Special Police DekaOps – episode 32, Deep Sea Hunt

Special Police Dekaops


The sun made the ocean around them look like polished glass the waters was so calm. The wake from their boat was the only thing disrupting the effect. A few hastily attached patches hid the SPD logo that would have signaled who they were. Like always they weren’t real big on announcing their presence. Dan stood on the deck of a disguised Machine Swordfish and looked around him. “How close are we to the coordinates?”, he called back to the cabin.

“Start slowing down now,” Michelle called out while she stood at a table. A holographic map on it displayed their location in real time. An X in the middle marked their destination. Ace nodded and started to slow them down.

“I’m not getting anything on sensors yet,” Target said a Dan entered the cabin. “They were right about the interference in this area, it’s playing havoc with the readings. It’s a perfect spot alright.”

“Is there anything from the research station?”, he asked looking at Boomer. Shaking his head in the negative he went back to listening. “Nothing at all?”

“I’m not even getting a location beacon,” he said.

“Are we assuming worst case scenario?”, Ace asked.

“Not yet,” he said going over to the map. “It just might be equipment failure at this point.”

“I really hate to point out,” Ace continued, “the reason why we’re out here might be the reason why they’re having equipment failure.”

“I’m trying not to assume the worst,” he told her. And it was real easy to do that at this moment. Three hours ago the orbital sensors net received a hit on an incoming object. Various stations tracked it as it crashed into the ocean. They probably wouldn’t have even been called out here if it wasn’t for two things. One, the object appeared to slow down and change direction right before it made the plunge into the water. And two, it landed very near to an underwater research station. It was a joint operation by earth scientists and some of the galactic scientific community to find a new source of energy. Apparently Earth’s ‘backwater’ status, as well as this particular area, made it the ideal hiding space for the project. And that station hadn’t been heard from since the splashdown.

Michelle went to work first trying to see if the object was adding to the local interference. Then the decision was made to send them in. The Major got into contact with Meng Yeow and secured the use of one of the Swordfish they had docked. Which brought them to the here and now.

“I don’t want to go in gun blazes,” Dan continued, “if all this object took out was their communication system.”

“Which pretty much means we’re wasting our time if it did,” Ace commented.

“Hey if worse comes to worse we just took Rev on his first deep diving trip,” Boomer chimed in.

“And I’m sure Command will love to hear that,” Ace said.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry,” Rev said as he sat in the corner and studied the manuals of the equipment they would be using to get to the station.

“I know,” Ace admitted, “I just hate going in blind.”

“I thought that’s what you guys did best,” Michelle smirked. “Ok we’re there.” Ace brought them to a complete stop and dropped anchor to keep them in place. “I’m not reading any extra radiation or interference.”

“Send a message to the station,” Dan told Boomer. “See if they respond to that.”

“You got it,” Boomer said. “Research Station Tango this is SPD Swordfish Four, over.” Waiting a few moments he repeated the message.

“Target, launch a sensor probe,” Dan ordered after a few minutes.

“Rodger,” she complied. “Probe away.” Michelle manipulated the holomap so they could see the sensor reading. It wasn’t long before they were seeing the sensor outline of the station dome itself.

Michelle brought up a holoimage of the station and superimposed it the sensor reading. “The comm. antenna is located on top of the dome,” she said pointing out the three spires with several satellite dishes. “We’re not getting a sensor hit on that.”

“Was it torn off by the object?”, Rev said as he joined them at the table.

“I can’t say,” she said. “The damage is too irregular based on the readings.”

“Is there any sort of damage to the dome itself?”, Dan asked. That was his biggest fear at the moment, that whatever the object was hit the dome and caused catastrophic failure to the structure.

“I can’t tell from these readings,” Michelle said. “Target can you get the probe closer?”

“Yeah give me a moment,” she said. The dome’s image started to get closer then it disappeared completely. “What the hell?”, she exclaimed.

“What happened?”, Dan demanded.

“We lost contact with the probe,” she said. “I’m not sure what caused it.”

“We’re going to find out,” he said. “Suit up, we’re heading down there.”


In no time the five of them were dressed in wetsuits, each wearing one similar colors to their Dekasuits. The gathered at the aft of the ship and helped each other with their SCUBA gear. “I sent the Major a message about what’s going on,” Michelle said as she stood by. “He said to remind you to stay in constant contact with the Swordfish.”

“Me and Michelle ran some simulations on the Licenses,” Boomer told them. “Every test says we shouldn’t have a problem but we won’t know for sure until we have to be in that situation that will need them.”

“Right,” Dan said. “Keep your eyes open for anything. But don’t fire at anything until you’re sure of intent.” Dan fingered the specialty designed SP-Shooter strapped to his hip. It was suppose to be able to fire underwater but it hadn’t been tested in field conditions yet. The same went with the rest of their equipment if they had to activate the suits. Lowering the goggles and putting the facemask over his mouth Dan sat on the edge and fell backwards into the water. The station was reachable by swimming underwater so they didn’t need any specialized deep diving equipment. But they were using some underwater sleds Michelle put in earlier to get there faster. The others were in right after, Boomer deciding to do a cannonball dive. “Worse than a four year old.”

“Target,” Ace called out. She promptly punched him in the arm the moment he popped up. He complained for a moment before a look from Dan shut him up.

“Let’s get going,” Dan ordered. Activating the sleds they headed for the station. Ready for an early attack he was caught off guard when he saw Rev thrashing around. Boomer and Ace were able to grab his arms and with some effort they were able to win to the surface. Dan and Target followed them up.

“What’s going on?” Michelle asked leaning over the railing.

“Rev what happened?”, Dan asked swimming over.

“I… I am not sure,” he said still sounding panicky.

“Breath Rev breath,” Ace said trying to get him to calm down.

“I felt an overwhelming feeling of dread,” he explained after getting himself under control. “I was not feeling it before we went under and I am not feeling it now. I can’t explain it but I let the fear get to me.” Dan looked at the other but they said they didn’t feel anything, neither did he.

“Do you want to give it another go?”, Boomer asked him. Rev nodded. They went under again, this time the others kept an eye on him. He got a little deeper this time but it happened again. Surfacing again Rev smacked the water in frustration. “Easy there Rev, there’s no need to lose your cool.”

“I know Robert but this has never happen to me before. I thought concentrating on my antenna would help but it did not.”

“Rev,” Michelle called out looking thoughtful, “Your planet’s pretty barren right? There hardly any water anywhere?”

“That is correct Michelle,” he said. “The bodies of water we do have are considered sacred and are not to be entered by anyone.”

“So you’ve never been underwater before?” He shook his head in the negative.

Target seemed to know what she was going, “You think Rev has a phobia of being underwater?”

“It fits,” Michelle said. “My late husband didn’t know he had a fear of flying until we were on the plane heading to our honeymoon.”

“Rev I want you to sit this one out,” Dan told him.

Rev protested, “Captain I can do my duty.”

“Rev until we know for sure it’ll be better if you stayed topside with Michelle.”

“I understand Captain,” Rev said as he headed for the Swordfish.

“It’s nothing personal Rev,” Dan said following him for a bit. “But until we know for sure…”

“You do not need the distraction,” he finished for him.

“There’s another wetsuit below deck,” Michelle said. “I can throw it on real quick.”

“No, we can do it with four,” Dan told her.

“Ok,” she said. “Maybe I convince Rev to sit at the controls while I work on my tan,” she joked. Dan shot her a look. “Wow, you really are all business on the job aren’t you?”

“Let’s go guys,” Dan said and they dove underwater one more time.

Rev removed the SCUBA gear and sat there on the bench sullen as his antenna drooped. “Rev it happens,” Michelle said trying to comfort him. “If I know Dan he’s going to try and help you beat this as soon as the mission over.”

“I know but I feel as if I let them down.”

“Rev you didn’t know,” she told him. “Look at it this way, now you can keep me some company because it was going to be as boring as hell up here by myself.” He grunted but he didn’t look convinced.


Dan hated to do it but he had to do what was best for the team and the mission. He tried not to dwell on it but damn it he hated leaving an able bodied man behind. He was so caught up in it he almost didn’t notice there was no ocean life anywhere. This was bad, there should have been a school of fish or two swimming around at least. Ace tapped his arm and pointed ahead of them, the dome was in sight. It was mainly gunmetal gray with the occasional window of pressure resistant glass scattered about to give the inhabitants a view of the outside. Stopping the sled he pressed his fingers around his neck and activated the throat mike, “Swordfish four come in.”

“I’m here Dan,” Michelle said after a moment, “what’s the situation?”

“I’m seeing scorch marks on the outside of the dome form here. I’m not really seeing a hatch on this side though.”

“Be careful Dan, whatever made those marks might have taken out the probe.”

“Understood,” he called back.

“Cap,” Boomer cut in, “eight o’clock and down.” Dan looked down and to his left and saw a group of Anaroids come at them. Each had a pack on their packs on their backs that propelled them foreword and all carried some kind of underwater rifle. The bots took aim and started firing. They drew their SP-Shooters and started firing at the bots and avoiding the shots. Boomer stopped firing and held his hand to his ear. “Cap I’m getting an incoming transmission.”

“I’m hearing it,” he grunted while trying to avoid the energy bolts coming at him. “Michelle see if you can figure out what the voice is saying.”

“On it,” she answered. Before long she pulled up the transmission they were getting.

“The voice is telling you to head toward airlock seventeen,” Rev said after a moment.

“Where’s that?”, Ace demanded.

“I’m pulling up a schematic,” Michelle said as her fingers danced over the controls. “Found it. The airlock is right in front of you. It should be the first door you see as you approach the dome.”

Target got a little closer to the dome as she avoided the fire, “I think I see it.”

“Head for it!”, Dan ordered. The pushed the sleds to full speed and raced for the dome. This went against everything his gut was telling him but now was not the time to find out if the OpsLicenses would work under water or not. They fired behind themselves every so often to keep the bots from getting a clear shot at them. About three quarters of the way there the exterior hatch of the airlock started to open. Willing the sleds to go faster they entered the dome. Inside Dan and the other turned around and started firing at will at the Anaroids to keep them at bay until the door closed.

When it did there was clanking sound as the pumps kicked in and drained the water out. When it was done they took off the face mask and goggles as the interior doors started to open. A couple of scientist wearing light gray jumpsuits and whit lab coats looked grateful to see them. One, an Orion with blue skin, white hair and these antenna looking things on his head, stepped forward, “Dr. Sauron, and I am very glad to see you.”

“Captain Dan Stevens, SPD,” he said extending a hand. “I hate to sound rude but what the hell is going on?”

“Something I should have kept quiet about,” Sauron admitted. “Or at least I should have only told some of the few people I know I can trust completely. I assume you’re aware of our work down here?”

“Yeah you’re trying to come up with some alternate energy sources,” Ace said.

“That was the goal, and still is,” the doctor said. “Unfortunately with science you occasionally discover something you never intended to find.”

“So what did you find?”, Dan asked.

“I’m sorry to admit that during one experiment we accidently discovered a way to counterfeit Latinum.”

“How good a quality?”, Dan asked afraid of the answer. Latinum was one of the more stable currencies in the galaxy. One of the reasons why was the makeup was so unique it was nearly impossible to reproduce. And those who tried ended up with a substance that was often worth less than the materials it was made from.

“Nearly perfect I’m sorry to say. Unless you know what to look for it’s almost identical to the real thing.”

“And then you went and told the wrong person,” Ace said figuring out where this was going.

Sauron nodded, “The Tranvian I shared a lab with. Funny enough he was the one who convinced me to be quiet about it in the first place. Then we caught him making unauthorized transmissions a couple of days ago.”

“Where’s the Tranvain now?” Dan asked.

“After we discovered him he became violent. We were able to subdue him and lock him in a supply closet.”

“Ace, Boomer secure the Tranvian,” Dan ordered.

“Rodger,” she replied before asking a couple of the scientist to show them the way.

“I’m guessing the welcoming committee we encountered was the result of that call,” Target said.

“I’m afraid so. They came without warning as they say. They took out the antenna first so we couldn’t call for help. We were able to jury rig an emergency transmitter out of some spare parts, but the range is very limited.”

“Doesn’t this place have a back up transmitter?”, she asked.

“We did,” he answered. “It’s were we found my former lab mate. He was able to damage it beyond repair before we could stop him.”

“So the next question is,” Dan said, “was who did he call?”

“A relative of his,” Sauron answered, “well that’s the best we could get out of him. He stopped speaking basic and started yelling at us in his own tongue as soon as we locked him into the closest. And none of us here is exactly fluent in his language.”

“Attention scientist,” a gravelly voice said over the loudspeakers. “This is your final warning. Surrender my cousin and the Latinum maker. I repeat this is your final warning.” An electronic squeal later the transmission was over.

“The relative I’m assuming,” Dan said.

“You would be correct,” Sauron answered. “He’s been doing that every twenty minutes or so. Although the final part is new.”

“He might be ready to make his move,” Dan said, thinking out loud. “Do you have any idea where he might be coming from?”

“There’s been a lot of activity on the west side of the dome,” one of the others said. “It looks like they’re building something.”


“Say cheese,” Boomer said as he held his License at the window and took a scan. On the other side of the window, illuminated by the station lights and some external lights of it’s own, was a structure that was about quarter the size of a standard space cruiser. The nose was a concave plate with a device that looked a bit like a hatch. Anaroids hovered around it while a being in a deep diving suit pointed and gave directions. Boomer took another scan when he turned around and looked in their direction, his face lighted by the interior lights of the helmet. “I’m sending the images to you Michelle.”

“I got them,” she said after a moment. “I’m running the ring leader’s image through the database now.”

“I recognize that vehicle,” Rev said over the line. “I believe that is what they call a ‘Hull Cracker’. They were originally used in ship deconstruction yards, but pirates have found a way to modify the technology to raid the space lanes.”

“And you thought you weren’t going to be useful on the mission,” Michelle said with a grin.

“So the dude out there is a pirate?”, Boomer asked.

“And he seeing an unlimited supply of treasure just in his grasp,” Dan said. “I’m guessing he had a hard time getting the cutting devices to work underwater, that’s why he was giving out warnings. We got to stop that thing before he gets going.”

“I have an ID on the pirate,” Michelle announced. “He’s known as Greeneye, because he has one green eye apparently. The database doesn’t have a real name. The Tranvian government doesn’t like to give out the names of it’s citizens to the authorities for some reason. He relatively new from the look of things.”

Dan watched the Anaroids float out there. “Michelle I need you to run a couple of simulations for me.”

“Do you want to know how long it will take that thing to pierce the dome?”, she asked.

“Not exactly,” he replied. “I think it’s time to jump straight to plan B.”


“I swear you Deka are crazy,” Sauron said as he followed them to the nearest airlock. “You’re going to head out there and face that thing. And your SCUBA gear is in the other airlock.”

“We’re not going to need it,” Dan told him.

“I worked on the transmitter you built,” Boomer said. “We should be able to talk to you now but the range isn’t much better. But we’re going to tell you when it’s safe to come out and help get some replacement gear.”

“And you have my eternal thanks but…”

“Dr. Sauron we have a job to do,” Dan told him when they reached the airlock. “Now once the interior hatch closes I need you and the others to go deeper inside the station and into  the most secure area you have. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out.”

“I understand Captain,” he reluctantly said. Once they entered the airlock Sauron hit the switch the closed the interior hatch, “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” Dan told him. In moments the door sealed shut with a hiss and water started to be pumped inside. Facing the exterior hatch they took their OpsLicense from behind their backs, “Change standby.”

“I hope this works,” Ace commented.

“So do I,” Dan told her. “Emergency! DekaOps!” With a quick digital flash the Dekametal formed around them and into their suits. Raising their hands above their head they hit the button one more time, “EXO mode!”

Standing in a digital field they lowered their License and held it in front of them. A grid came from the badge that ran up their arm and covered their bodies. The grid started to expand and change shape as Dekametal came from the field and started filling it in, forming black armor plating on the bodies. Rockets appeared on their backs a breathing device formed on the lower half of their helmets. A colored number burned into the left side of their chest and the attached the Licenses into a slot on the right.

“Ops1 locked in.”

“Ops2 locked in.”

“Ops4 locked in.”

“Ops5 locked in.”

The exterior hatched opened after the airlock filled all the way. The four of them stood there for a moment. A few of the Anaroids saw the hatch open up and headed in their direction. By the Hull Cracker Greeneye watched and sent a few more to help with the assault. “Our main target’s the Cracker,” Dan said. “We have to disable that thing before it can get to the station. Go!” The main rockets on their back came to life and they flew out of the hatch. Boomer and Target shot straight through the Anaroids as Dan and Ace maneuvered to the sides. Drawing his D-Colt he fired at some Anaroids that turned to follow Boomer and Target. A couple of them started to swarm around him. Flipping a switch with his thumb he fired again. He didn’t exactly get the desired effect. He was able to back away from a group tackle at the last second, “What a time to find out the Multishot doesn’t work underwater.” So he punched the closest bot in the face instead.

Ace was having better luck with her D-Rod. The water bubbles slightly around the pink glow of the energy field as she cut through the Anaroids. Zigging and Zagging through the bots with ease she slashed away. Seeing a large group coming at her she headed straight for the middle. With her arm outstretched corkscrewed through them. The bots sparked in several places as the D-Rod hit them repeatedly. Ace took a moment to admire what she’d done and smile to herself, “Gotta love it.”

“You have any idea how we’re suppose to stop that thing?” Target asked as they broke through the Anaroid field.

“We put some explosives on that hatch on the plate and blow it to make it usless.”

“Won’t that damage the environment around here?”, she said while quickly turning around and took out a couple of Anaroids on their tail. “We don’t even know what’s on the other side of that door.”

“It’s better than my other plan of flooding the reactor core. Who know how leaky that thing is.”

“Good point. You set the charges I’ll cover you.”

“Works for me.” Boomer shot ahead as target slowed down. D-Shooter in hand she picked her shots as the Anaroids came near. Boomer took the opening she gave him to place a few underwater charges he had with him on the hatch and the cutter assembly around it. Setting the last charge he activated the timer and shot out of there. Target saw him leave and joined him. A few seconds later the charges blew the hatch was ripped open and the cutters around it were destroyed.

“Bastards!”, Greeneye shouted as he gave chase. In his right hand an energy blade sparked to life.

“Shit he’s got a sword,” Boomer cried out as he looked down.

“No you don’t!”, Dan said as he and Ace intercepted him mid flight. Greneye tried to swing his blade at them in retaliation. Ace backed away while Dan used the secondary jets on his shoulders and waist to avoid the slashes.

“Bastard stay still!”, he demanded getting frustrated.

“Yeah like that’s going to happen,” Ace told him as she came in with a kick to the gut. He surprised her with a slash right at her head. Dan was able to block it with his D-Rod. Ace grabbed him and started spinning round while keeping a grip on his diving suit. Letting go Greeneye swore loudly as he tumbled toward the Cracker. A dull thud could be heard through the water as he crashed into it.

Heading for the Cracker themselves Dan and Ace used the magna boots to secure themselves to the hull. Removing his License from the slot Dan switched it to Judge and held it before him, “Target orders.” A red X and blue circle started to flash between them. Before long the red x shined. “Eliminate target.” Greeneye activate the pack on his back and tried to get out of there. “D-Cannons.” Reaching behind their heads the left rocket pod open revealing the bazooka like weapon. Grabbing the handle they pulled it down over their shoulder. “Sight up,” a targeting reticule in their visor turned green when it locked onto him. “Strikeout!” Firing two massive beams Greeneye was deleted. “Got you.”

“That seemed easier than usual,” Ace commented.

“Say that after we finish off the rest of the bots,” Dan told her.


“What’s the mission status?”, the Major asked over the comm. link.

“The problem has been taken care of,” Michelle told him. “Dan thought it would be a good idea to hang around and help clean the area of Anaroid bits.” He nodded. “Boomer also checked out the Cracker while they were down there. He and Ace thinks they can salvage the communication gear and hook it up so the scientist can use it until their replacement gear arrives.”

Again he nodded, “Sounds good to me. Is the Tranvian who brought them there in custody?”

“He’s currently secured in the hold below deck,” she answered.

“Excellent. So what’s the ETA for all of that?”

“The Anaroid cleanup is currently underway and Ace estimates it’s going to take a couple of hours to get the comm. gear out and put into the station.”

“Alright I’ll see you when you get back. OpsBase out.”

As the image faded away Target stepped toward her. “The scientists are helping with the clean up so that’s almost done. And Ace said it would take about thirty minutes, forty-five tops.”

“It’s a gorgeous day and you’re complaining about a little extra free time.” Getting up she grabbed a full body towel and put on a pair of sunglasses. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have a tan that I need to work on.”

“Don’t let it be said I didn’t try to fit in,” Target said following her out.

In the ocean Rev held onto a raft filled with various robot parts. Dan came up and threw an arm onto the pile. “I think that’s about it,” he said lowering the facemask.

“I wish I was of more help Captain,” Rev said. “I thought I could handle this particular assignment.”

“Small steps Rev,” Dan told him as he grabbed the raft. “Everybody afraid of something and you can’t conquer your fears overnight. Trust me I know.”

“I’m surprised you have any fears at all,” Rev commented. “I’ve rarely seen you bat an eye on any assignment we’ve been on.”

“Yeah well I do.”

“May I ask what that is?”

Dan looked unsure at first. Then he looked around before leaning in, whispering, “Escalators.” He tried to explain when Rev just looked at him. “I don’t know what it is. I’ve never been hurt on one. I don’t even know anybody hurt by one. But they just freak me the fuck out. When I was younger it would take me a good five minutes just to set a foot on one.”

“And now?”

“I’m a little better than what I was, although I’ll still hesitate a little before I do. But honestly if I have a choice I’m taking the stairs or the elevator.” He pointed a finger at him, “And this stays between you and me, am I clear Rev?”

“Perfectly Captain.”

“Good, I’d never hear the end of it if Boomer found out. Come on, let’s get this load to the Swordfish.”

“Should I mention now that Trish is planning on replacing the entrance ramp of the Shepard with such a device?”

“That ain’t funny Rev,” Dan quickly said. Rev just smiled behind his back.


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