Special Police DekaOps – Episode 19, Road Trip

Special Police DekaOps


A nearly deserted highway during midday, everything was quiet except for a lone semi truck. On the inside the blond haired driver kept his eyes on the road in front and behind him. The red haired person besides him was watching everything else while he tapped his fingers on the arm rest. So far everything was going to plan but they had a while to go. The driver glanced at the clock on the dashboard. Flipping on the CB he said, “How’s the package?”

In the trailer a person in a black and blue Dekasuit looked at the freezer unit containing something that was pinkish purple. “Still solid,” D.E. answered.

“Right, keep you eyes on the readouts and make sure it stays that way.” Switching over to another frequency he said, “Ops1 to Shepard.”

“Shepard here,” Ace answered. “The area’s still clear. We’ll let you know the moment something does.”

“Understood, Ops1…”

“Wait,” Boomer took the mic, “Ace I just wanted to say thank you again. Lisa and me really appreciated it when you agreed to be part of it all.”

“Once again no problem, Shepard out,” she said quickly and ended the connection. Dipping her head a bit she said, “I still can’t believe she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids.”

“If this distresses you so much, why did you agree?”, Rev asked behind her.

“I don’t know, she just asked me out of the blue. She had this look on her face. Maybe if could have said no if I knew I was a last minute replacement for one of her friends who backed out. No, I’ve been part of the plans for awhile now apparently.” Ace put the Shepard on auto so she could look at Rev. “I mean I barely know the woman. I’ve meet her a couple of times tops, and that’s only because Boomer was around.”

“You are part of Robert’s life,” Rev said thinking it over. “Perhaps she wants to make sure this part of his life is still welcomed in his new one.”

“I could do that from the pew in the church,” she argued. “God, you should have seen me at the dress fitting. Outside of Lisa I knew nobody and her friends were giving me the outsider treatment. She was the only one there who actually wanted me there.” Turning back around and taking the stick she continued, “Michelle’s been married before, why didn’t she ask her? Maybe she can give me some tips on how not to be bored out of my mind while I’m standing there.”

“I’m sure that not all you have to do Trish,” Rev told her.

“No, I’m supposed to help plan things too. Every couple of days I’ll get a call asking if I think such and such is a good idea. The moment I say anything that sounds like a yes I’ll hear,” she started talking like a valley girl, “’So like thanks, byeeeeeeee.’ Lisa found out and apologized up and down but they kept doing it.”

“If this is so much of an annoyance perhaps you should find away to step away.”

“I thought about it but it wouldn’t be far to Lisa, ducking out this close to the wedding. Besides I kinda like her. I mean anybody prepared to spend the rest of their life with Boomer can’t be all bad.”


Boomer continued tapping his fingers, way off to the beat to the tune coming off the radio. Which got on Dan’s nerve a little more considering he only turned it on to drown the tapping out. “Getting nervous about the wedding kid? It’s only a week away.”

After a moment he replied, “I am now, thanks Cap.” He started tapping faster. Dan resisted the urge to grab those fingers just to get a moment of silence.

“I don’t mean to pry or anything but have you thought about the living arrangements…”

“I decided I’m going to do like the Major and his wife,’ Boomer told him before Dan got the question out. “A while ago actually. Me and Lisa found this apartment a couple miles away OpsBase. So I’ll be there in a couple of minutes if we got an assignment during the night.”

“That’s not what I was going to say,” Dan informed him. “I figured you’d be living off base. With some of the guys we bring in I wouldn’t want my wife around either. Not to mention the in-laws wanting to visit.”

“Let’s not mention the in-laws,” Boomer said.

“I’m sure they like you,” Dan told him. “But you are marrying their little girl after all.”

“Telling me to my face they don’t want me marrying her is a funny way of saying they like me.” Dan raised an eyebrow at that one. “It’s because I’m a cop. They’re dead set against Lisa becoming a widow at a young age.”

“She could become a widow even if you weren’t a cop.”

“And Lisa told them that, but they are dead set in their ways.” Boomer looked out the window and watched the countryside. “Hell I’ll be amazed if they show up for the wedding.” After a few minutes of silence he asked, “If you weren’t worried about where Lisa was going to live or how close I’d be what were you going to say?”

“Basically I was going to say it was going to be a little weird on base without you there all the time.”

Boomer got a huge grin on his face, “I knew it you liked me.”

“It’s a situation I can quickly get used to,” he quickly said. “Especially the quiet.”

“Admit you like me.”

“Do you want to be running laps till an hour before you’re married?” The truck hit a rough patch in the road that made it jump slightly. Almost immediately Dan grabbed the CB, “How’s the package?”

“Power readings fluctuated a bit,” D.E. answered, “but they’re back to normal now.”

“Make sure they stay that way. You have that freeze gun nearby?”

D.E. patted the oversize gun hang by the strap off his shoulder, “Hasn’t left my side since the trip started.”

“Keep it there until we’re done.”

“Rodger,” D.E. said.

“Refresh my memory,” Boomer said. “Why are we transporting this thing across a couple of states this way and not in the Shepard?”

“Well for one,” Dan answered, “in case things get hairy while we’re trying to unload this thing we might need the Shepard’s firepower. Two, the freezer unit needed for this job wouldn’t fit in the cargo bay. And three, Ace was already complaining about modifying the Hound bay as it was.”

“I’d feel better if we actually had some back up for this one.”

“For once I agree with you. Some space amoeba that can dissolve just about anything it wants when it’s thawed out. You bet I want an extra tech team back there with him.”

“So why don’t we?”

“Commander Scorp,” Dan spat. “The Major said he wanted to see how we acted under this type of situation.”

“So he just happened to have access to some sinister space slime?”

“Apparently a lab planet did. There are other things out there like this one just floating around the galaxy, and they cause a lot of damage when they’re caught by a planet’s gravitational pull and thaw out. From some of the reports the Major passed me there’s a big push to find a way to counter act them.”

“Then why are we babysitting this one?”

“Because they captured very few of these things and various labs wants to run tests on it.” Anticipating the next question Dan added, “And they don’t want this thing in one place for any long periods of time.”

“In case the Alienizers get any ideas,” Boomer said in understanding, Dan nodded. “So basically we’re just a pit stop.”

“We’re part of the leg of this particular journey. They do this every time when they transport this thing. Plan out a long complicated route, throw out a couple of false trails. A couple dummy ships and they think they have a plan.” Dan sighed, “Always a bureaucrats plan too.”

“Why do you say that?”

Dan waited a few moments before answering, “Now I can’t speak for the police department, but when I was in the military I could usually tell which officers spent time in the trench with the men and which rode a desk their entire career. And bureaucrats always come up with shit like this.” After another couple of moments he added, “I had Scorp pegged as a bureaucrat the moment I saw him.”

“You figured that out the moment you meet an ‘alien’ SPD commander?” Boomer asked with some skepticism.

“It’s a vibe you learn to read,” Dan informed him. “And that why the faster we hand this off to the next courier the better.”


“Mr. Rockwell,” The driver of the nearby car said as a man in an immaculate suit looked out over the area with a pair of binoculars, “did you find what you’re looking for yet?”

“Not yet,” he said as patiently as he could. His distain for humans grew with every second he was around them. Then he spotted it and his mood brighten, the truck with the special delivery. It was amazing how easy it was to look through SPD security when you knew where the lesser know cracks where, especially when you planted them yourself. Using a special add on he developed the magnification amplified greatly and he got a good look at the driver. “Perfect,” he whispered, the fact Stevens was involved made this all the better.

“What was that sir?”, the driver asked.

“Nothing.” He said as he headed for the car. “Sorry for the inconvenience. Sometimes you hear a report about an alien that’s so outlandish you have to check it out for yourself.”

“Oh I understand sir. I heard about one that could change from human size to something the size of a whale in a second. Dropped everything myself to take a look.” ‘Rockwell’ nodded and pulled a palm pilot out of his coat, or something that looked like a palm pilot. Sending a message to his, thanks to Stevens and his lackeys, new Igadroid, he ordered it to set the trap. He smirked to himself as he saw his eyes go reptilian briefly in his reflection.


The trip was uneventful for awhile, then they passed through a energy field that literally came out of nowhere. Dan stomped on the brakes the moment his mind registered what was going on but the engine had already died. “What the hell?”. He grabbed the CB but got nothing but static. He and Boomer jumped out of the cab as Dan’s OpLicense went off, “This is Steven, go.”

Ace sounded worried, “Cap we just registered an electrical magnetic pulse near you on the sensors.”

“We ran into it Ace, the truck stalled.”

“D.E.,” Boomer activated his, “how are things back there buddy?”

“A little shaken up with the sudden stop,” he answered. “The back up systems kicked in, what happened?”

“We got hit with an EMP.”

“Good thing for the shielding on SPD equipment then.”

“Tell me about it.” He saw something on the edge of the road a few feet back. “Wait a second. Cap,” he shouted after checking it out, “I found an emitter!”

“I found one too,” he called back. “Rev what kind of life sign readings are you getting?”

“You are the only humanoid reading I am receiving in the current area,” he answered after a moment.

“Bots,” Dan said as he tried to put everything together. It was the only thing that made sense with the clues available. “Scan for any stray energy readings. I’m sure whatever set these emitter was smart enough to get away and be close enough to make sure they had the right target. Ace keep us on visual cause this could go south in a hurry.” None of them thought to check under the truck. Once the pulse went off heavily a shielded roller drone silently slide under the trailer bofore either of them noticed. It’s scanner detected the coldest spot overhead and stopped. A cannon raised as it did a deeper scan of the interior. Then it used the rest of it’s energy cell to power one shot that pierced the trailer. Dan turned around just in time to see the shot go through the roof, “What the hell?”

Inside the trailer D.E. stepped back as the shot surprised him. When he looked back he saw a couple of the power conduit and coolant tubes severed. He quickly checked the readings and grabbed his License, “We lost power to the chamber and this thing heating up fast.”

“Blast it with the freeze gun!”, Dan snapped.

“Right,” he said and fired at it. “We lost the containment field,” he announced as it flashed out of existence. It thawed out quicker than he thought it would and the amoeba lashed out at him. “Holy…!”, D.E. headed for the floor. By the time he looked up it was already headed for the hole in the floor. “Oh no you don’t,” he said as he took aim. He fired as it as it shot out another stream at him. The frozen slime arm continued foreword and pierced the freeze gun and jerked it out of his hands. It dissolved the gun in seconds and actually grew a little after absorbing a part of it. Then it started on the floor. “Weapon’s down and it’s getting out.”

“There’s a couple of more in the locker behind you,” Dan reminded him as he looked under the trailer. “Get ‘em and get out here.” Watching the slime come toward him he shouted, “Boomer change standby!” Stumbling to the side he was surprised when it actually jumped at him. The amoeba landed on a boulder and quickly absorbed it mass into it’s own in no time. Standing by Boomer he said, “Emergency! DekaOps!”

A digital flash later and both of them where in their Dekasuits and drew their D-Colt and D-Shooter respectively. “Do we fire?”, Boomer asked.

Dan looked at the D-Colt in his hand, “Either the shot goes through it or it gets bigger. D.E get your ass out here!”

Finally the back of the trailer opened up and the ramp started to lower. D.E. jumped out with both freeze guns when he had enough room. “Sorry, had a hard time overriding the security lock. It wouldn’t let me input the emergency override code, kept saying no access in an emergency situation,” he explained as he tossed one of the guns to Boomer. “Had half a mind to shoot the damn thing.”

“Damn bureaucrats,” Dan muttered. “Let it have it.” The amoeba lashed out again, D.E. was ready while Boomer caught on real quick. Dan looked inside the trailer to find anything useful. He thought about tearing out one of the cooling tanks from the containment units, but they would probably going to need that intact.

“Cap it’s bolting!” Boomer shouted. He looked back and saw it roll away from the freeze beam dissolving and absorbing whatever it ran over.

“Oh no you don’t,” Dan said. “Ace, freeze run now.”

“Rodger,” she replied. She pulled the Shepard around and dropped the cloaking field. Locking on the ever growing target she opened the Hound bay doors and released some of the bombs they were carrying, “Bombs away.” The bombs hit the ground and the air quickly got a lot colder around the amoeba and it started to shrink.

“Good shooting Ace,” D.E. pumped his fist.

“It’s not over yet,” Dan reminded him. “You two cover that thing now.” The Shepard landed and Rev rushed out with two short compact rifles with a dish at the end of the barrels. Dan took one saying, “Rev come with me, Ace fix that the containment unit.”

“I’ll try, but it’s going to depend on how bad the damage is,” she informed him.

“Then jury rig something,” He told her as he and Rev followed Boomer and D.E.. Getting on either side of the thing Dan and Rev raised their weapons. “Rev you ready?” He nodded, “Now.” Two beams came from the dishes and encompassed the amoeba. Slowly the slime shrunk even more and changed shape into what looked like a sphere. An alarm started to come from his gun, “it’s starting to fight back.”

“On it,” Boomer said as he shot another ray at the sphere.

“Ok, we have to keep this thing hibernating until Ace gets the containment unit fixed. How’s the power levels on the freeze guns?”

“I’m still good,” Boomer answered.

“I got a lot of shots left,” D.E. added. “Hey, what do we do if somebody drives by?”

Dan thought for a second, “Say we’re filming a movie.”

“But what about…?”

“Tell them it’s a special effect,” he snapped. “Sorry, situation getting to me and I don’t want an angry ex fiancé coming for my head if anything happens to Boomer. Here’s what we’re going to do, we’re going to take this to the trailer right now. D.E., Boomer watch this thing carefully. Alternate shots to keep it cold until then. Ready? Let’s go.” Slowly they made their way to the trailer with D.E. and Boomer freezing again every time it started looking active. It seemed like forever before Ace peek her head out the door.

“I think I got it,” she announced.

“That’s not the word I want to hear,” Dan told her.

“It’s the best you’re going to get right now,” she shot back.

“Guess it has to do. Rev come on.” Carefully they headed into the trailer. Dan backed into the trailer first. He looked behind to watch out for the hole and saw Ace crouching by the unit. “Do you have to be right there?”

“I’m not sure if this is going to work and I might have to rig up something else as fast as I can,” she informed him.

“Alright then,” Dan said as he and Rev got the sphere into position. When it was hovering in the unit’s chamber Ace activated the containment field.

“Cross you fingers,” Ace said and turned on the freezing unit. After several moments Dan nodded at Rev and they deactivated their weapons. All of them held their breath until the readouts stabilized and stayed strong. “Yes!” Ace celebrated by jumping into the air.

Dan breathed out hard as he tilted his head back and lowered his weapon. “Rev watch this thing for the time being. Ace, your next job…”

She already ahead of him as he reached into he pack and pulled out a wrench, “Get the truck going. Should be the easiest thing I do today.”

Hours later they arrived at their destination. Dan jumped out of the cab as an annoyed looking pointed eared alien walked toward them, “You are late.” A gold badge, just great. Dan said nothing as he reached into the cab and tossed the remaining half of the freeze gun at the SPD operative.

“We had a little bump in the road,” Dan said. “Boomer, you and D.E. help our… friends get it out of the truck. Then it’s officially theirs and we can get the hell out of here. Oh and you can tell whoever in charge of this project that they will be getting my complaints about their security system and set up in the report.”


A week later they made it to the church without any assignments coming their way. Although they wanted to do it differently the Major insisted they wear civvies to avoid any question why members of police department from different states and a couple of army officers where there. Dan and the guys rented some tuxes while Michelle found a dress in her closest and Rev wore a ceremonial rob from his home planet. From what they knew of Lisa’s family they were surprised that so many showed up, even her parents. D.E. was next to Boomer trying to keep him calm. Finally the music started and eventually Ace walked out trying not to look out of place in the dress she was wearing.

Then Lisa came out and Boomer fell in love all over again. Michelle whispered into Dan’s ear about the dress while the Major and his wife Helen watched from behind them. The preacher started and everyone paid close attention. When he got to, “If there is anybody here who think these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold you piece.”, Dan, Michelle, Ace and D.E all glanced over to Lisa side of the family. Nobody said anything and the preacher continued. After they exchanged their vows the preacher announced, “With the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride.” Everybody got to their feet as Boomer did just that. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker.”

Hours later at the wedding reception Lisa’s Father gave a quick speech welcoming him into the family, but he quickly sat down. That didn’t dampen the mood. A mood that elevated as they gave in to the small smash chant D.E. got started when they cut into the cake. After they had their first dance the floor quickly filled. Boomer and Lisa paid attention to nothing but each other while the Major and his wife remembered their wedding day. There was a tap on the Major shoulder. “Do you mind if we cut in?”, Dan asked.

“Not at all,” The Major replied. He grabbed Dan hand saying, “But I lead.”

Dan backed away, “Do you think I’m afraid to hit a guy with a cane in front of all these people?”

“Don’t mind him honey,” Helen said as she took Dan’s arm. “I’ll be glad to dance with a handsome young man.”

Dan took one last chance to point at the Major, “Keep you hands where I can see them.”

He looked hurt, “I thought you knew me better than that.”

“I do, that’s why I’m repeating keep your hands where I can see them.”

“Come on Major,” Michelle said, “lets’ make both of them jealous.”

“Careful, he breaks easily.”

“That’s my husband your talking about,” Helen chided him. They talked for a bit, catching up where they could, or what Dan thought he could tell her. Then she said, “So, Henry tells me that you and Michelle are pretty close. It’s about time you broke that stupid rule of yours.”

“We’re having some fun,” Dan admitted. “We enjoy being around each other. I kind of wish I broke that rule a lot sooner than what I did.”

“Any plan to make an honest woman out of her?”

“I’ve never heard her tell a lie,” Dan deadpanned. “Well there was that one time involving Hawaii, but I try not to think about it too much.

In a corner Rev and the Preacher were discussing the differences and similarities of their respective bonding ceremonies. At a table sitting by herself Ace watched the others enjoy themselves. Boomer looked happier than she ever seen him so she tried to make sure her mood didn’t dampen theirs. D.E. sat next to her unexpectedly and asked, “How are you doing?”

“How am I doing?”, she repeated. “I’m at a wedding reception, sitting by myself in a God awful pink dress. How do you think I’m doing?”

“Well I can’t do anything about the dress,” D.E. said as he stood up. “But maybe I can do something about the sitting alone part,” and he held out a hand. Ace looked at it for a moment before taking it. He led her to the dance floor, just in time for a slow dance to start. While they danced she looked over at Boomer and Lisa. Whatever they were felling must have been catching, because she slowly started to enjoy herself. All of them glad none of their OpLicenses went off to ruin the evening.


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