Known as Ryu Ga Gotoku in Japan, Yakuza is set to hit these shores early September. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s said to be the spiritual successor to one of my all time favorite video games, the epic and majestic Shenmue Saga. That right there is good enough to get my money. Broadcast Gamer posted up audio preview along with some hearty helpings of video game news. Soon after listening I ran out, picked up the demo in OPM (for fwickin’ 10 bucks?!?!?!) and started to explore my inner Japanese martial art gangster. I’ll see about writing up a more full preview later but the game seems to have some kinda setting where it winks out and back to the menu screen after 15 minutes of gameplay, which I find questionable at best. In the mean time, sllllliiiide your mouse over here or click the above picture to listen to M.C. Wilson’s coverage of what looks like one of the last great games for the PlayStation 2.