Special Police DekaOps – episode 35, Duel

Special Police DekaOps



Dan walked out of a building in his field uniform. The others were covering a blue skinned alien and a human with dirty blond hair. The human got up and pleaded with him, “Dan you got to believe me. I didn’t want this to happen. I just wanted to help Jase.”

Walking past him Dan simply told him, “Shut up.”

The human got angry and sarcastically said, “Yes sir, Lieutenant Fast Track sir! The rules and regulations before anything else! Is there anything else this lowly maggot needs to know Lieutenant Fast Track sir?”

Dan stopped, “Yeah there is,” turning around and going back over he said, “it’s Captain.” In the next instant Dan punched him. As he laid there Dan just glared at him before saying, “Get this son of a bitch out of my sight,” and turned and walked away.


In a jail cell a man with dirty blond hair was using pipe that was above him to perform some pull-ups. All he could do lately was exercise and think about how one of his supposed best friends betrayed him, twice. Somehow they stuck him in this specialty jail in permanent solitary. He guessed Fast Track didn’t want him spilling his secret to anybody. He thought about the eagle tattoo on his left shoulder, yeah some bond they had. That was turned into a joke the moment Fast Track turned him into the MPs.

“Most impressive,” somebody said behind him. He dropped from the pipe and turned toward the source. A prison guard he had never seen before, and he had seem most of them by now, stared at him.

“Show’s over,” he snapped. “Just leave me the fuck alone.”

“Normally I would but I think I may have some use for you.”

“Try it,” he warned him, “I’ll be stomping your ass into the ground.”

“I believe you misunderstood me human,” the guard started to change shape. Now inside the guard uniform was something that looked like a lizard. “My name is Chatrox, and you could say that I am the agent of your deliverance.”

“Stuff it skag,” he said, “I don’t deal with filth from off planet.”

“Even if I could give you your freedom?”

“You have nothing I want that would be worth dealing with you,” he spat.

“Maybe not, but Andrew Boreman I do believe we have a common thread,” he said smoothly.

Andy snorted, “And what could we possibly have in common?” Chatrox held a hand through the bars and opened it. Inside it was a small metal disc with a glass center. With a press of a button the glass lit up and an image formed in the air above it. It was a pale blue image of a human in a black military style uniform that seemed to stare at him. “Fast Track,” he spat.

“You and I both want revenge on this human,” Chatrox studied him. “I don’t have access to Deka technology but I do believe I have something that would put you on the same level with Stevens when he activates it.”

“What’s the catch?”, Andy said eyeing him.

“Only that you will occasionally do a job for me when required,” he said. “My organization can use somebody with your particular set of skills. I just take a cut from your profits.”

“How big a cut?”

“Thirty percent,” Chatrox told him, “Until you fully pay for the equipment I’m going to give you. Then it goes down to twenty.” Thinking it over Andy looked him right in the eye.

“I’m in, now get me out of here.”

“Of course.” The wall behind him exploded causing him to duck on instinct. The new opening revealed a space craft of some sort just hovering outside. An Igadroid waited just inside the open hatch. “My personal craft,” the Agent told him. Andy didn’t need to hear anything else as he jumped out the hole and onto the wing of the craft.


The sun was shining down on the park and it was such a lovely day to be outside. One particular group seemed to be enjoying it more than the others. Dan and a man in a wheelchair was busy playing with a blond haired little girl. Michelle walked over to a picnic bench and sat next to a blond haired woman. They watched the three for a moment. The woman leaned over and said, “I’m surprised how fast Dani took to you. She’s never that active around people she doesn’t know.”

“Dan said the same thing,” Michelle said. “But she is adorable Paula.”

She smiled, “Thanks, but she is a bit of a handful at times, especially after Dan riles her up.” Michelle just smiled. “Although I’m kind of glad they’re over there, it gives us a chance to talk a bit.”

“You wanted to see what kind of woman could make Dan break that rule of his?”

“Something like that,” Paula chuckled. “He was so steadfast in that rule I was certain a woman was going to have to get a battalion to aim their weapons at him first.”

“It only took half a battalion,” Michelle joked. “I’m a little surprised too. I was fully prepared to just be friends with him, but things just happened.”

“I’m just glad he finally did,” Paula admitted.

“So I guess I’m passing expectations so far,” she grinned.

“You passed the moment Dani took to you.”

“Aunt Michelle,” Dani said running up.

“Aunt?”, she said suspiciously looking at Dan. He pointed at his friend Barry in the wheelchair. Barry pointed at him at the same time.

“Actually I think the culprit,” Paula said picking up Danielle and sitting her between them, “is one over active imagination.”

“She’s with Uncle Danny,” Dani explained.

“There not together in that way munchkin,” her mom told her.

“At least not yet,” Barry smirked.

Dan looked at him, “Don’t make me hurt you.”

“But I’m in a wheel chair.”

“You think that’s going to stop me?”

“Barry,” Paula said.

“Dan,” Michelle said at the same time.

“See what you’re getting me into?”, Dan said.

“Oh sure,” Barry told him, “blame the paralyzed guy.”

Dani looked at her mother, “Can’t I call her Aunt Michelle?” Michelle looked over to Paula, she smiled and nodded her approval.

“I would love to be your aunt sweetie,” she told Dani. The little girl hugged her around the neck.

Barry elbowed him in the side, “You better take the hint man.”

“Barry,” Paula warned him.

“Come on munchkin,” Dan said taking his Goddaughter’s hand, “Mommy’s about to let Daddy have it.”

“Dan don’t put that thought in her head,” Michelle scolded him.

“He’s not that far off,” Paula told her. “Don’t rush them Barry.”

“You ever get the feeling you’re being outmaneuvered?”, Dan asked Michelle.

A scream caught their attention. Dan and Michelle both looked to see what the commotion was. A couple of Igadroids were leading some Batsuroids and Anaroids. They shot in their directions. Danielle screamed as Dan and Michelle drug Barry and his family to the ground. “It’s those robots on the news,” Barry said. He looked at Dan, who looked at Michelle then at Paula and Dani.

“Dani,” he said looking her in the eyes, “I need you to keep a secret. You can’t tell anybody about what you see. Can you promise me that?” His Goddaughter looked scared but still nodded while Paula looked confused. “That goes for you too Paula, I’ll explain later. Come on Michelle.”

“Right,” she said as they got up.

Facing the oncoming bots Dan said, “Change standby.” Reaching behind their backs they took out their License. “Emergency!”, Dan started before he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He saw something red, more importantly he saw something that looked like a gun pointed right at them. Dan grabbed Michelle and dove for the ground an energy bolt just missed them. Dani screamed again.

Dan rolled to his back and got a better look at what shot at them. It looked like a guy in red armor with a black suit underneath it. A black glass visor covered his face, a hand blaster was still pointed at him. He marched toward them, his aim never wavering. Dan and Michelle immediately got in front of Barry and his family. “That is so sweet of you Fast Track,” the armored individual sneered.

Dan and Barry both recognized the voice, “Andy?”

“I still can’t believe you’re still hanging round this traitor Barry,” he said. “Then again you always believed the bullshit that comes out of his mouth, loser.”

“Don’t talk to my daddy that way!”, Dani shouted.

“Shut up brat,” Andy snapped. Dan gripped the License in his hand, Andy saw it. “Go ahead Fast Track, show them what you sold out for. Let’s see if you can change before I can shoot you, or this bunch of traitor supporters.”

“Leave them out of this Andy,” Dan pleaded.

“DekaData,” Michelle whispered and hit the button on top of her DataLicense. In a white digital flash she was in her Dekasuit and got between them. “Barrier shield”, she ran her finger down the first row of the keypad on her arm and stretched her arms wide. Andy fired at the same time. Her energy shield blocked the shot.

That gave Dan enough time to go into action. “Emergency! DekaOps!” A red flash later he was in his suit and standing next to Michelle. “I don’t know what rock you crawled out from under but I’m going to put you back.”

“Maybe,” Andy snorted, “but let’s see were your priorities really are. Robots.” Dan and Michelle looked back over to the bots, they didn’t notice they stopped moving when Andy made his move. “Level everything and start with them,” he pointed at Barry, Paula and Danielle.

“No,” Michelle immediately ran toward the bots. Dan stood between Andy and Barry’s family. He turned around and walked away. Dan wanted to go after him but he heard the screams of the people being terrorized by the bots. He knew Michelle could take them but she couldn’t get all of them in time. Cursing to himself he ran in and joined her. By the time they stopped the bots Andy was long gone.


They made sure Barry, Paula and Daniel were fine before heading back to OpsBase. Again Dan promised to Paula that he would explain everything the first chance he got, but he had to find out where in the hell Andy came from first. When they gave a brief report to the Major he looked guilty about something before telling him. “How come nobody told me he escaped from jail two weeks ago?!”, he demanded.

“Orders from Command, I only found out about it a couple of days ago myself,” he explained. “They know about your history with him Dan. They also know that he found out about what you do now. I didn’t have a say in it but they arranged for him to be put in a special prison so he wouldn’t talk to anybody about what he saw.”

“Which I’m sure he blames me for,” Dan said.

“Dan…,” the Major began.

“He still thinks I reported him to the MPs,” he told him. “Trust me, in his mind, this is just the latest of my sins against him.”

“So how did he get out?”, Boomer asked. “Granted Cap never talked about him that much but I always got the feeling he wasn’t that bright.”

“I was able to find footage of the breakout,” Michelle announced as she played it. They saw the outside of the prison as a ship appeared out of thin air and blasted part of it. Then it readjusted it position in the air as Andy jumped out of the opening. Then the ship faded away again.

“I have seen that craft before,” Rev commented.

“So have I,” Ace said, “when we went after Chatrox. How did that bastard find out about him?”

The Major spoke up again, “We have a report of a body of one of the prison guard being found a couple of days after it happened. Given his enhancements that’s probably how he got in. We’re still working out how he how he found out about the place. Then again the Alienizers had surprised us before.”

“Especially an Agent who knows how SPD works,” Ace chimed in.

Michelle watched Dan while they were discussing things. She knew that look. Getting up she said, “Come on Dan, let’s get out of here before you blow a gasket.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” the Major agreed. Michelle took him out of the Command Room. “I can only imagine what’s going through his head right now.”

“I’m just guessing,” Target spoke up, “that Cap has a history with both of these guys.”

“You have no idea,” Ace told her.

“I’m not trying to stir up any trouble but should Cap be leading this one?”

“I had my doubts as well when we first went after Chatrox,” Rev told her. “But he was able to keep himself in check.”

“Still,” Ace spoke up, “after that Cap made me promise that if we ever went after him again to keep a close eye on him. The moment I thought he was about to lose control I was to yank command from him.”

“Do you think that implies here?”, Boomer asked.

Looking at the door Cap and Michelle went through she said, “It does now.”

In his quarters Michelle sat on his bed as Dan stood and stared at the pictures on his wall. Particularly one of him in his buddies back in the army, the Eagle banner behind them. When he didn’t say anything she went, “Are you going to punch that one too?”

He rubbed the back of his hand a bit saying, “Not this time.” Finally turning away he sat on the bed next to her. “I can’t believe he threatened Barry and them.”

“He obviously went nuts,” Michelle told him. “I’m going to do everything possible to find out how Chatrox found about him.”

“It doesn’t matter now,” Dan said. “Andy’s out and Chatrox sent him after me. He really knew where to hit me this time.” Michelle rubbed his arm.

“What are you going to do?”

Looking back at the picture softly, almost a whisper, he said, “What I have to.”


Hidden away in an abandoned factory Andy was practicing his aim against some improvised targets. Can, bottles, small machinery anything he could find was hit. Then he turned toward the other side of the room. On the wall was a crude drawing of a figure in a black and red uniform. Not even bothering with the helmet’s targeting system he fired at the drawing. Each bolt hit the wall leaving a black scorch mark. He didn’t stop until the upper body was one black mark. On his mental command the helmet retracted away from his head revealing his smirking face.

“We had a deal,” Chatrox said coming into view.

“It’s still on skag,” Andy said attaching the gun to the belt. “I’m just having a little fun first.”

“I know from personal experience that it is unwise to underestimate a Deka,” the Agent told him.

“And I know this particular ‘Deka’ since boot camp,” Andy shot back. “I know how he’s going to react. I knew when he had to choose between getting me and helping out the so-called innocents, I was walking out of there.”

“You also believed he would let you go once before,” Chatrox sneered.

Losing the smirk Andy said, “One time.”

“One is all it takes.”

“Is there a point to this?”, Andy snapped.

“I just wanted to make sure your eye was still on the goal human.”

Looking back at the figure on the wall he replied, “I still have the goal in sight. But there’s something about making Fast Track suffer a little first, make his guts tie up in knots wondering when I’m going to hit next.”

“That does not sound like the human I’ve dealt with,” Chatrox informed him.

“Like I said I’ve known him longer. I know exactly how much friendship means to him,” he spat. “I will take him out so don’t worry about that. But there is one thing.”

“And what’s that human?”

“His team. I know enough about those Deka bastards to know they always work in a group.”

“That is usually the case, but not always,” Chatrox smirked.

“I don’t want to have to worry about them while I’m kicking Dan’s ass.”

“You still have enough Igadroids and Baturoids at your disposal to take care of them.”

“And I saw what two of them did to the ones I did use.”

“Then perhaps you should find a way to separate him from his unit,” Chatrox told him before walking away. The human said something under his breath but he didn’t care. The sooner this filth took care of Stevens the sooner he could limit his association with him.


In the week since it happened they watched Dan practically climb up the walls waiting for Andy to show back up. He spent most of his days in the gym or on the firing range, getting ready as he put it. Ace in particular paid real close attention to him. She respected him to no end and was grateful he was doing what he could to help her through the nightmares from their last mission. As much as she didn’t want to make the call she would for the good of the team.

He nearly jumped off the couch and out the door as Michelle called them to the Command Room. They glanced at Ace who just held up a finger as she followed him out the door, “Let’s not jump the gun.”

When they got there Dan was standing there waiting. “We got a trouble spot in California,” the Major said. The location showed up on the screen as Dan looked surprised. “As Dan probably figured out there’s an Army base near there.”

“The one we were stationed at when he got caught,” he said out loud. Again they glanced over at Ace. Looking at the screen he said, “Ace.”

“Yeah Cap,” she answered.

“Be ready just in case.” Then he headed for the ready room without another word.

The Shepard landed outside of a small town when a group of Batsuroids attacked. Dan ordered them by the ramp before they lowered it. It slowly opened and they opened fired with their SP-Shooters the moment they saw a blue head. After they dropped Dan and Target went down the ramp to make sure the coast was clear before waving down the rest. “I knew we were going to run into that situation sooner or later,” Boomer commented.

“Thanks for sharing with the rest of us,” Dan snapped. They went past the deactivated bots on the ground. Rev happened to notice several had something blinking on their waist.

“Captain,” he called out as he examined it, “it’s a holo disc.”

“Be careful Rev,” Boomer said as he headed over. “It could be bobby trapped.” He examined it closely before setting it down on the ground. “Looks clean, I wonder what’s on it.” He activated it. All of them looked at Dan as Andy’s image formed above it.

“Hey there Fast Track,” he said. “If you can drag yourself away from your team,” he sneered as he said that, “meet me here.” His image was replaced by a map with a dot blinking on it. “I’ll be waiting for you. Come alone because I’ll see if anybody that came with you. Then I’ll walk away and do this again with a bigger force, maybe play with an old friend of ours. See you ‘buddy’.”

Before the map faded Dan was already running up the ramp. Ace followed him and saw him open up one of the Hound bay. As he pulled the bike out he finally noticed her, “Cap please tell me you’re thinking straight. We have a bunch of bots terrorizing a town right now.”

“I know but if I don’t get him now he’s going to it again. I am not going to let him do that.”

“Cap…,” she started to say but hesitated.

“Do it if you think you have to,” he told her, “but I’m going.”

“I’m taking over command,” she said, “now step away from the Hound.” Dan looked at her for a moment before stepping away. “I remember what he let happened to your friend Jason. And Michelle told me you haven’t forgiven him for that. So I’m telling you to keep a level head when you see him. We got the bots.”

“Thanks Ace.” Dan started walking the Hound toward the ramp when she grabbed his arm.

Not looking at him she said, “Cap I’m trusting you to do this legal. Please don’t break that trust.” Nodding after a moment he got on the Hound and rode it toward Andy’s location.


The trip took him to the coast. Dan found Andy staring out at the ocean, his head exposed. He looked over his shoulder as Dan got off the Hound and walked toward him. Stopping a few yards away they stood there in silence before Andy turned around. “Wearing your new uniform, just like when you arrested me the last time,” Andy said. “That make you feel good Fast Track? So good that you had to do it again.”

“You brought it on yourself Andy.”

“Is that what you told yourself after you ratted me out?”, he demanded.

“And the fact you were still there ten minutes later never crossed…,” Dan stopped balling his fist. “I’m done trying to explain it to you. I’m putting you back in jail.”

“Personally this time?”, Andy joked as the helmet started to encase his head.

Dan grabbed his License, “Emergency! DekaOps!” In a red flash Dan was covered in Dekametal. They stood there for a moment before Andy charged. Dan sidestepped him and was caught a backhand he didn’t see coming. Stumbling from the blow he was open as Andy drove him to the ground. His former friend stomped on him until he caught his foot and pushed him back. Getting to his feet Dan caught another punch aimed at his head and threw him. Andy flipped in the air and landed on his feet. Grabbing Dan before he could react Andy raised him over his head and slammed him to the ground.

“Not so tough now are you?”, Andy demanded. He reached for him again. Dan quickly got his foot between them and flipped him over to the ground. Andy kicked him in the head to give him time to get back up. “Come on you son of a bitch!” he yelled as he went at him again. Knowing each other for so long they were able to anticipate what the other was about to do as they countered and blocked each other. Andy went for a kick that Dan caught. Grunting he held on to it as he threw him.

“You always telegraphed that kick,” Dan told him. Andy grabbed his blaster and started firing away. Dan was floored by the first couple of shots. Andy got up and stood over him with the blaster.

“And I was always the faster shot.” Before he could pull the trigger Dan rose up and grabbed his wrist, pointing the gun away from him. A couple bolt still barely passed by his head. Holding on Dan grabbed his D-Colt and fired point blank. He backed up as Dan got up and quickly kicked the blaster out of his hand. Dropping the D-Colt Dan ran in and punched him in the face. Andy retaliated as they kept throwing haymakers at each other. Putting all he had into one punch Dan shattered the visor. Spinning around he kicked him down.

Dan stood there, Andy just burned a hole into him with his eyes. “What are you going to do now? Judge me? Go ahead! Do it you son of a bitch!”

Dan reached for his belt buckle and removed the D-Whoppers that he promptly slapped around his wrist, “You’re under arrest.” Walking away he pulled his License, “Stevens to Ops5, what’s your status?”

“Bots are taken care of,” she answered. “It wasn’t as bad as we originally thought. But I’m have Target and Rev searching the area for any still in hiding.” She was silent for a moment, “What’s your status?”

“Target is detained and waiting for a jail cell.”

“Understood, I’ll be there to pick both of you up as soon as I can, Ops5 out.” The entire time Andy sat there cussing him out.


Dan sat in the observation room of the orbital station trying to get lost in the silence. Trying not to think about what happened today. In the windows reflection he saw the door open and close. In a matter of moments Ace was sitting next to him just staring out the observation window. “So why did you trade shifts with Boomer?”

“I needed to get away for a bit,” he told her. “Why are you up here?”

“I’m doing a surprise inspection of the hanger crew to keep them on their toes,” she answered. “How are you doing?”

“I had to arrest my former best friend, I’m not feeling good no matter what he did.”

“You did it legal Cap, that has to count for something.”

“I know. You know Ace sometimes I still can’t believe a friendship that tight went that bad that fast. I considered each one of them a brother. I would have done anything for any of them.”

“It happens sometimes Cap,” she said. “I know I was friends with some people before that went to hell before I knew it. Sometimes you just got to go with the punches. Now I do believe Michelle is waiting for me to get back so she can come up her and comfort you personally. The faster I get out of here the faster she can do that.”

She got up when Dan said, “Thanks for listening to me for a bit Ace.”

“You’ve been trying to help me out, it’s the least I can do.”

On the planet below in a special warehouse operated by SPD Andy’s armor was stored after they got it off of him. Placed in a special case nobody saw a light silently blink inside the chest armor.


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