Dragon Knight Chat Log

Kamen Rider Online-Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Cast and Crew Chat

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Kamen Rider Online’s affilate (Kamen Rider Central) had the pleasure of
hosting a chat with various  members of the cast and crew of
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. This is all do to MR-Aftershoch. Who put
this whole thing together with the cast, crewmembers, and their agents.
I color coded the cast and crew during the chat. Check the Who’s Who list to
see the correct color. This way everyone could tell who was really a
crew member or not.

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Who’s Who 

Nathan- Nathan Long – Story Editor

davidj- David
Jakubovic -Production Editor

Lunsford – Stephen Lunsford – Actor – Kit Taylor ( Dragon Knight )

Karias22 -Yvonne Aries –
Actor – Maya

MattMullin- Matthew Mullins – Actor – Len ( Wing Knight )

RisLauren- Marisa Lauren-Actor- Lacy

Yvonnne Aries showed up earlier due to a timezone error on our part.
She stayed for a little while to answer questions. There was a little
confusion. There were some fakers that signed in as cast and crew. That
part of the chat has been deleted. I also deleted uneeded comments.

19:02:18 [karias22] Hi, it’s yvonne (aka Aria–maya young)!!!

19:02:45 [jason83080] hey Yvonne, Matt

19:02:57 [jedibmoney] I accepted you on myspace [Bmoney{ikusa}]

19:03:03 [jason83080] er, Aria… sorry

19:03:06 [karias22] i thought i was right on time =D

19:03:27 [jedibmoney] lets get this party started

 19:04:16 [AkiKomine] hey

19:04:21 [karias22] i think i kinda know what i’m doing…i’m getting the hang of this “chat” thing. cool

19:04:25 [jedibmoney] as i said graham. suprises are a good thing

19:04:40 [maskedshuu] Type and press enter and all is well

19:04:45 [PRangerX] yeah this is a pretty simple program

19:04:57 [karias22] thanks for organizing this, graham. appreciate your support of the show. how’d you like the first episdoe?

19:05:09 [jedibmoney] God i love this biz.

19:06:18 [karias22] hello everyone!!!

19:06:27 [Aoiblue] yoyo

 19:06:38 [PRangerX] thansk for coming

19:06:43 [PatC] So can anyone explain who’s here at the moment?

19:06:53 [Aoiblue] we should telll hju then Xp

19:07:07 [Aoiblue] damn

19:07:13 [jedibmoney] they’ll find out

19:07:48 [karias22] for those that just entered, karias22 is yvonne aka aria


19:08:00 [Aoiblue] lol

19:08:18 [karias22] hey, you spelled my last name wrong =D “arias”

19:08:33 [PatC] Isn’t this an hour early?

19:08:35 [jedibmoney] for those of you who just entered. i’m not famous or on KRDK. but Welcome. I am just an Underling.

19:08:35 [graham] sorry Yvonne

19:08:37 [maskedshuu] Awesome name

19:09:01 [karias22] no biggie. thanks maskedshuu for the compliment

19:09:04 [PatC] So how is everyone doing?

19:09:06 [Aoiblue] oh i get her name!

19:09:13 [jason83080] was Yvonne’s character the girl in the opening that got attacked by the grunts when Wing Knight came to her rescue?

19:09:17 [Aoiblue] makes sense XP

19:09:35 [AriAlistar] hi

19:09:37 [wataru] Chat time >:]

19:10:03 [jedibmoney] im going to try and not nerd out. thank god for self control.

19:10:13 [PatC] So, did we all see Dragon knight?

19:10:17 [Aoiblue] lol

19:10:18 [PatC] Or has anyone not seen it?

19:10:29 [karias22] yes, the wonderful wing knight rescues me

19:16:04 [graham] Hey Yvonne >> Where are you now?’

19:16:06 [karias22] hey everyone, it’s Yvonne (aka Aria). Have to log off in about 3 minutes. if you have any questions,,,,,

19:16:12 [NaomiTakeb] i hate roy

19:16:20 [PatC] A
lot of teenagers probably wouldn’t watch Power Rangers, but I’m sure
they would watch Dragon Knight if it crossed their paths. A much deeper
story, it seems

19:16:26 [wataru] Zeronos!

19:16:28 [karias22] i’m in waikiki!!

19:16:35 [PatC] A question?

19:16:39 [PatC] Hm

19:16:44 [Aoiblue] nice

19:16:46 [PatC] Favorite episode you shot so far?

19:17:00 [jason83080] I’m up here in the frozen Ohio, and it’s rather cold 😐

19:17:02 [PatC] And what Kamen Rider would you want to be if you could from the series?

19:17:04 [karias22] hmmmm… let me think about that for a sec

19:17:05 [jedibmoney] Matt!

19:17:09 [jedibmoney] whats good bro?

19:17:10 [wataru] Graphics were awesome! 3d effects were great

19:17:11 [maskedshuu] Yvonne
– Have any of the crew, or yourself, started to watch tokusatsu or
other Kamen Rider shows because of working on Dragon Knight?

19:17:20 [dukemon22] hey all

19:17:30 [dukemon22] loved the show

19:17:37 [PatC] Good questions

19:17:38 [jason83080] hey dukemon

19:17:57 [jedibmoney] Matt i need your help with something i don’t think i can discuss here

19:18:10 [karias22] if i told you my favorite episode, it would be a spoiler. sorry =D

19:18:42 [PatC] Aw, okay, that’s fine. Thanks, though

19:18:42 [karias22] as for the cast watching other KR shows, i know some of us watched ryuki

 19:19:29 [karias22]

well, time is about to run out. thanks everyone for your support and to
aki, roy steve mike and all the cast crew and adness!!!

19:19:38 [wataru] Did you watch subbed versions? Or were they summed up to by the staff.

19:19:42 [PRangerX] thanks for coming

19:19:48 [maskedshuu] thanks for coming down

19:19:50 [Aoiblue] thank you!~

19:19:58 [dukemon22] yeah, thanks for your time

19:20:00 [jason83080] thanks for coming

About a half hour later the
other cast  and crew members started to sign on. This is where the
Chat started to really pick up. There were announcments 

from the adminstrator all
through the chat but those parts weren’t saved. I edited out some of
the un-needed parts.   Here is the rest of the chat with

19:49:38 [Exia] Ah, Nathan Long?

19:49:42 [Nathan] Testing 1 2 3 ….

19:50:15 [Exia] Pleasure to type with you, if you are indeed him.

19:50:16 [nerefir] hi

19:50:18 [KRMatirx] Jason: dangit. okay.

19:50:26 [Tokageras] your so funny bmoney

19:50:27 [Aoiblue] remmeber guys, be respectfull

19:50:28 [wataru] Merkiepie (っ≧ω&#8806 っ♡

19:50:28 [PatC] Oh my, Nathan Long

19:50:32 [Merkypie] Hola como estas Nathan~

19:50:35 [jgpBT] Is it okay if I ask question not related to the show b ut to their other project like MARISSA is from South of Nowhere

19:50:36 [DarkHues] Power rangers is amazing.

19:50:37 [Kaiser666] *wave* What’s happenin’, peoples?

19:50:38 [InuiTakumi] sweet! Hey Nathan, How’s it goin?

19:50:41 [black] that depends…

19:50:46 [Merkypie] wataru: shi ne

19:50:46 [Nathan] I am indeed him.

19:50:48 [DarkHues] Not as cool now but it’s cool

19:50:48 [gogogo0718] Hello

19:50:55 [Aoiblue] Hello Nathan

19:50:56 [KRMatirx] Kalser mite want to change you color. its hard to see

19:51:07 [DarkHues] ok

19:51:10 [PatC] So, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. Anyone hear of it?

19:51:11 [Nathan] Very well thank you. How did everyone like the sneak today?

19:51:24 [Aoiblue] It was good

19:51:26 [Merkypie] Yes~ I did

19:51:27 [dukemon22] loved it

19:51:28 [jason83080] It was a good taste of what’s to come

19:51:31 [DarkHues] a little bit here and there

19:51:31 [nerefir] i really enjoyed it

19:51:31 [PatC] The sneak peak was pretty good.

19:51:32 [Ketaros] it was alright

19:51:37 [jedibmoney] WELCOME CAST AND CREW

19:51:38 [PatC] It was a good first episode.

19:51:40 [KRMatirx] i enjoyed it

19:51:43 [DarkHues] Is it good?

19:51:43 [nerefir] i can’t wait for the rest of the series

19:51:45 [InuiTakumi] I thought it was a good peak at what we’re in store for

19:51:52 [Kaiser666] Episode 1 was just great.

19:51:55 [PRangerX] yes the sneak peak was very interesting

19:52:08 [PRangerX] I can’t wait for the rest to air

19:52:08 [Merkypie] It was just too fast

19:52:12 [Crobdan] I thought showing all the Riders in the theme song was a little… spoilery

19:52:14 [black] ok i guess

19:52:14 [KRMatirx] matt mullins is my hero

19:52:17 [Exia] I’m reserving my judgment, but I’m quite excited for what’s next.

19:52:19 [Nathan] Cool. Sounds like most people liked it.

19:52:19 [InuiTakumi] How many episodes is this season supposed to run for?

19:52:20 [Merkypie] Lots of action, no explination.

19:52:21 [wataru] The show teased me the right way. I may be tempted to watch some more out of curiosity…

19:52:23 [jedibmoney] I enjoyed it a lot. i even wrote a blog about it on my blog.

19:52:27 [Aoiblue] looking forward to the rest

19:52:28 [DarkHues] where exactly can I watch it

19:52:40 [Nathan] 40 episodes

19:52:40 [KRMatirx] youtube

19:52:54 [Aoiblue] See? he’s serious

19:53:01 [PatC] 40 episodes? Are you guys going to try and run it all in a row, or will there be two seconds with a cut off point?

19:53:01 [KRMatirx] 40 eps? sweet

19:53:05 [wataru] jgpBT IP ban o.o

19:53:07 [DarkHues] Alright I’ll check it out

19:53:12 [Kitt] Sneak was pretty good, some good and bad points but overall it was nice.

19:53:17 [PRangerX] How much invovlement did you have in writing the Opener Nathan?

19:53:22 [Merkypie] Nathan:
Impressive, 40 eps. So I’m assuming some eps from the original Japanese
series is going to be cut from this localization, correct?

19:53:31 [jason83080] I’d imagine that there would be a break over the Summer

19:53:33 [KRMatirx] Nathan Long great episode!

19:54:03 [PatC] Don’t link to your blog

19:54:08 [davidj] Hi guys

19:54:18 [Nathan] I was the writer of the first episode, and the plotter of the whole season.

19:54:22 [Merkypie] Can everyone just chill out and allow Nathan to speak and stop trying to grab his attention. And stop linking your stuff, Jedi

19:54:35 [InuiTakumi] Since
the story is gonna be pretty stand-alone, will it use a lot of the
footage from Ryuki? Or will some be saved for maybe a second season?

19:54:39 [KRMatirx] Hey Nathan did you enjoy working with Dragon Knight

19:54:49 [nerefir] hi david

19:54:51 [davidj] yes! Hi Nathan!

19:54:55 [PatC] Hey David.

19:54:56 [DarkHues] I back. The Theme song for the first episode it pretty cool

19:54:59 [InuiTakumi] Hey, David

19:54:59 [Aoiblue] Hello David

19:55:01 [Nathan] There is no one-to-one match up of episodes. Once the show gets started, all the fights get mixed up.

19:55:01 [dukemon22] hey David

19:55:15 [Nathan] Hi David!

19:55:16 [Kaiser666] Welcome, David!

19:55:19 [PatC] Nathan, have you met most of the cast members yet?

19:55:28 [KRMatirx] David! great episode!

19:55:32 [nerefir] yeah merky’s right

19:55:43 [black] why use “kamen rider” during henshin parts? this kinda bugs me…sorry

19:55:44 [Exia] I agree with Merkypie.

19:55:49 [Nathan] I have met most of them. I didn’t get on the set much though. I was chained to my writer’s desk.

19:55:52 [Bustah] David: If the show does well enough, is there plans to localize another Kamen Rider show?

19:55:55 [davidj] Thank you!!!!! I actually started on episode 3, I think I only did a scene or two on episiode 1

19:55:57 [Orphenoch] Hey Nathan, I was wondering, how restricted are you buy censorship in that time slot?

19:56:01 [Kitt] Nathan: How’d it feel working on Dragon Knight? Like How hard was it trying to adapt Ryku into the United States?

19:56:06 [davidj] Localize? What do you mean localize?

19:56:29 [leikaman] Hello everybody from the UK… This is borgmanjayce from HJU.

19:56:57 [KRMatirx] hey here is a question. what made you guys want to chose Ryuki? I am not complaining at all.

19:57:04 [Merkypie] Answer*

19:57:35 [Nathan] Our bosses chose Ryuki. I think it was based on the amount of toys they could get out of it.

19:57:49 [KRMatirx] o that makes sense then

 19:58:28 [Aoiblue] The
catchphrase for the Kamen rider is “Kamen rider!” of course, but before
that it was “Kamen Rider! Intiate!”, why did u choose “kamen rider!” as
the catchphrase? Couldnt you have used “Transform!”? As it is the
direct translation for “Henshin”.

19:58:31 [PRangerX] Dave what were the challenges of editing the source material with the american scenes?

19:58:52 [KRMatirx] Lunsford! come back!

19:58:57 [PatC] Good quesiton, Aoiblue

19:59:17 [Nathan] That
was something Steve decided. I think he thought Henshin was too
Japanese, and transform was too close to transformers. We wanted to
keep it simple.

19:59:22 [black] did you use some of the japanese footage like PR did before?

19:59:26 [KRMatirx] *face palm* Jedi no! Bad memories!

19:59:31 [Aoiblue] Thank you

19:59:39 [davidj] Well,
most of the show IS American scenes. The stuff that isn’t, i.e the
scenes used from the Japanese show, was planned very carefully in the
script (kudos to Nathan here who had the VERy hard job of doing that)

19:59:50 [nerefir] what was the most interesting part of working on this show?

19:59:54 [Exia] That’s very interesting, Nathan.

19:59:54 [DarkHues] Hey

20:00:02 [Nathan] Yes. We used as much as we could. We didn’t have much money, so we had to use existing fight scenes to save some./

20:00:06 [DarkHues] Yo Marisa!

20:00:26 [davidj] So
I had a good idea where it goes. I just had to make sure the timing
made sense and worked properly, and then in the sound editing it all
comes together. It’s not NEARLY as obvious as in PR.

[Nathan] Hiya, Ris!

20:00:41 [Merkypie] Did
you work closely with the Japanese crew behind Ryuki, or was it
basically — Watch the show, translate, interpret the translation, and
base a plot off of that? Because a big problem with the 1st one, Masked
Rider, was the liberties taken ultimately defacing the original, KR

20:00:43 [DarkHues] SWEET

20:00:47 [KRMatirx] Hello Marisa

20:00:59 [Ketaros] black rx merc

20:01:04 [BillG3] Hey people

20:01:10 [davidj] Go for it Kitt

20:01:10 [RisLauren] What up What up… Marisa Lauren in da house!!!!!!!

20:01:13 [Merkypie] Ket: CHARACTER LIMIT

20:01:25 [Nathan] We had no contact with the Japanese guys, except at the executive level. I never met any odf them.

20:01:26 [Exia] David,
I do have a question. Nathan Long mentioned that he was the guy who
held the Wang Brothers back and…”grounded” their stories, so to
speak. Did you find it hard to work with that?

20:01:41 [InuiTakumi] Hey, Marisa, how are you?

20:01:45 [KRMatirx] oooppps!

20:01:47 [davidj] For myself I can answer this: I LOVE editing action. So it was a fun gig for me.

20:01:50 [BillG3] i have a question for Ris Lauren. What did you think of that tomato joke or whatever?

20:01:50 [KRMatirx] sorry nevermind!

20:01:56 [RisLauren] Hey guys I play Lacey in Kamen Rider….did u all get to watch this morning?

20:01:59 [maskedshuu] hello

20:02:01 [KRMatirx] oh thats cool david

20:02:09 [davidj] Exia – what do you mean hard to work with?

20:02:11 [Merkypie] Nathan, I see. Thanks

20:02:14 [PatC] Nathan,
do you think this show could appeal to teenagers and kids at the same
time? Do you guys want to appeal to the teenage crowd, or would it just
be a plus?

20:02:34 [Kaiser666] I’m really looking forward to the stuff Maya and Lacey get into in future episodes.

20:02:38 [KRMatirx] i saw it! Great job Lauren!

20:02:50 [Nathan] We tried to make it as appealing to teens as possible. We really wanted a 10 – 17 audience.

20:02:52 [RisLauren] well
the tomato joke wasnt in the script…that was all victoria jackson,
and i think shes an amazing comedian, so whatever she says is fine with

20:03:00 [Exia] David:
Excuse the poor wording. I meant, while editing them, did you feel that
you had to compromise much of their original visions?

20:03:08 [Aoiblue] Wasnt she in SNL?

20:03:11 [PatC] 10-17? That’s good

20:03:16 [PatC] Impressive

20:03:19 [Lunsfuhd] Hey everyone it’s Stephen lunsforddd

20:03:21 [RisLauren] Thanks guys!!!

20:03:22 [Kitt] This
goes out to both David and Nathan. Did you guys after watching Ryuki
seeing as how it is what you have adapted, think you were going to have
any troubles adapting it or were you guys just thinking piece of cake?

20:03:25 [nerefir] hi matt

20:03:26 [Ketaros] she was

20:03:29 [KRMatirx] Stephen you are my hero!

20:03:29 [RisLauren] yes she was

20:03:31 [PRangerX] How would you descibe you’re character Lauren?

20:03:38 [dukemon22] watched the ep, was great, welcome marisa, stephen and matt

20:03:40 [KRMatirx] Matt Mullins!

20:03:43 [Nathan] I knew it was going to be hard. And it was.

20:03:48 [MattMullin] and matt mullins too

20:03:50 [Merkypie] Hello, Stephen~

20:03:50 [BillG3] Question for Lunsfuhd. you’re in Bratz the movie right? what part? lol

20:03:53 [RisLauren] Yay Matts here!!!

20:03:55 [InuiTakumi] Hey, Stephen and Matt

20:04:06 [Orphenoch] Hello Matt

20:04:11 [Lunsfuhd] Hahaha

20:04:13 [MattMullin] sup Ris

20:04:15 [Exia] Davidj: That’s very good to hear. Thank you.

20:04:16 [MattMullin] shoot

20:04:18 [Nathan] Hiya, Matt!

20:04:21 [KRMatirx] Matt Mullins can i ask you a question about martial arts?

20:04:25 [Lunsfuhd] Yeah, i played Cameron in it

20:04:26 [Crobdan] So what kind of toys are we gonna get out of this? Belts? SIC?

20:04:31 [RisLauren] my character is kinda boy and fashion crazy…lol

20:04:36 [RisLauren] but shes a lot of fun

20:04:47 [Nathan] Toys are unfortunately not our department.

20:04:50 [PatC] Stephen,
do you have any weight knowing that you’re carrying the hopes of all
Kamen Rider fans in America, and…also, a total random question, but
what shampoo do you use? Your hair is amazing.

20:04:52 [Lunsfuhd] Yeah, fire away,

20:05:03 [Aoiblue] lol

20:05:03 [RisLauren] i had the best time with all the different hair colors i got to experiment with

20:05:20 [MattMullin] hahaha I love your hair too steve

20:05:46 [Kitt] Between
you and your character, Len, do you carry any similiarities between Len
and if not and your totally different from him, was Len a hard
character to portray?

20:05:49 [BillG3] Question for Lunsfuhd. you’re in Bratz the movie right? what part? lol

20:05:49 [Harlcok] I think we can all agree, he has very nice hair.

20:05:50 [Merkypie] Hair so amazing, not even a biker helmet can disrupt it

20:05:50 [Nathan] David, can you edit my responses and make me look good?

20:05:54 [Lunsfuhd] Hahahahahaha, honestly the shampoo?? No idea. Ask the people who did my hair hahaha

20:06:16 [davidj] Hahaha, Nathan that’s funny – I think you’re doing fine

20:06:22 [Exia] so, KRDK actors: Out of curiosity, do you guys do a lot of ad-libbing while filming, or do you mostly stick to the script?

20:06:22 [maskedshuu] People wash your hair for you?

20:06:35 [Lunsfuhd] I know they’re coming out with belts and action figures of DK, WK, and Torque

20:06:50 [Nathan] They never stuck to the script!!!!

20:06:52 [PatC] Stephen, do you have any pressure as being the head of Kamen Rider in America, or are you really relaxed about the whole thing?

20:07:04 [RisLauren] it all depends who’s directing. some directors like you to ad-lib….some hate it

20:07:09 [KRMatirx] lol nathan that is funny

20:07:12 [Exia] Lunsford: Excellent. We can enact our manchild fantasies with domestic toy purchases from Walmart.

20:07:14 [RisLauren] thats usually with any show

20:07:15 [BillG3] Uhhh question for anyone of the cast. what are the names of the “Alternitives”?

20:07:20 [InuiTakumi] To the actors of the show, have you seen any of the original footage from Ryuki? And if so, what did you think of it?

20:07:22 [Exia] Lauren: Ah, I see. Thank you!

20:07:29 [Kaiser666] @Marisa: Who was cool about the ad-libbing?

20:07:29 [Aoiblue] dude, thats a spoiler

20:07:34 [MattMullin] We stuck to the script!

20:07:46 [davidj] Ah-ha, yo u guys are trying to get some preview info!!!

20:07:51 [BillG3] Tony not really.

20:07:51 [Orphenoch] Um, I have a question for Matt?

20:07:52 [Lunsfuhd] We mostly stuck to the script, but there were a lot of time we could have fun with a few lines

20:08:03 [Nathan] That’ true. You did, Matt. But if O’Leary was here….

20:08:08 [leikaman] Hello from England to the crew from Kamen Rider Dragon Knight…

20:08:12 [Kitt] MY question was towards Matt BTW.

20:08:15 [MattMullin] haha oh yeah

20:08:20 [Lunsfuhd] Hahahahah O’Leary was fantastic with improv

20:08:27 [Merkypie] My eyes… they hurt

20:08:28 [PatC] Question to all of you. Out of all the Riders in Dragon Knight, which is your favorite and why?

20:08:28 [Ketaros] why did you use the monster from ryuki ep 22 to be the grunts of the show?

20:08:29 [KRMatirx] Hey I have a question to Steve and Matt

.20:08:48 [Nathan] They looked cool.

20:08:50 [davidj] I will remain diplomatic and not answer that one!

20:08:59 [BillG3] my thoughts exactly

20:09:03 [MattMullin] “don’t forget to feed the minions” will oleary

20:09:04 [BillG3] exactly

20:09:07 [Exia] And yes, I agree with Ketaros. Are they like the only generic monster suits that the Japanese executives lending you?

20:09:20 [Exia] Ah, okay. Fair enough.

20:09:21 [Lunsfuhd] Hahahaha, I afree with david on that

20:09:23 [Harlcok] Question: WIll we see any jokes about “molesting the lawyer”?

20:09:27 [Lunsfuhd] agree*

20:09:32 [Kitt] I have a question for all the acotrs….If I may.

20:09:37 [Orphenoch] Matt, does it ever feel like you’re playing Batman?

20:09:44 [Merkypie] Hahaha oh my god, someone had to ask that~

20:09:51 [Harlcok] I did

20:09:51 [Nathan] No molest the lawyer jokes. No lawyer.

20:10:06 [Harlcok] But… that part was so amazing.

20:10:06 [ForeverRed] Hello, everyone! I just joined!

20:10:13 [MattMullin] you have no idea

20:10:16 [KRMatirx] lol!!!!

20:10:33 [BillG3] I know toei had a lot of unset stuff like a surviver for Zolda and ouja. tourqe and i forget the other one.

20:10:39 [Lunsfuhd] He didn’t have the batman rasp thought

20:10:44 [Lunsfuhd] hahahaha

20:10:49 [BillG3] LOL

20:10:53 [Kitt] Before the role that your currently at, did the Producers ask you to do a different role?

20:11:03 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: Yeah, but you did in that one YouTube vid.

20:11:05 [Orphenoch] haha cool

20:11:36 [KRMatirx] Hey Matt and Steve did you guys do your own stunts

20:11:38 [PatC] Wait,
Nathan, I got a question I really wanted to ask. In the Japanese
version, Asakura, is a crazy and insane killer that goes around and
hurts people for his own doing. You can’t obviously do that in the
American version at 11:30 in the morning, so how did you translate that
character into the US

20:11:42 [Lunsfuhd] Hahahah yeah, that was the day I got my new camera, if you haven’t seen my youtube vids check em outt

20:12:02 [Lunsfuhd] I did running…a lot of running…and breaking into things.

20:12:29 [Exia] Actually, Nathan, David, have you guys already filmed all 40 episodes?

20:12:30 [Nathan] None
of the characters have a direct corrolary in the American version. We
came up with new characters and put them in the old suits.

20:12:38 [MattMullin] I did all the fight stuff, but they would not let me fall to much

20:12:40 [leikaman] I have a question for the crew if I may ask being from the UK myself…

20:12:41 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: I got to see several of your vids. I especially loved that Dane Cook music vid and Iron Man one you did. Funny stuff.

20:12:45 [davidj] The episodes have indeed been filmed.

20:12:52 [davidj] And edited

20:13:06 [KRMatirx] thats preety cool Matt. Does that mean you were in the Wing Knight costume as well?

20:13:07 [ForeverRed] Hello, everyone. I want to say that the sneak preview was awesome. I loved it. Thank you 

20:13:08 [Harlcok] Question for Matt: did you have any input on the fight choreography?

20:13:09 [davidj] Now all the special effects are being worked on and the sound.

20:13:11 [Lunsfuhd] I’m doing a zombie spoof sometime soon with a couple buddies, should be fuuun

20:13:15 [InuiTakumi] I know Matt did all of his fighting, and looked badass btw. Stephen, do you get into the action and do a bit of fighting?

20:13:20 [PatC] Matt,
I must say, when I saw you today, I could only picture you as the
Terminator + Fonz from Happy Days. You were my favorite part of the
show. Thank you.

20:13:23 [Exia] davidj: Awesome!

20:13:40 [dukemon22] for the actors and crew: considering your experience with DK, would you be open to further shows of this genre in the future?

20:13:41 [ForeverRed] Also, I want to ask a question for Matt. Do you ever wear the suit of Black Wing?

20:13:44 [MattMullin] actually I did not get to do any wing knight stuff. We where shooting really fast. There was 2 units

20:13:52 [davidj] Hahaha, awesome Terminator+Fonz!!!! Never thought of that!

20:13:57 [RisLauren] Hey guys…sorry I keep getting booted from this page 

20:14:02 [KRMatirx] oooooo i see

20:14:05 [leikaman] welcome back Marisa

20:14:12 [dukemon22] welcome back 

20:14:15 [Kitt] I
have a question for Marisa: When the producers told you about your
role, did you wish that your role had a bigger part than just a
recurring actor?

20:14:15 [Lunsfuhd] Yeah,
the first episode had a good bit of fighting which was fantastticc and
there’s a couple of other times you’ll see me kick some ass

20:14:17 [Nathan] Welcome back.

20:14:17 [RisLauren] Thanks!

20:14:19 [Kaiser666] @Marisa: It’s cool.

20:14:26 [Merkypie] Question
to Either Cast or Crew: How does it feel working on a show where, even
though its targeted towards 10 – 17 year olds, has a pretty large
following of people between the ages of 18 – 35+? Is it amusing?

20:14:27 [ForeverRed] Matt, that’d be so cool if you wear Black Wing suit.

20:14:31 [YellowS] Damn you internet and your fondness of disconnects!

20:14:35 [Youpayme] I wish i was as good of a writer as you guys but i got writers block right now.

20:14:41 [MattMullin] I wish!

20:14:44 [InuiTakumi] Awesome, I cant wait to see that, man

20:14:53 [leikaman] Marisa, I know the feeling… I keep having Firefox crash the page on me which is why i’m using Google Chrome instead! LOL

20:14:59 [Exia] i’d
actually really like to see the response to merky’s question. How do
you feel about us manchildren following your show and building up huge
expectations about ti? :>

20:15:03 [Exia] *it

20:15:07 [Kaiser666] @Marisa: You mentioned before about directors who didn’t mind ad-libbing. Could you name a few who didn’t mind it?

20:15:14 [RisLauren] No Kitt….actually i was only supposed to be in the first 4 episodes, and then they asked me to stay for 40!

20:15:15 [PatC] Stephen, who is the most out going person of all the actors you’ve encountered so far? You must of met most of the Riders, etc.

20:15:18 [davidj] It’s
very interesting actually because you are always trying to keep it
accessiible for both age groups, you’re always thinking, that’s a
little too rough, or this can be rougher, is that too dark, etc’

0:15:30 [ForeverRed] If Kamen Rider Dragon Knight success, will they make the next Kamen Rider series?

20:15:37 [Ketaros] my eyes david my eyes

20:15:37 [KRfan] or having a girl fans like us who like to watch shows like this?

20:15:38 [MattMullin] I think everyone hoped the show would reach all ages. It is very cool

20:15:38 [Merkypie] Exia: Manchildren? LOL There’s a woman here 😛

20:15:51 [Lunsfuhd] To
merkypie: It was interested I knew the series had a riding on it
because it has such an adult following but at the same time you have to
gear it towards kids

20:15:54 [Nathan] And Marissa’s part gets bigger and more interesting as the show goes on.

20:15:56 [nerefir] make that 2 lol

20:16:08 [Exia] Merkypie: Ludicrous!

20:16:09 [Orphenoch] Um, Do you feel held back by potentially being labelled as a “Power Rangers rip off”?

20:16:26 [Exia] Well, thank you for answering, David.

20:16:27 [Kitt] ooooooo…little spoiler from Nathan there.

20:16:31 [Merkypie] Nani kore? Nani yatteru no?!

20:16:32 [RisLauren] I
was also still filming the show “South of Nowhere” when I joined KRDK,
so it was perfect for my schedule that the 1st couple of eps werent
that intense for me

20:16:42 [ForeverRed] Ah, I’m sorry, AoiBlue. I’m too excited to ask the question. My apologise. LOL

20:16:44 [Nathan] Someday they’ll be calling Power Rangers a Kamen Rider ripoff.

20:16:59 [Lunsfuhd] YEAH NATHAN. CHECK IT.

20:17:00 [EggNogFrog] Nathan i hope you’re right.

20:17:04 [Lunsfuhd] hahahahahaha

20:17:09 [Exia] It’s
very nice to know you guys are considering us as well. And in fact, I
do appreciate the rather large amount of “grass-roots” work that the
staff and the cast are engaging with on the fans on the web.

20:17:11 [nerefir] right-on nathan

20:17:12 [Ketaros] whose kicking merc

20:17:14 [MattMullin] nice!

20:17:16 [dukemon22] lol

20:17:30 [EggNogFrog] yes i am creative with names, thank you.

20:17:33 [Orphenoch] Nathan: heheh, that would be fun. Good luck

20:17:43 [Kaiser666] @Nathan: Wow, Proud much? :-p

20:17:57 [Nathan] Hopeful.

20:18:09 [PatC] So,
to all of you, is there more comedy in the series than the first
episode? The first episode had more drama and almost no comedy, so is
there more comedy in the show? And please tell me there aren’t any puns
and whatnot that Power Rangers has succumb to.

20:18:10 [InuiTakumi] Damn, right, Nathan! haha

20:18:24 [graham] Shoot another question… from AoiBlue

20:18:35 [davidj] I feel very Japanese.

20:18:42 [Nathan] Not too much comedy.

20:18:45 [Exia] davidj: Well played.

20:18:46 [Aoiblue] just a simple one

20:18:50 [Aoiblue] so…did a few of the Actors who played Kamen riders wear the suit?

20:18:50 [RisLauren] well, my part is pretty much ALL comedy…lol

20:18:59 [MattMullin] Len tells no jokes lol

20:19:05 [MattMullin] thanks Nathan

20:19:18 [PatC] Len doesn’t look like a character to crack many jokes, Matt.

20:19:19 [Kitt] Question for anybody: What are some Key Morales in Kamen Rider Dragon Knight that people could get from watching it?

20:19:21 [InuiTakumi] I think Len should crack a joke or two. Would be cool

20:19:30 [Nathan] Sorry, dude.

20:19:35 [leikaman] Matt, how does it feel knowing that Len is going to be popular with kids all over the world…

20:19:41 [davidj] Len does not crack many jokes, he’s too badass.

20:19:42 [Aoiblue] …..yea

20:19:46 [Lunsfuhd] TO
PatC: We had some humor but I’m sure everyone is with me in saying we
didn’t want too much tongue in cheek humor like most kids shows

20:19:48 [EggNogFrog] Question for the writers: How does it feel to have taken the first step to make power rangers bend down on its knees?

20:19:48 [PRangerX] Why is Len so serious?

20:20:08 [nerefir] good one eggnogfrog

20:20:21 [leikaman] I mean, from what i’ve seen of the character, Len is a serious badass!

20:20:28 [MattMullin] not really- you will see why he is never having a good day

20:20:29 [Lunsfuhd] Why so serious?

20:20:31 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: I hear that. There’s just way too much of it in some shows these days that it just waters down the product.

20:20:31 [Nathan] Uh…

20:20:50 [InuiTakumi] @Lundsfuhd: Thats true. too much would probably make it lose its edge.

20:20:55 [ForeverRed] Ha ha… Why… so… serious?

20:21:15 [RisLauren] I personally LOVE comedy, so i dont mind being the funny one

20:21:18 [Orphenoch] when you use the suits, do you use the ones the Japanese production used or have to make new ones for American stunt men?

20:21:35 [Nathan] I’m not really concerned about beating Power Rangers. I just want Kamen Rider to succeed.

20:21:36 [Merkypie] y so srs

20:21:49 [InuiTakumi] I think you did a good job with that, marissa, though you were mostly getting attacked in this ep.

20:22:04 [Nathan] And you did it well, Marissa.

20:22:05 [PatC] Question
to Stephen, Matt, an Lauren. Do you guys feel like you throw part of
yourself into the character? Stephen, are you like Kit in any ways,
same with Matt and Lauren.

20:22:09 [Lunsfuhd] We used the originals…i think

20:22:12 [davidj] There’s some funny moments in the show…

20:22:14 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: “I am the dragon… OF ALL FLAME!!!”

20:22:19 [ForeverRed] All of actors/actress were amazing in the pilot. Keep it up. 

20:22:19 [Merkypie] But
Im sure that there is some concerns there since Power Rangers and Kamen
Rider are essentially the same show geared towards the same audience 

20:22:22 [maskedshuu] Question for the actors, did you guys have much input on the script or story?

20:22:22 [leikaman] From the clips I’ve seen of Lacey, she reminds me of Cassidy from Dino Thunder.

20:22:37 [Nathan] The suits were new, but cast from the original molds.

20:22:47 [RisLauren] this ep really wasnt the best representation of Lacey…u’ll see later on in the series what she’s really like

20:22:49 [Lunsfuhd] Hahahaha “Dragon of all flame…” that was definitely a pun-intended

20:22:52 [ForeverRed] Yes, there are some funny moments, like ‘misunderstanding’ part. LOL

20:22:53 [davidj] Kamen Rider and Power Rangers are NOT the same show…

20:22:54 [Exia] Lunsford: Did the Dragon Knight costume smell funny? 

20:23:05 [davidj] KR is WAYYYYY cooler

20:23:05 [Exia] Nathan: Ah, okay!

20:23:10 [MattMullin] only after he wore it

20:23:21 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: hahaha

20:23:24 [Lunsfuhd] Not really, in the suit we could mess around with the dialogue, but the scripts are solid, so there was no need

20:23:25 [Harlcok] Burn

20:23:25 [Orphenoch] haha

20:23:35 [KRfan] does the costume break/tear easily?

20:23:41 [KRMatirx] KR is totally cooler than Power Rangers

20:23:43 [Ketaros] woah woah woah

20:23:43 [Exia] davidj:
Actually, if I may…I’d like to ask how much of the japanese Kamen
Riders you’ve watched, only out of curiosity. Nathan has only watched
Ryuki, and I don’t fault him for that.

20:23:45 [GunGreen] Kamen Rider and Super Sentai share the same creator.

20:23:50 [InuiTakumi] David speaks the truth

20:23:52 [Kitt] Matt: altough we know Len is Major Bad-Ass does he learn to lighten up later on?

20:23:52 [JediBmoney] DavidJ:
I agree with you. How do you think you guys are breaking the Barrier
from power rangers aside from using its brother franchise?

20:23:54 [ForeverRed] KRDK > Disney’s Power Rangers. Heehee

20:24:10 [davidj] I only watched that one too, and I saw a little bit of the one with the violin.

20:24:16 [PatC] Funny
thing is, Power Rangers is, in some ways, a Kamen Rider rip-off. The
Japanese PR, Sentai, came after Kamen Rider, so Rider was first. So in
some ways, Power Rangers is just a Kamen Rider rip-off at the moment.

20:24:25 [leikaman] On another note, this is for Nathan or David… Any word on whether the UK will get to see KRDK?

20:24:29 [MattMullin] Len does get more range in the show that is for sure

20:24:31 [Lunsfuhd] I watched the oriiiiiginal series, and ryuki

20:24:39 [Nathan] We are trying to deal with more adult themes, and in a more adult way. It gets a lot darker.

20:24:55 [davidj] I have no idea about the UK one, that’s a question for the producers/distributors.

20:24:59 [Exia] davidj:
Kiva? Wonderful! So you have a taste of the current year of Kamen
Riders…the fabulous prince of fabulous vampires? How about cashing in
on Twilight’s success and making that your next project, eh?!

20:25:03 [graham] Nathan, when can we expect to see things get darket?

20:25:10 [graham] Around what episode?

20:25:13 [InuiTakumi] @Lunsfuhd: What did you think of those shows?

20:25:20 [Merkypie] Wow, Stephen watched the Original Kamen Rider? I am certainly impressed.

20:25:24 [Orphenoch] twilight? oh god, please no…

20:25:28 [Exia] Lunsfuhd: seriously? The OLD OLD ORIGINAL one?

20:25:35 [Nathan] Give us until episode 5….

20:25:38 [PatC] Another
question for the whole cast. Since you said there won’t be a lot of
comedy, will there be any romance? I don’t really mind either way, but
I’m curious if you guys throw that element in there.

20:25:49 [Arios] Question
for anyone: In Ryuki, lots of the characters end up dead, and there’s
the character of Asakura (the snake themed rider) who is a serial
killer, obviously stuff like that doesn’t tend to fly with kid’s shows
so how was that dealt with?

20:25:55 [davidj] Look at you asking for spoilers!!!!

20:25:56 [ForeverRed] They should make America version of Kiva. That’d be so badass.

20:25:58 [Exia] Nathan: Allright, thank you for the tidbit of information.

20:26:11 [Orphenoch] SPOILERS

20:26:21 [Aoiblue] I’ll start again

20:26:25 [Aoiblue] Did the Actors who played Kamen riders wear the suit at all?

20:26:36 [YellowS] @Nathah: That’s so reassuring to hear, I kinda forgot that you could attempt something that dark for people under the age of 12

20:26:48 [KRfan] how important will female rider play in this show assuming if there is any

20:26:56 [davidj] It does indeed get pretty dark!

20:26:57 [wataru] @NATHAN: Given the chance would you do the voice for a game version of dragon knight

20:27:11 [Lunsfuhd] Yep
hahahahah, the original one was amazing for what it was at the time,
you certainly can’t compare it to todays standards, thought it was
necessary to me to know what I was getting into, and I didn’t want to
disappoint any fans and that’s why I watched Ryuki

20:27:15 [Nathan] As
I said before, the characters are not the same as the japanese show.
Strike is still a bad ass, but he’s no longer a serial killer.

20:27:24 [leikaman] *kicks his browser for kicking him out*

20:27:26 [Lunsfuhd] got a nice taste of the Kamen Riders

20:27:31 [Arios] yeah sorry I was totally trying to sneak a spoiler out of you

20:27:47 [davidj] The star mentioned Ryuki, does he get kicked off?

20:27:48 [KRMatirx] @Keith wow thats cool that u watched Kamen Rider too

20:27:50 [Kitt] I think I asked this before but it was answered: But what are some Key Morales you guys wanted to stick to?

20:27:50 [Harlcok] Did you learn the true power of rider kick?

20:27:51 [davidj]

20:27:51 [Lunsfuhd] hahahahahaha, I don’t think a serial killer would fly on a kids block

20:27:55 [PatC] Stephen,
hypothetical question, but would you work on another season of Kamen
Rider if you were asked and your schedule was open?

20:27:56 [Exia] Lunsford: ….So, which is your favorite? Rider One or Rider Two?

20:27:59 [Nathan] Me? I’m not an actor. Not even a voice actor.

20:28:01 [ForeverRed] Question for Lunsfuhd, have you ever seen Kamen Rider V3?

20:28:29 [wataru] @Nathan: Sorry I ment as a extra just to see if anybody catches like a villain’s voice

20:28:36 [InuiTakumi] @Lunsfuhd: Dude, thats awesome. Im sure that your character will be badass and live up to the KR name.

20:28:41 [MattMullin] I think a few morales the show deals with it team work, and family for sure

20:28:57 [Nathan] Morals. The story is all about loyalty, trust and learning how to do the right thing when faced with tough choices.

20:28:58 [Lunsfuhd] It depends on who of the original cast would join, if the Wangs were still involved, how the scripts were…

20:28:58 [Merkypie] @Stephen:
Since you watched Ryuki, do you feel your character is better than
Ryuki’s Lead? Or do you find simularties? Is there something you would
have liked from his character incorporated into yours?

20:29:17 [KRfan] will
females in KR follow the “curse of female riders” that tend to happen
in Japanese KR? that is females either die after becoming a rider or
quit afterward

20:29:40 [leikaman] Matt, out of the Rider shows that you saw, which one was your favorite?

20:29:43 [Nathan] Not spoiling that. Sorry.

20:29:48 [davidj] Guys, come on don’t you want to be surprised???

20:30:13 [Exia] davidj: Sorry, we’re riding off a high here.

20:30:14 [Lunsfuhd] I
certainly wouldn’t be so vain as to say Kit is better than Ryuki’s
lead, we were similar dealing with stressful situations…though they
are completely different characters

20:30:15 [InuiTakumi] haha, we do, we’re just excited

20:30:17 [KRMatirx] I DO!

20:30:32 [ForeverRed] Ok, I;ll hold a question for Lunsfuhd since ANNOUNCE said one question at a time.

20:30:33 [MattMullin] I had been watching Ryuki now, and it is great to see the differences in the shows

20:30:34 [Merkypie] Stephen: Good answer. Thanks

20:30:35 [Harlcok] Question for Matt: have you ever had a competative fight with Jason David Frank?

20:30:50 [Nathan] Hahahaha

20:31:02 [MattMullin] LOL no

20:31:04 [Exia] …does he know who Jason David Frank is?

20:31:07 [Lisa_J] Annnnnd the JDF question appears…lol

20:31:08 [davidj] It’s awesome to see how excited you all are about it!

20:31:11 [Orphenoch] could you take him?

20:31:17 [Exia] Oh, okay 😡

20:31:28 [JediBmonea] Question for Nathan. what is your thought on the Alternitives. the black riders that actually resemble bugs.

20:31:30 [nerefir] i bet matt would win lol

20:31:32 [MattMullin] I have no clue… I have not seen him fight

20:31:33 [Harlcok] Someone has to ask all these questions you all expect but don’t ask!

20:32:02 [Merkypie] Matt: Hahaha, I am definitely sure it is interesting to see the differences in the two shows! As it is for us too, watching!

20:32:03 [Kitt] Stephen and Matt: did you two have any fighting experience before Dragon Knight or you had to train before pre-production?

20:32:03 [Nathan] The alternatives appear in the show, but I’m not telling you in what context.

20:32:12 [maskedshuu] Considering
he’s not here to ask, whose idea was it to bring in Mark Musashi? Was
it because Steve Wang was a fan of his work in tokusatsu in Japan?

20:32:28 [InuiTakumi] @Marissa:
Since you’re character didnt really have a counterpart to work off of,
did you find it easier to make the character your own?

20:32:39 [MattMullin] I have been in martial arts for over 15 years

20:32:41 [Exia] davidj/nathan:
Well, personally I’m a fan of the original shows, and it’s very nice to
see you guys be very patient in dealing with us and with pressure to
alter the staff and actors’ work to be an easier “sell” to kids. We
very much really appreciate that.

20:32:47 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd:
Heres a question for you, as an actor. For the scenes when you were
reminiscing about Frank, what did you draw from for those
natural-seeming nostalgic reactions?

20:33:01 [davidj] It’s a pleasure, Exia.

20:33:09 [leikaman] question
for Marisa. Do you think that girls will become interested in watching
the show because it has characters like Lacey, Maya and Femme in it?

20:33:10 [Nathan] Thanks.

20:33:27 [Lunsfuhd] I
know matt has been doing martial arts since he was 13, but there wasn’t
any required training, though a lost a good amount of weight before and
during production, I wanted to resemble Ryuki’s lead’s look

20:33:31 [MattMullin] Not sure, but Mark was great

20:33:38 [zanki] Matt, how many hours a day do you train in martial arts, what styles do you study at the moment?

20:33:45 [KRMatirx] Hey
you know what. Thank you to all the cast for coming here. I dont think
you guys kno what it means to all of us fans to be here

20:34:12 [Exia] Lunsford:
Really? Well, better stay on your diet and weighttraining, all Kamen
Rider leads are thin, skinny pretty boys who need a sandwich.

20:34:13 [RisLauren] I
don’t think it made it easier. The writers made it very clear who Lacey
was. Lacey is really nothing like me or any of the other characters Ive
played in the past.

20:34:15 [dukemon22] question for the actors: how hard was it (if it was) to get into the mindset of the KRDK universe?

20:34:19 [Nathan] Our pleasure.

20:34:31 [Aoiblue] @Lunsferd do u even now the name of Ryuki’s lead? XD

20:34:35 [GunGreen] Matt:
You’re a world famous martial artist. I know when I was young the power
rangers influenced me to get into martial arts. As a martial artist and
a performer did you ever think you’d be starring in something similar
to power rangers, or rather did you ever want to before Kamen Rider
came up?

20:34:36 [Crobdan] It might be too soon to ask this but do we have a DVD release date?

20:34:36 [MattMullin] I’m a 4th degree in Shorei-Ryu and have be training Extreme martial arts

20:34:46 [Exia] Aoiblue: Be nice

20:34:46 [RisLauren] But she was definitely the easiest character Ive ever played….for sure!!!

20:34:47 [Aoiblue] I had to ask

20:34:51 [InuiTakumi] Aoiblue, please….

20:34:52 [MattMullin] all performance styes

20:35:12 [Nathan] Whaddaya mean by easy?

20:35:13 [Aoiblue] sorry

20:35:31 [Lunsfuhd] Takamasa Suga lol

20:35:38 [RisLauren] are u asking me nathan?

20:35:42 [Aoiblue] oh!

20:35:46 [-xBladex-] So….my username wouldn’t fit in the thing, but longer names than mine fit? psh..wtf man..

20:35:50 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: Did you just look that up on Wiki?

20:35:53 [Exia] Lunsford: You totally wiki’d that!

20:35:59 [Nathan] Just being a jerk. Never mind.

20:36:07 [KRMatirx] Hey
Matt, I did Tae Kwon Doe for a little but quit because idk it got to
boring. I want to get back into martial arts. Could you suggest me to
something to learn.

20:36:11 [Kitt] Actors: How was it working together, did everyone get along, were there any on-set rivalries, etc?

20:36:15 [Aoiblue] dude, I think he did

20:36:19 [MattMullin] I
loved to watch power rangers when I was growing up (JDF was my favorite
the green ranger) never had an idea I would be on a show that was

20:36:21 [InuiTakumi] @nathan:
Well, with the other characters, Like Kitt and Len, they have their
counterparts in Ryuki. I know that the show isnt geared towards us, but
they still have something to work off of and maybe try to protray

20:36:22 [Exia] Nathan: Ha ha, poor you.

20:36:24 [KRMatirx] If you cant its fine

20:36:28 [Lunsfuhd] Hahahah

20:36:51 [-xBladex-] Quiet?

20:36:57 [leikaman] I agree as well… even it’s gone 1.30AM here… it’s well worth staying up for this chat! 

20:37:16 [ForeverRed] That’s a good question, Kitt. How it going?

20:37:17 [MattMullin] for training you have to decide what you want to learn- how to fight, perform, fitness, health, and then you can pick a style

20:37:26 [InuiTakumi] I
was just wondering that since she had an original character, maybe it
was easier to sort of make the character her own along with the script

20:37:34 [KRMatirx] something with open hands thats all is that possible Matt?

20:37:36 [RisLauren] well
my last 3 character have been… a misunderstood lesbian, a prom queen
who watched all her friends die in a drive-by, and a rape victim

20:37:52 [RisLauren] so Lacey was a breeze!!!

20:37:58 [Orphenoch] Marisa: have you ever done modelling?

20:37:58 [-xBladex-] This thing isn’t working for me. XD Anywho, I totally missed the KRDK sneek peak. =/

20:38:02 [YellowS] . . . I need to find this stuff

20:38:04 [nerefir] wow those are pretty heavy characters

20:38:09 [Nathan] Inui, I was making a lame joke. Forget it.

20:38:13 [Merkypie] To Anyone who wants: Any potential or future convention apperances? Comic con? Anime Expo? Fan meets?

20:38:22 [RisLauren] No i havent….im 5’1…lol

20:38:29 [Lunsfuhd] No
on set problems, I know people are shocked to hear that. I got along
with everyone, expect that guy matt mullins. I mean. Sometimes man..

20:38:35 [Kaiser666] @Merkypie: Great question!

20:38:38 [davidj] Guys,
do you have any other questions for me? If you do please let me know
because if not I will get to my holiday party we’re having tonight!

20:38:39 [Lunsfuhd] Oh. Oops. Hey matt…..

20:38:44 [Lunsfuhd] awkwaarddd

20:38:50 [KRMatirx] lol Lunsford your funny man

20:38:50 [RisLauren] i know nathan….luv ya x

20:38:51 [InuiTakumi] @Nathan: haha,okay, sorry about that. Im sorta recovering from lack of sleep. So my sense of humor is shot. lol

20:38:56 [Nathan] Appearances will be up to the producers, but I’m at Comic Con every year, so I’d love to do a panel down there.

20:39:08 [Lunsfuhd] We’re doing comic-con for sure, in san diego and new york

20:39:16 [MattMullin] ah Lunsford

20:39:21 [Merkypie] Nathan; Awesome!

20:39:26 [Exia] nathan:
Really? That’d be awesome. Are you sure you want to deal with us nerds
in real life too, after pestering you in the chatroom?

20:39:28 [Lunsfuhd] ah mullins

20:39:31 [Merkypie] Oh NYCC too? Great!

20:39:31 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: For real? Awesome.

20:39:35 [dukemon22] david, before you go, how long was a work day for you editing?

20:39:39 [Crobdan] We’re much worse in real life

20:39:44 [Merkypie] Marisa: You suddenly make me feel like a giant with my height (5’6”), lol. 😛 jk

20:39:47 [RisLauren] I’m gonna be at Comic Con this year for another show Im on….so if KRDK has a panel…id love to do that one too

20:39:49 [zanki] Is there any chance you will come to cons in the UK?

20:39:50 [Nathan] I am a nerd. You are my people.

20:39:56 [Kaiser666] @Exia: I’m sure they’ve dealt with worse.

 20:40:15 [MattMullin] I hope we can hit all the cons

20:40:22 [Exia] Nathan: That’s great to know.

20:40:24 [RisLauren] Haha I know….Im a shorty!

20:40:25 [YellowS] @nathan: Well You could do worse. . . I think

20:40:25 [Orphenoch] Nathan: unrelated to KRDK, but what was David Hayter like when you were working with him on Guyver?

20:40:26 [Lunsfuhd] I’d love to come to the UK for this, though not sure if it’ll happen

20:40:37 [KRMatirx] David! on a scale of 1-10. how much did you enjoy the show

20:40:44 [leikaman] any chance the cast and crew would be up for visiting the MCM Expo?

20:40:51 [Lunsfuhd] DAVID HAYTER = mgs! YES.

20:40:51 [davidj] Dukemon22,
at first the days could be long, but as the show went on, and I figured
out the right pacing and rhythms and we came up with some looks and
styles, they became pretty regular work hours, not hard at all because
it was a well oiled machine, you know?

20:40:56 [Nathan] David was a very nice guy. Very intense.

20:41:05 [ForeverRed] Hey David, what did you think of the sneak preview from this morning?

20:41:13 [leikaman] *gives his browser a rider kick*

20:41:17 [davidj] KR, I REALLY enjoyed working on the show and I am very happy with it.

20:41:23 [Harlcok] Question
for Nathan: You just said you were a nerd, so does that mean you spent
hours writing a whole backstory for something that shows up for like 2

20:41:32 [dukemon22] gotcha, thanks- I’m working on becoming an editor/writer/actor myself hehe

20:41:38 [KRMatirx] Good. I think all the fans are happy with it as well.

20:41:39 [davidj] Thanks Nathan

20:41:43 [maskedshuu] Man, would be awesome if any of you came to the UK 

20:41:50 [Orphenoch] you’re an mgs fan stephen? cool never wouldve thought that

20:41:57 [Crobdan] Wait are we gonna actually hear someone on the show say RIDER KICK?

20:41:58 [Kitt] David/Nathan: if told to make a movie for the series, would you?

20:42:05 [davidj] I have to admit, I didn’t wake up in time to see it this morning but I saw it MANY times before!

20:42:13 [GunGreen] Nathan: So are you guys hiring writers? My english degree isn’t getting me far in this economy! j/k =P

20:42:17 [leikaman] http://www.londonexpo.com they always get some great guests there including christopher lee and a lot of the heroes cast.

20:42:22 [Nathan] Guilty
as charged. I worked very hard on getting the backstory right. I mighta
made it a little too complicated. Ask the actors..

20:42:23 [davidj] If I am missing a question or two I’m sorry, this is going so fast

 20:42:39 [Lunsfuhd] ahhahahah you have no idea. That’s my favorite video game ever. They better not fuck up the movie.

20:42:41 [InuiTakumi] lets all slow down for a sec

20:42:53 [Aoiblue] yes

20:42:55 [ForeverRed] That’s cool, David!

20:42:58 [KRMatirx]

20:43:05 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: Do you have a single favorite MGS game out of ’em all?

20:43:07 [Exia] davidj:
Actually, I do have a question regarding that. Some of us are unable to
watch the show on a Saturday morning basis, so will you or your
sponsors be providing online episodes? Are there plans for that or am I
speaking way too soon? 😡

20:43:08 [Nathan] We won’t be hiring writers until we’re hired again….

20:43:13 [davidj] To whoever said you want to be an editor too – go for it!!!

20:43:15 [Ketaros] MGS4 is a movie in its own right

20:43:36 [Harlcok] So
Nathan, any chance of a sort of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight essensial
guide to clue us in on everything that doesn’t have time to make it
into the show?

20:43:48 [davidj] Exia, I have nothing to do with the putting episodes online.

20:44:02 [Exia] davidj: Ah, figures.

20:44:06 [Lunsfuhd] mgs1 was my fav…because that’s what started my love for the series…but it just got better and better.

20:44:10 [KRMatirx] Lets say if I wanted to be an actor for an action series like Kamen Rider..what would you guys tell me to do

20:44:31 [Harlcok] Lunsfuhd is a man of great taste.

20:44:33 [KRfan] I am playing MGS for the first time…it’s fun

20:44:35 [Nathan] I wouldn’t mind doing some kind of guide…… if they paid me to write it.

20:44:37 [Orphenoch] cool 

20:44:51 [Merkypie] Stephen: Don’t tell me you actually liked MGS2 😛

20:44:52 [Kitt] Lunsfuhd: Why do you think the Producers chose you to play

20:44:53 [InuiTakumi] @Stephen: have you played MGS4? What did you think? man, is that off topic or what, haha

20:45:04 [Kitt] Kit.

20:45:06 [Lunsfuhd] The first time I was caught in the snow with the footprints, scared the shit outta me

20:45:09 [davidj] Okay
guys I have to go! GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE! I’m really glad you are
enjoying the show, and I’m sure we will meet again one day. Enjoy the
show and all the best!!!!!

20:45:09 [-xBladex-] XD

20:45:10 [Kaiser666] @Merkypie: What’s wrong with MGS2?! :-p

20:45:18 [InuiTakumi] @ merky: who didnt like MGS2? it was like an awesome acid trip. haha

20:45:23 [Kitt] Sorry my question got cut off.

20:45:27 [Harlcok] Bye david

20:45:29 [Kaiser666] @Davidj: Thank you very much for everything!!

20:45:29 [Orphenoch] night david

20:45:30 [Merkypie] Sayonara david~!

20:45:34 [Nathan] Good night, David. Have a good party.

20:45:35 [KRfan] thank you david

20:45:36 [maskedshuu] Thank you for coming, David

20:45:36 [nerefir] good night david

20:45:37 [InuiTakumi] Bye david, nice to meet you!

20:45:40 [Aoiblue] Goodbye david and Thank you for comming!!~

20:45:41 [PRangerX] Thank you David , it was a pleasure

20:45:41 [Lunsfuhd] I loved mgs2 for the tanker part of it…didn’t like playing Raiden

20:45:41 [Exia] Good night David. Thanks again.

20:45:44 [ForeverRed] Will they be able to make KRDK the movie? Will it happen?

20:45:46 [graham] Nite David. Thanks for coming out.

20:45:46 [gogogo0718] Good night.

20:45:50 [-xBladex-] bye bye David.

20:45:50 [KRMatirx] David! A pleasure to meet you! God Bless!

20:45:53 [dukemon22] night david, thanks

20:45:54 [Kitt] Night David, thanks for coming

20:45:57 [Aoiblue] I liked Raiden

20:46:04 [Merkypie] Stephen: We’ll agree there! Raiden sucked. Oh my, severely off topic.

20:46:07 [InuiTakumi] haha, I know, but still, funny stuff

20:46:12 [leikaman] Night David…

20:46:14 [Nathan] Not sure about a movie. I haven’t heard anything.

20:46:22 [davidj] Thanks Nathan! Good night! And seeya later Matt, Stephen, Marisa, Graham and everyone else.

20:46:23 [ForeverRed] Good night David. Take care!

20:46:33 [nerefir] that would be pretty sweet though

20:46:38 [MattMullin] See you David

20:46:40 [InuiTakumi] ooo, nice

20:46:51 [RisLauren] Bye David!

20:46:51 [Lunsfuhd] my
friends used to call me solid snake..sooooooooooo I’m gonna have to
stick with him. And I loved mgs 4…snake was like clint eastwood right

20:46:59 [Lunsfuhd] See ya!

20:47:03 [MattMullin] that is cool

20:47:19 [Merkypie] I still have yet to play MGS4.

20:47:22 [KRMatirx] All of the cast: What kind of music you listen to? haha

20:47:24 [Kitt] Matt: Are you and Lend pretty much alike or way different from each other?

20:47:28 [MattMullin] love ladylike

20:47:29 [Lunsfuhd] Amaaazing

20:47:33 [jedibmoney] Ok im back and im useing IE.

20:47:42 [leikaman] stephen, talking of videogames, do you have any other kinds of videogames that you like?

20:47:44 [Aoiblue] solid snake? isnt there a guy at HJU with the same name? coincedience?

20:47:45 [InuiTakumi] @Stephen: he was totally clint eastwood.

20:47:45 [Kitt] *Len

20:47:48 [RisLauren] awww…..Thanks Matt!!!!!

20:47:49 [Kaiser666] @KRMatirx: I was just gonna ask that. :-p

20:48:03 [-xBladex-] yeah there is an HJUer solidsnake

20:48:10 [-xBladex-] lol at first I thought we were talking about him. XD!!

20:48:14 [InuiTakumi] Aoi: he got it from the game MGS

20:48:24 [Orphenoch] i found MGS4 really disapointing didnt really amaze me like the first 3

20:48:25 [Nathan] Fallout III!!!

20:48:27 [MattMullin] a few differences- but it was funny on set me and stephen where almost the same in character as we where out

20:48:39 [ForeverRed] To all actors/actress, what do you think of Disney’s Power Rangers? I’m just asking…>.>

20:48:42 [-xBladex-] I thought solidsnake was from type of toku. >_< wows

20:48:50 [Orphenoch] im playing fallout 3 right now! 😛

20:48:51 [-xBladex-] lol forever red. XD

20:48:53 [MattMullin] I do like to joke around a bit more then Len though

20:48:57 [RisLauren] I’ve never seen Power Rangers

20:49:00 [maskedshuu] Those Super Muntants in Fallout 3 are too hard

20:49:21 [KRfan] never?

20:49:23 [InuiTakumi] From what Keith told us from his meeting with you, you are a very cool guy

20:49:24 [-xBladex-] Wowwwww! for real? never?

20:49:27 [Merkypie] Matt:
Did you ever feel like you were Neo? While watching the Sneak Peak, I
got this Neo/Mr. Anderson vibe from your character. Do you like that?

20:49:30 [RisLauren] Matt is the nicest guy in the whole world….seriously! He could never hurt anyone

20:49:35 [InuiTakumi] So, thats a good thing that you arent EXACTLY like Len.

20:49:37 [Nathan] Don’t Ris. It’ll hurt your head.

20:49:56 [Lunsfuhd] Right
now…my favs are Left 4 Dead (a gift from none other than steve wang),
CoD 4, Far Cry 2, Halo 3, and I still play my PSone so anythign on that

20:49:59 [Lisa_J] Hey! Don’t diss PR too much now!

20:50:00 [-xBladex-] To all cast members: Did you all watch Saban’s masked Rider????

20:50:03 [MattMullin] The
Disney’s Rangers is geared for a totally different audience. The last
series I saw was Lightspeed, so not to sure in the last few years

20:50:07 [leikaman] I thought that too, Merky about Len acting all Neo-like…

20:50:12 [Kaiser666] @Matt:
I just remembered that you were in that one Pepsi commercial years ago
where you went to a Buddhist monastery. That was AWESOME!!! A little
dated, but STILL AWESOME!!!

20:50:13 [maskedshuu] Good choices

20:50:14 [Exia] oh holy shit, lunsfuhd, do you play on steam or on 360?

20:50:15 [Lisa_J] It has its good times!

20:50:27 [Nathan] Sorry.

20:50:32 [RisLauren] I never watched it cause its definitely more for boys

20:50:38 [Lunsfuhd] 360

20:50:41 [-xBladex-] Oh, okay. I got ya.

20:50:52 [KRfan] ah I am girl and yet I watched it when I was a kid

20:51:01 [Exia] lunsfuhd:

20:51:02 [KRfan] I guess I was a tomboy

20:51:09 [KRMatirx] @Stephen:You have a 360?!

20:51:09 [graham] Marisa > sailor moon, much? 😉

20:51:12 [MattMullin] I felt like The Neo character, because Len has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

20:51:14 [Aoiblue] oh!

20:51:16 [-xBladex-] *pets KrFan* XD

20:51:17 [Harlcok] lol

20:51:22 [RisLauren] im not saying only boys watched it….im saying more boys watched it than girls

20:51:32 [MattMullin] thanks kaiser

20:51:33 [Lisa_J] Don’t worry Nathan. Very recent PR has been quite questionable

20:51:33 [leikaman] Stephen, you have great taste if you still own a PSOne!

20:51:34 [Nathan] The weight of TWO worlds!

20:51:34 [Merkypie] Matt: It must be cool to be this hybrid of Batman and Neo, hun? 😛 lol

20:51:34 [KRfan] I understand what you meant

20:51:39 [Exia] ah well. actually, how are the wang brothers? what are your impressions of them, actors/nathan?

20:51:49 [-xBladex-] It’s true, most girls at that time hated stuff like that. & Merky hated the first Pink Ranger. =O

20:51:51 [Lunsfuhd] lol

20:52:00 [RisLauren] im very much a tomboy too… but it just wasnt my thing i guess

20:52:01 [Harlcok] Question for Matt: Which Rider did you think looked the coolest?

20:52:03 [MattMullin] My sister loved sailor moon

20:52:07 [maskedshuu] Stephen: Was it you who played Halo 3 with us at HJU?

20:52:08 [Merkypie] Blade: I do hate the Pink Ranger(s)

20:52:17 [Merkypie] But I love me some Sailormoon.

20:52:17 [InuiTakumi] @Matt:
Whenever martial arts actors are interviewed, they are asked who were
their inspirations for getting into martial arts. Do you have any?

20:52:20 [Aoiblue] so did I, and im a guy XP

20:52:24 [Lunsfuhd] They’re fantastic, and amazing to work with, I just can’t wait to work with them again

20:52:31 [Lisa_J] PR became cool when they added in the black chicks. Represent!

20:52:34 [RisLauren] yeah Power Rangers was really written for a male audience.

20:52:39 [-xBladex-] Merky:
Yeah.. lol We had a conversation about your hatred for Kimberly. XD I’m
surprised there isn’t a pink go-onger. >_<

20:52:44 [Nathan] Steve
and Mike are some of my best friends. They are good, very driven guys.
Totally focused on doing their best in their chosen genre.

20:52:49 [Lunsfuhd] I tried, I want to do another halo 3 night buuut it hasn’t been set up yet

20:52:57 [KRfan] Ris each girl is different right? even tomboy girls so it’s all good

20:53:00 [RisLauren] everythings cooler when u add black chicks

20:53:06 [MattMullin] I think Axe is my favorite looking rider.

20:53:07 [Exia] lunsfuhd: That’s great to hear.

20:53:13 [Aoiblue] oh!

20:53:15 [Harlcok] Not batrider?!

20:53:20 [Exia] ..oh god, which one is Axe again?

20:53:23 [Lisa_J] @RisLauren: True true!

20:53:24 [KRMatirx] I missed the Halo 3 night i was so excited to play with you Stephen

20:53:24 [maskedshuu] Stephen: Would you want to do a Left4Dead night soon? I’m pretty obessed with it at the moment….

20:53:28 [Aoiblue] oh the names!

20:53:32 [Kaiser666] @Exia: Axe = Tiger.

20:53:33 [MattMullin] They are all so different and unique it is cool to see what they all can do

20:53:45 [Aoiblue] I got one question

20:53:52 [Orphenoch] Matt: Will you be returning to Uncharted 2?

20:53:53 [MattMullin] thanks

20:54:01 [Exia] Kaiser: Thanks!

20:54:01 [DarkHues] Hey Marisa

20:54:06 [ForeverRed] Matt, not Black Wing?! :O

20:54:18 [RisLauren] What up!

20:54:18 [nerefir] foreverred, it’s wing knight

20:54:23 [Aoiblue] why isnt it dark Wing?

20:54:29 [Harlcok] We can’t get over this

20:54:32 [Nathan] Duck?

20:54:34 [Lunsfuhd] Yeah, that’d be chill

20:54:35 [Merkypie] Stephen reminds me of my friend who always hosts lan parties once a week~ Gears of War tho.

20:54:43 [MattMullin] I hope so- naughty dog was very cool to me. I hope they make the film

20:55:00 [Lunsfuhd] They’re making a film?? Nice

20:55:07 [ForeverRed] Yes, I know nerefir. Wing Knight = Black Wing

20:55:31 [dukemon22] question for stephen and matt: how was the experience of voicing over the footage in the suits? (came out great btw)

20:55:31 [MattMullin] No my favorite is wing knight but axe/tiger had very creative weapons and look

20:55:34 [KRMatirx] Stephen: You ever play CODWW (just wondering)

20:55:39 [Lunsfuhd] Yeah, I’m in

20:55:58 [maskedshuu] Sweeeeet

20:55:59 [DarkHues] Hey, I responded to your message on myspace

20:56:01 [Lisa_J] I’m
not sure if this was asked, but this question is for everyone: I know
its still early in the game, but were there any regrets filming the

20:56:09 [ForeverRed] YOu’re right, nerefir. It’s Wing Knight. I was wrong. lol. My apologise.

20:56:28 [RisLauren] Oh hey girly! Glad u could make it DarkHues!!!!

20:56:28 [PatC] Merky; Yes, because I hide it. I won’t show her Dragon Knight, or she’ll lust over Stephen and Matt

20:56:29 [MattMullin] The show has been the most fun thing I have worked on so far

20:56:39 [Lunsfuhd] It
a fun time, we usually spend about four hours at a time doing voice
over work, there are some crazy bloopers in there hahahaha

20:56:43 [Merkypie] Ket: …. oshi yeah ur rite : x

20:56:49 [Aoiblue] @Matt, your contract monster is named Black Wing, why did it change from Dark Wing?

20:57:02 [Nathan] There
were a few little things that I could have wished were done
differently, but nothing that breaks the show. Mostly budget stuff. We
couldn’t go as big as we wanted.

20:57:05 [InuiTakumi] @Matt:
not sure if you caught my question, but I just wanted to know if you
had any martial arts actors that inspired you to take up the martial
arts and acting

20:57:05 [KRfan] hope bloopers will be on DVD heh

20:57:06 [Exia] Lunsfuhd: Crazy bloopers that would be released on DVD?

20:57:15 [Kitt] Actors: what is the ratio for the american to Japanese Footage?

20:57:18 [ForeverRed] Ahh, speaking of bloopers, will we see the bloopers on TV?

20:57:25 [MattMullin] not sure… nathan?

20:57:30 [Lunsfuhd] I doubt it, most of mine aren’t PG

20:57:37 [leikaman] What’s the word on the DVD release?

20:57:43 [Ketaros] cause you’ve been on /m/ alot

20:57:45 [Kivat] no…wataru isn’t here

20:57:45 [KRfan] ah

20:57:52 [Exia] Lunsfuhd: Nice.

20:58:09 [-xBladex-] Aren’t PG bloopers? wow must see

20:58:12 [Merkypie] Nathan:
If KR does prove to be a success, do you see any future seasons with
bigger budgets and more artistic freedoms? And do you see future KRs
done in simular style to the original, IE: New season = new show and
plot, not a connecting story. <– long question is long.

20:58:12 [YellowS] Damn it, keeping it clean for the kids

20:58:27 [leikaman] I read somewhere that it would have episodes from the Japanese version as well… will that still happen?

20:58:36 [Kaiser666] @leikaman: Isn’t it a bit early to ask that? I’m sure they’ll come out if things go well.

20:58:37 [-xBladex-] oh yeah… kids show, can’t show bad bloopers……oops.

20:58:39 [Nathan] We used as much of the Japanese footage as we could. In the end i would say about 65% Japanese, 35%new.

20:58:48 [PatC] Stephen/Matt,
what are your hobbies besides acting and such? Since a lot of the
questions about the show have already been asked.

20:58:55 [MattMullin] @inui-
I actually was a huge fan of jackie chan, and Jet Li- The crow was my
all time favorite film, and the one that really made me want to act

20:58:59 [Merkypie] Kivat: Does he dazzle you?

20:59:16 [zanki] How close are the storylines to the Japanese show?

20:59:28 [ForeverRed] Matt, you’re a huge fan of Jackie Chan and Jet Li? FUCKING AWESOME!

20:59:30 [Nathan] I would love to do a new show from the ground up, but that’s a question for the producers and the money guys.

20:59:32 [KRfan] mattmullin me too, I am huge fan of jackie chan!!

20:59:33 [-xBladex-] Not as much as he dazzles you merk. 😛

20:59:34 [Lunsfuhd] I’m pretty sure if there is a following season, we’ll have a bigger budget and it’ll be new footage all around

20:59:43 [Kitt] Stephen: Do we get any Kit and Maya Romance in the series?

20:59:43 [Nathan] Not very close.

20:59:45 [nerefir] that would be pretty sweet too

20:59:55 [ForeverRed] I’m a huge fan of Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Sammo Hung and others!

21:00:03 [Lunsfuhd] Hahahaha, you’ll have to wait and see “Kitt”

21:00:11 [Ketaros] a martial artist whose a fan of jet li and jackie chan WHAT A FIND

21:00:18 [Aoiblue] oh boy XD

21:00:19 [juliegBT] Marissa how was it working with different people coz I know you have other project???

21:00:22 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd:
One last question before you guys go. For your scenes in the first
episode when you’re reminiscing of your father, what did you draw from
to make those flawless reactions of nostalgia? As an actor, I like to
find out things like that.

21:00:34 [MattMullin] I got to train with Sammo for a few hours when I was young. So cool.

21:00:37 [Lunsfuhd] I play guitar a lot and I’ve been doing parkour for a while now

21:00:39 [InuiTakumi] @Matt:
That is soo awesome to hear. Im a HUGE Jackie Chan fan. Got a little
collection of movies goin from him and Jet. Hopefully one day Ill be
making a collection of your work someday

21:00:46 [zanki] There are loads of martial artists who like Jackie Chan and Jet Li, most I know have seen most of their films

21:00:51 [leikaman] matt, what do you think of Jackie and Jet’s more recent movies?

21:01:00 [grapefield] Will footage from the Japanese movie be used in the TV series? Or is it all TV series footage?

21:01:14 [Nathan] Jackie, Jet and Sammo are my heroes.

21:01:16 [DarkHues] Hey Marissa, how was it workin on SON?

21:01:17 [InuiTakumi] @Matt: dude! really? was it for a movie? What was Sammo like?

21:01:23 [dukemon22] welcome back Marisa

21:01:32 [RisLauren] Ahhhh!!!! I keep getting kicked out

21:01:35 [Nathan] Footage from the movie and the special are both in the series.

21:01:43 [PatC] Matt/Stephen, what type of television shows do you guys usually watch? /generic question is amazingly generic

21:01:44 [Merkypie] w/b Marisa~ It seems like this chat does not like you much!

21:01:45 [dukemon22] same here, no worries

21:01:45 [MattMullin] The latest jackie and jet films, have been fun, but lack the gritty feel of earlier films

21:01:46 [ForeverRed] You got train with Sammo Hung? Oh man. What did you think of him?

21:01:47 [Kivat] long necks

21:01:51 [YellowS] Oh nice

21:01:54 [Aoiblue] Special too! O_O

21:01:57 [Harlcok] Even the crossover special?

21:02:00 [RisLauren] SON was the best!!!! and we had the best fans!!! I still keep in touch with a lot of the cast

21:02:06 [Phil] From the Hyper Battle Video?

21:02:14 [Lunsfuhd] I
just did my best to connect with the character, I’m not very much into
the “pulling from another influence” method of acting…sometimes it
helps but mostly I like connecting witht the character as much as
possible…it’s a lot earier for me that way

21:02:19 [RisLauren] the chat hates me!!!

21:02:23 [MattMullin] you have no idea how good he really is.

21:02:23 [PRangerX] Nathan was it easier writing for the show since Ryuki was already completely filmed?

21:02:30 [RisLauren] or maybe its my stupid computer

21:02:31 [-xBladex-] the chat hates me too, don’t feel bad.

21:02:40 [grapefield] Nathan: Ah, fascinating.

21:02:42 [dukemon22] no worries Marisa, I keep getting kicked too lol

21:02:43 [juliegBT] Marissa SON ended yesterday how does it feels,I mean a lot of fans really love that show???

21:02:47 [KRMatirx] proablly the computer lol

21:02:50 [PatC] Marisa, is your character solely for comedy, or does she get some plot as well?

21:02:52 [YellowS] No, I don’t think the HBV is thrown in there. I think he means that special where they voted on the ending

21:02:56 [Aoiblue] Ah :3 *pets

21:02:57 [PRangerX] Sorry RisLaruen

21:02:59 [leikaman] I
agree with you there, Matt… They’re not bad but their US stuff
doesn’t have the raw energy and passion of their HK/China movies.

21:03:03 [Kitt] Ris; Your an Actress, you got cash, go for an Upgrade

21:03:06 [Nathan] Not
really. It was harder. I had to make our story match up with as many of
the fights from the other story as possible. Which made it kinda tough.

21:03:12 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd:
That’s cool. It feels more natural to express the character’s emotions
without using other preset models of behavior, eh? Coolness.

21:03:18 [-xBladex-] Kitt comes with a point.

21:03:20 [InuiTakumi] @Matt: I totally agree with you. The 80’s films are some of teh best in history, IMO.

21:03:23 [Merkypie] Actors:
How did it feel acting with ” something that isn’t there “? IE:
Fighting the monsters of the mirror world and then watching them
“fight” these monsters?

21:03:28 [grapefield] Crossover special as in the one with Agito?

21:03:44 [Aoiblue] no ryuki

21:03:54 [KRfan] Nathan so it feels like you have limited freedom in writing the way you want?

21:03:56 [DarkHues] Sweet.
I’m so pissed the season for SON is over. I actually keep intouch with
Gabby alot. Were tryin to get GSA started at my school.

21:03:58 [ForeverRed] I agree with InuiTakumi and Matt about 80s.

21:03:58 [Kivat] ikuyr :3

21:03:59 [PRangerX] I
just thought maybe it was easier since you guys knew where Ryuki was
going. I know in PR the sentai they are adapting is still going on when
they start. So ideas have to be dropped mid production. Not to keep
bringing PR into this.

21:04:05 [RisLauren] Im
very sad that SON is over. It was an amazing show, but I had moved on
to other shows like KRDK and Greek before SON ended so i was already
done with the show, but as a fan of SON….i miss it!!!

21:04:05 [Nathan] All rider special and the movie.

21:04:18 [zanki] Matt, have you seen the New Police Story and if yes what did you think of it?

21:04:20 [maskedshuu] Nathan:
Did you find it hard when the Riders were fighting each other to not to
refer to the fact that they wanted to kill each other?

21:04:29 [PatC] Nathan, is there any talks about adapting the Rider movies and such?

21:04:34 [MattMullin] That is a real test because you are acting with something that is not there. You have have a huge imagination

21:04:34 [Lunsfuhd] It’s
tricky to work with green screen, but I’ve got experiance with all my
younger years playing fake lightsaber battles against imaginary rancors

21:04:34 [Aoiblue] SON?

21:04:40 [Nathan] We didn’t follow the ryuki story line, so all the fights had to be uh… re-purposed.

21:04:45 [RisLauren] Thanks Kitt, but i am upgraded 😛

21:05:04 [Merkypie] Stephen: LOL

21:05:05 [juliegBT] I love GREEK, I watch it….I also saw EILEEN there…

21:05:09 [Exia] ha ha

21:05:16 [PRangerX] Was it hard to work aroung the Japenese Footage?

21:05:16 [Orphenoch] I love Greek

21:05:21 [Nathan] Shuu, well, we had to cut out the bit when Zolda shoots Dragon point blank in the stomach about 20 times.

21:05:21 [dukemon22] SON is a good show, I just discovered it on Noggin

21:05:27 [grapefield] Nathan: Will matching up the fights end up having the use of mind control, etc. or would it come out of character drama?

21:05:28 [PRangerX] *around

21:05:32 [-xBladex-] I used to watch Greek every Tuesday with a friend, but we quit. XD

21:05:32 [Lunsfuhd] Hey, everyone I hate to do this but I’ve got to run

21:05:33 [InuiTakumi] @Stephen: haha. and our parents said we were crazy when we did that. We were just preparing. 😛

21:05:38 [RisLauren] Yeah we got to work together again on the season finale of Greek….shes awesome

21:05:42 [Kitt] Ris: Kind of off-topic but what system do you run….I’m a Geek…lol?

21:05:45 [Kaiser666] @Lunsfuhd: Ahh, the Rancors… painful little suckers no matter what age.

21:05:46 [Merkypie] Matt: So you didn’t feel silly doing all that action and fighitng the air? Be honest :PP

21:05:47 [MattMullin] BTW district B13 had that old school jackie chan feel.

21:05:52 [Phil] I hope we get SIC out of this

21:05:52 [Exia] it’s cool. Thanks for talking to us, Lunsford. We very much appreciate it.

21:05:53 [Nathan] No plans for the movies that I know of.

21:06:00 [-xBladex-] awws, bye byes Lunsfuhd!!!!!!!!!!!

21:06:01 [dukemon22] thanks for the time Stephen

21:06:04 [KRMatirx] darn

21:06:08 [nerefir] have a great night, steve, thanks for chatting with us

21:06:11 [Lisa_J] Have a good night, Stephen

21:06:14 [Merkypie] Bye Stephen, and thanks for talking with us

21:06:17 [Harlcok] bye lunsfuhd

21:06:18 [Phil] Thanks Lunsfuhd you were a riot

21:06:19 [Aoiblue] Goodbye and thank you for comming!!~

21:06:27 [Nathan] Fights always come from character. It’s the only way they’re interesting.

21:06:28 [Orphenoch] bye stephen, was cool chatting with you

21:06:30 [KRMatirx] Bye Stephen! Your my hero!

21:06:30 [ForeverRed] Lunsfuhd> Aww man. Thanks for chat with us! It was fun!

21:06:33 [Kaiser666] Later, Stephen. Thanks a lot for the show, man!!

21:06:34 [PRangerX] good night Stephan

21:06:37 [Exia] It’s very good to know you guys are very human.

21:06:37 [InuiTakumi] Stephen, it was great talkin to you. Hopefully we can talk again. Take it easy

21:06:38 [YellowS] Later and thanks for coming

21:06:43 [RisLauren] Yeah its a great show too….Ive been truly blessed with all the great shows Ive been able to do

21:06:44 [Lunsfuhd] No worries, e-mail me at Lunsfuhd@yahoo.com if you have any questions and I’ll try and get back to you when I can

21:06:44 [MattMullin] No- I love doing the high flying action, because I know I can do that, and still get in the ring and fight too

21:06:55 [-xBladex-] Who is the announcer person over this room?

21:06:55 [DarkHues] So Marisa….any new songs coming out?

21:07:10 [MattMullin] stephen have a good one my friend. Call me up we will parkour

21:07:17 [Merkypie] Stephen: Definitely be emailing if I have any questions

21:07:22 [Nathan] See you, Stephen!

21:07:24 [InuiTakumi] @Matt: District B13 was pretty cool. The parkour was amazing in that

21:07:25 [maskedshuu] Nathan:
I can imangine how hard it must have been at points. One thing someone
noticed in the earlier promo was that the gun now shoots lasers instead
of bullets, is this true?

21:07:27 [PatC] Has anyone asked who does the OP theme?

21:07:31 [YellowS] And Nathan keeps making Dragon Knight sound extremly awesome for children’s Television

21:07:39 [RisLauren] Yes! Lots of new songs..Im really excited about them, and hopefully a new music video soon

21:07:40 [Aoiblue] same here expect alot of emails

21:07:48 [Phil] man, that OP theme, didn’t really like how it showed all the Riders

21:07:52 [Lisa_J] What kinda music, Ris?

21:07:56 [ForeverRed] Never seen District B13 before.

21:07:57 [Kitt] Actors: even though not on set anymore, do you all still hang together,etc?

21:07:59 [-xBladex-] XD he’s gone blue blue

21:07:59 [Merkypie] Nathan:
Big question -> Any ” Hyper Battle Video ” planned for this
localization? Hyper Battle Video are the bizzare ” crack universe ”
parody specials made for each KR series.

21:08:07 [PatC] They needed to show all the Riders

21:08:11 [Nathan] Yes. No bullets on American Kids TV. Missles are okay though, apparently.’

21:08:12 [MattMullin] that went fast

21:08:21 [PatC] It will make the kids excited, etc. It also is a selling point to show how many fighters there are

21:08:28 [PatC] It’ll keep them coming back for more to see them

21:08:33 [RisLauren] Matt and I hang a lot

21:08:34 [Orphenoch] no blood allowed either?

21:08:35 [Merkypie] Matt: Yes it did

21:08:41 [Kaiser666] Well, I gots stuff to do. Matt, Marisa, thanks a lot for everything and much luck with your future endeavors! *applause*

21:08:41 [Nathan] No Hyper Battle as far as I know. Sounds like a fun thing to do though.

21:08:44 [Phil] What made you decide to show all the Riders in the intro right away?

21:08:44 [-xBladex-] Missles are awesome, so.. I can see why. XD

21:08:47 [Exia] Nathan: So we’ll see Torque’s final vent in all it’s glory? wonderful!

21:09:04 [MattMullin] We have actually- it is hard to meet good people in LA and KRDK had so many good peps

21:09:11 [RisLauren] we live near each other so we grab coffee a lot

21:09:21 [Merkypie] Nathan: Aww~ That’s too bad too hear. But if there is, I’ll definitely see them. KRDR the Musical sounds about nice

21:09:23 [maskedshuu] Missiles are okay until kids start playing with rocket launchers

21:09:23 [Nathan] No blood. But Torque lets loose, yes.

21:09:29 [KRMatirx] Well thats nice

21:09:34 [zanki] How many of the cast members did martial arts before joining the show? The only one I know about so far is Matt.

21:09:42 [nerefir] sweet

21:09:45 [PatC] Wait, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight was shot in Los Angeles? I live in Los Angeles; such a boring place

21:09:49 [KRMatirx] Is Torque bad ass like Wing Knight but less in a way

21:09:53 [-xBladex-] lol It’s hard for a kid…or an adult to get ahold of rocket launchers shuu. 😛

21:09:53 [grapefield] Nathan: What about “railguns” ? if bullets aren’t allowed…

21:09:54 [Aoiblue] there’s Mike moh

21:09:56 [MattMullin] Mike moh also does

21:09:57 [Exia] Oh, where did you guys actually film KRDK, out of curiosity? New Zealand? Sorry if the question has been answered before!

21:09:57 [RisLauren] Oh and Matt and I did red carpet together recently. Our pics are on WireImage

21:09:58 [ForeverRed] aww man. No blood in KRDK. Oh well, that’s fine. phooney.

21:10:00 [juliegBT] She is funny I love how all the SON cast seems to be getting along so well that they just keeps working with each other…

21:10:08 [RisLauren] and CelebrityPhotp

21:10:10 [KRfan] link to that?

21:10:17 [ForeverRed] Exia, they filmed in California.

21:10:20 [RisLauren] that was Celebrityphoto

21:10:24 [Nathan] No idea.

21:10:26 [Exia] ForeverRed: Ah. Thanks.

21:10:27 [DarkHues] Sweet. Coan’t wait 2 see the vid. So r u on any new shows. Some friends of mine said they spotted u on Greek?

21:10:35 [Exia] Nathan: cool, cool

21:10:36 [KRMatirx] Hey how was Mike Moh on the set

21:10:40 [Harlcok] Nathan, forgive me if this is a spoiler question but, did you make a lot of alterations to Kamen Rider Wrath?

21:10:57 [leikaman] Are any of the cast and crew on Facebook?

21:10:58 [PatC] What parts of Los Angeles did you guys shoot in?

21:11:08 [RisLauren] Yes I’ve filmed 10 episodes of Greek so far….I just filmed another one this week

21:11:10 [InuiTakumi] Question
to whoever can answer: In the Japanese version, they do a pose when
they transform. Did you ever think of adopting that like how PR does
with their transformations?

21:11:22 [leikaman] Don’t worry, I’m not a stalker! LOL

21:11:24 [Nathan] Wrath is definitely different than he was in Ryuki, yes, but I can’t tell you how.

21:11:32 [Kitt] Did you guys also get along with Mark Musashi seeing as how he’s a big time stunt actor

21:11:34 [MattMullin] Valencia, san pedro, Woodland hills

21:11:44 [RisLauren] u guys can find me on myspace

21:11:48 [zanki] Awesome, that will make the show more fun for me to watch!

21:11:52 [PatC] Woodland Hills? Seriously, that’s where I live

21:11:53 [RisLauren] search Marisa Lauren Music

21:11:54 [PatC] Small world

21:11:56 [Nathan] Downtown LA… a lot!

21:12:02 [MattMullin] Mark is awesome- he got together to kick a bunch. very nice guy

21:12:08 [DarkHues] How did that go?

21:12:08 [juliegBT] YAY for greek, I love that show….hope to see more of you and Eileen there and maybe VALERIE….hehehehe

21:12:19 [-xBladex-] Is Mark going to stunt act for KRDK?? Anyone know?

21:12:21 [RisLauren] ok guys….gotta run! Love U xxxxxx

21:12:24 [Harlcok] Nathen does he still have his signiture move?

21:12:29 [Merkypie] Bye Marisa!!

21:12:32 [leikaman] I’ll definitely be sure to add you, Marisa!

21:12:33 [Orphenoch] bye Marisa

21:12:34 [Phil] Isn’t Mark that guy from GARO I’m not good with names

21:12:37 [PRangerX] Thanks for coming Ris Lauren

21:12:38 [Exia] thanks
for chatting with us again, guys. i know i’m repeating myself, but it’s
very nice to know how down to earth the actors and staff are.

21:12:41 [MattMullin] have fun tonight ris!

21:12:43 [DarkHues] BYE!!!!!!SPLASHLEY 4eva

21:12:47 [ForeverRed] Question for Matt, did you ever saw Mark hit Keith Justice? Sorry, it just hit my mind.

21:12:50 [InuiTakumi] Bye Marissa, nice to meet you!

21:12:51 [YellowS] Bye

21:12:53 [Aoiblue] bye bye

21:12:55 [leikaman] Phil… Yes he is the guy from Garo.

21:12:56 [Exia] thanks a lot.

21:12:57 [Nathan] Does who have a sig move?

21:12:59 [nerefir] yeah you guys are awesome

21:13:13 [KRMatirx] Marisa thank you so much! Pleasure to meet you! Best of wishes.

21:13:13 [PatC] Matt, do you actually know where you shot in Woodland Hills? I’m interested since I live there and all.

21:13:14 [Nathan] Bye, Marissa.

21:13:17 [Merkypie] Welp im off. Sayonara minna-sama

21:13:23 [MattMullin] um nope

21:13:24 [ForeverRed] Thank you,Marissa, for the chat!

21:13:26 [nerefir] night merky

21:13:28 [Harlcok] Wrath, does he still do the whole time thing, or have I got my riders mixed up?

21:13:33 [-xBladex-] BYE MERKY

21:13:42 [MattMullin] at warner center

21:13:47 [leikaman] He also stars in Cutey Honey the Live as the guy who says “SHIT!” a lot! LOL

21:13:49 [Nathan] No spoilers, sorry.

21:13:53 [hojkl] If
you guys do another Rider show are you going to film it again in LA or
somewhere else and will it connect with this show or will it be it’s
own thing?

21:13:54 [KRMatirx] Someone told me Mark Mushashi was the stunt guy for Wing Knight costume. true? or false? or cant say lol?

21:14:03 [MattMullin] OK guys I have to jet too. Thanks for having us!!

21:14:05 [DarkHues] I love SON!!!!!It’s been a huge inspiration.

21:14:13 [Harlcok] Bye Matt

21:14:16 [PRangerX] Thanks Matt

21:14:24 [Lisa_J] Have a good night, Matt.

21:14:26 [Orphenoch] bye matt

21:14:28 [PatC] Warner Center? That’s awesome. Thanks for being here, Matt

21:14:28 [Kitt] Bye MAtt.

21:14:30 [nerefir] night matt, thanks for chatting with us

21:14:31 [-xBladex-] Bye bye Matt.

21:14:32 [leikaman] It was a pleasure chatting to you Matt….

21:14:32 [InuiTakumi] thanks for talking to us Matt. Have a good night

21:14:32 [DarkHues] And besides……I love Marisa’s music.

21:14:33 [Nathan] We’re not the guys who decide where things are shot, so I’m afraid I don’t know.

21:14:35 [ForeverRed] Okay, Matt! Thanks for chatting with us! Goodnight!

21:14:37 [zanki] Bye Matt, thanks for answering my questions

21:14:38 [KRMatirx] Matt Mullins! What a pleasure no an honor to meet you! Good bye see you soon hopefully!

21:14:41 [dukemon22] see ya Matt, thanks

21:14:43 [Nathan] See ya, Matt!

21:14:43 [MattMullin] if you guys have any questions hit me up at mattmullins.com

21:14:54 [DarkHues] Peace out people

21:15:02 [Harlcok] See ya

21:15:02 [-xBladex-] lol your own website with your name. awesomeness.

21:15:03 [maskedshuu] Thank you for coming Matt

21:15:05 [Nathan] And I gotta get going too, thanks all for the chat. This was great!

21:15:07 [InuiTakumi] Ill definitely do that. Thanks

21:15:15 [Aoiblue] Good bye

21:15:16 [ForeverRed] Take care, everyone. Nice to have you in chat, Nathan. Take care.

21:15:20 [PatC] Thanks for your time Nathan

21:15:21 [PRangerX] Thank Nathan

21:15:23 [KRfan] is that a website or a email address?

21:15:29 [dukemon22] thanks Nathan, take care

21:15:30 [KRMatirx] Thank you Nathan

21:15:31 [ForeverRed] Adios

21:15:32 [InuiTakumi] bye, Nathan. glad to hav you on, and congrats on makin an awesome show

21:15:32 [KRfan] thank you nathan

21:15:34 [nerefir] krfan, that’s his website

21:15:42 [-xBladex-] lol hence the “.com”

21:15:43 [-xBladex-] =D

21:15:49 [nerefir] thanks for chatting with us nathan

21:15:54 [KRfan] nerefir thanks

21:15:58 [gogogo0718] Thank you all

21:15:59 [Nathan] Night. Take care.

21:16:01 [Aoiblue] thanks and goodbye Nathan

21:16:03 [-xBladex-] Bye byes Nathan

21:16:06 [nerefir] have a great holiday nathan

21:16:10 [graham] Nite Nathan

21:16:24 [grapefield] Thanks for your time Nathan!

Keith Justice

Published by
Keith Justice

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