinned his arms to his side. Its head sparked as Target shot it. Ace ran in and plunged her D-Knife into one of the Igadroids’ back as they pushed through. “You’re getting sloppy Cap,” Ace told him as they faced off with the bots.

“I need some eyes in the back of my head,” he commented.

“Help me!” They turned their heads to the alley behind them. “Somebody help me please!”

“You have got to be joking,” Target said.

Dan looked back at the bots then at the alley, “Ace…”

“We got this,” she told him. “Help whoever that is and get your butt back here.”

Despite the situation Dan had to smile, “Yes ma’am.” Running into the alley he tried to locate the person screaming. That person practically fell into view as he landed on his ass from one of the adjoining alleys and kept backing up. It took Dan a second to realize it was Rockwell, but he still had to save him.

Rockwell looked terrified as he saw him running toward him, “Please you got to help me!” He got close enough to see an Igadroid stalking Rockwell.

Getting between them Dan pulled out his D-Rod and tried to keep the bot at bay. “They way I came should be clear,” Dan told Rockwell. “Get out of here now!”

Rockwell quickly stood up, “Sure thing.” Then he calmly added, “Stevens.”

“What?”, Dan started to turn around a Rockwell jammed something into his side. A large electoral current ran through his body. Eventually it overloaded the Dekasuit and it faded away as he fell to the ground. Rockwell kicked him to make sure he was out.

Taking the OpsLicense out of its holster he told the Igadroid, “Get him out of here.” The Igadroid nodded and picked him up. As it carried him away Rockwell pulled a communicator out of his jacket, “Target acquired. Terminate distraction tactics.”

In the street the bots stopped attacking and overpowering them and retreated to where they came from. Ace and the others just watched in disbelief as it happened. “Did we just win?”, Boomer asked totally stunned.

“I don’t think so,” Ace told him.

“Where is the Captain?”, Rev asked looking around.

“We heard a civilian and he went to help him out,” Ace explained. “Ops5 to Ops1,” she said into her License. He didn’t answer. “Ops5 to Ops1 come in.” Again silence. “Cap answer me.”

“He went this way,” Target said going into the alley. They all searched every turn off they could find and still found nothing.

“Ops5 to OpsBase, did Cap check in with you?”

“We haven’t heard anything,” Michelle answered. “What’s going on?”

She was almost reluctant to say, “He’s missing.”


With one hell of a headache greeting him as he woke up Dan tried to figure out where he was. The first thing he noticed as his eyes started to focus was his gear a few feet in front of him, his OpsLicense right on top. That’s when he noticed his arms were outstretched and tied to a couple of poles, but he was on his knees for some reason. “Finally you’re awake.” Looking around he saw Rockwell standing to the side with an Igadroid. Coming closer he continued, “I was starting to think I killed you. I am going to kill you Stevens but not just yet.”

“So Earth First getting that desperate now?”, Dan asked, trying to figure out what was going on. And try to buy some time to escape if he could.

“Those idiots weren’t as useful as I thought they would be,” he said. “Never trust a human to do anything right.”

“Who are you?”

“Really Stevens, I thought it would have been obvious by now.” He watched as Rockwell changed right before his eyes, right into a chameleon-seijin.

“Chatrox!” Dan struggled against his bindings to get at him. The Agent laughed at the effort.

“I always knew you weren’t that smart Stevens.” Grabbing his face he got in close, “I said long ago humans didn’t belong in the Ops program.”

“So says the piece of shit with the illegal genetic enhancements,” Dan spat. Chatrox just sneered as he let him go. “Are you going to kill me now or what?”

“Are you in that much of a hurry to die human?” Grabbing a knife off a nearby table he pressed it against Dan’s cheek, “Like I said Stevens, I am going to kill you. But not yet. Practically ripping the sleeve off his arm Chatrox cut into his forearm. Dan grunted but didn’t give Chatrox the pleasure of hearing him cry out. Collecting some of the blood in a test tube the Agent told him, “I want you to see what’s going to happen to your precious SPD first.”


“Anything?”, the Major asked as he watched Michelle at her station. Like before she never left her station since she found out.

“Rev and Ace haven’t reported anything yet,” she said. He could tell how torn up she was. Target and Boomer came in and looked at him. He shook his head to answer their silent question. Suddenly Michelle stopped and put a hand over her mouth. “What if somebody used that gun on him?” She couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

“We didn’t find any ash,” Boomer quickly said. “There’s no point in thinking the worst.”

“Yeah,” Target agreed. “You guys told me this happened before. We’ll get him back, just like last time.”

“We knew who took him then,” Michelle snapped. In her hands she said, “I should have been there.”

“And we still wouldn’t know what happened,” the Major told her.

“You don’t know that,” Michelle snapped at him.

“No I don’t,” he said calmly, “but it is a strong possibility. We didn’t get him back last time by second guessing ourselves.” They nodded in agreement. “Have Ace see me as soon as she gets back. We’re going to need a plan of action once we locate him.”


He wasn’t sure how long it had been since Chatrox stepped into that machine on the other side of the room, it had to be a few hours at least. In that time Dan was able to get his legs out from under him and tried to reach his gear with his foot. He had to do something, hit the sensor on his glove, somehow activate the ditch function in his License anything. But no matter how far he stretched, no matter how he twisted himself it was always an inch or two out of reach. The Igadroid in the room seemed to silently laugh at his attempts but didn’t try to stop him.

The chamber Chatrox entered hissed and smoked as it opened. An almost rancid smell assaulted his nose as it reached him. Chatrox came out and dressed as his scales turned from a gray back to their original green. “Have you figured out what I’m going to do yet human?”

“Humor me?”, Dan told him.

Chatrox chuckled, “To put it in words you’ll understand, I’m going to steal the SPD database.”

“You tried that already,” Dan said. “That’s how they discovered your enhancements.”

“True,” he agreed, “but I’ve learned from my earlier mistakes. The other database was in a rather public compound. This time I just happen to know the location of a secret base, so I shouldn’t have the same problem.” Dan’s gut started twisting in knots as he realized where he was talking about. “And from there I will send it directly to the bosses. Well not me exactly.” As he walked foreword he started to change again. His skin went pink and he grew blond hair on his head. Kneeling before him Dan saw a face he saw every time he looked in the mirror twist into a sinister sneer. “It’s going to be you who steals it. I can’t think of a better way to ruin you Stevens.” Dan just stared daggers at him as he walked away laughing.


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